Local Advisory Committee Members – Auckland
Applications open from 25 September – 23 October 2024
3 bullet points on SEEK (80 characters max including spaces):
ACT 1982
• Are you a leader in your community with an understanding of local risks?
• Can you actively maintain and develop your community relationships
• Keen to make a tangible difference to your community and broaden your experience
Local Advisory Committees: cal for new voices
We’re seeking members for the new Auckland LAC that are well connected to their
community, act as a leader and can communicate across a broad range of groups.
more about the commit ees already established.
Reflecting the diversity of community voices
E koekoe te tūī, e ketekete te kākā, e kūkū te kererū
Reflecting the diversity of community voices
This historic whakataukī reminds us that it takes a multitude of voices to create harmony
Local Advisory Committees (LACs) are appointed by the Fire and Emergency New Zealand
Board and provide independent advice about what their communities value, their needs, and
the risks they face. The LACs help to shape the future of Fire and Emergency’s support for
communities by enabling us to better understand what matters to the community.
more about the commit ees already established.
By understanding the issues each community is facing, we can better support them to
reduce risk, prepare for, respond to, and recover well from emergencies.
Each LAC has a Chair and Deputy Chair and typically has between 5 to 9 members.
Appointments are for up to three years, with the possibility of reappointment.
The new Auckland LAC will spread from manawhai in the nor
RELEASED UNDER THE OFFICIAL th, down to Bombay and will
help Fire and Emergency work with communities to prepare for, respond to, and recover
from emergencies when they happen. The committee wil cover our biggest city with
1.65mil ion people made up of over 200 ethnic groups, spread over a mix of densely
populated, sprawling urban areas and large rural spaces. It is vital to the success of our LAC
that we have the right blend of people to give voice to the varied ethnic and cultural
communities, businesses, commercial and industry sector’s. It will cover three of Fire and
Emergency’s Districts – Auckland City, Counties Manukau and Waitemata.
Are you someone who:
• Is a leader in your community, well connected and can communicate with a broad
range of interest groups?
• Has a good understanding of local risks and issues and has a desire to make our
communities safe?
• Has governance experience and can think strategically and pragmatically about
local risks and issues?
• Is known for your integrity in your local community?
ACT 1982
• Is highly collaborative and inclusive of different views?
What is expected of committee members
• Attend all committee meetings, undertake the required preparation, and actively
participate in commit ee discussions fully, frankly and constructively
• Actively develop and maintain community relationships so you can continue to
represent the needs and risks of those communities
• Input into planning and reporting, providing a voice into how Fire and Emergency
New Zealand can make a difference
• Exercise confidentiality, discretion and personal sensitivity and adhere to Fire and
Emergency New Zealand policies and guidelines
Benefits for committee members
• Being able to make a tangible difference to your community by helping shape
plans to reduce impacts of emergencies on your community
• Personal connections with the Fire and Emergency New Zealand Board, District
management, members of your committee and commit ees across Aotearoa New
• Gain experience in governance
If this sounds like you, then we would love to receive your application. To apply for an LAC
in your area, apply now.
Applications are open from 25 September until 23 October, and interviewing will begin in late
November. Please note that the applications require a writ en response to questions, if you
need support or would prefer providing a verbal response to be notated please let us know.
If you have any questions, please contact us at
[email address]
Document Outline