27 November 2024
File Ref: IRC-7466
David Edmund
[FYI request #29138 email]
Tēnā koe David,
Thank you for your emails dated 11 November 2024 to Te Kaunihera o Pōneke | Wel ington City
Council (the Council) requesting the following information relating to the proposal for
Parking Fees parking fees:
1. Received at 12:39pm
Can you provide costings of the proposed parking fees for motorcycles. This should include
consultancy, admin time for the proposals and consultation, set up costs and
running/operational costs including parking wardens, administration, and contractors.
2. Received at 3:03pm
The annual cost to WCC of existing motorcycle parking in the CBD for the last financial year
and the previous year.
3. Received at 3:06pm
Can you elaborate on how, or if weighting is applied to your surveys; for instance, are those
who are directly affected compared to those who are not directly af ected?
Your request has been considered under the Local Government Of icial Information and Meetings Act
1987 (LGOIMA). Please find the response to your questions below:
Question 1 – Can you provide costings of the proposed parking fees for motorcycles. This should include
consultancy, admin time for the proposals and consultation, set up costs and running/operational costs including
parking wardens, administration, and contractors.
Consultancy costs are $13,000 and this includes Traffic Resolution drawings and consultation/survey
design input. The development and installation of metered motorcycle parking is expected to cost
approximately $210,000 in total. This is confirmed as part of the budget in the 2024-34 Long-term
Submission analysis has not yet been calculated as consultation continues until 1 December;
therefore, this part of your request has been refused under section 17(g) of the LGOIMA as the
requested information is not held.
In regard to operational costs, our enforcement practices already include monitoring motorcycle
parking areas, this enforcement includes ensuring vehicles have a current warrant of fitness and
registration. Since these enforcement activities are already in place, there wil be no additional costs
associated with enforcing motorcycle parking if we move to a paid system.
Question 2 – The annual cost to WCC of existing motorcycle parking in the CBD for the last financial year and
the previous year.
I am unable to provide you with costs associated with parking enforcement for motorcycle bays, as
staff are salaried and we do not record the number of hours spent on the varying areas of their roles,
which includes enforcement of motorcycle bays. This part of your request has been refused under
section 17(g) of the LGOIMA because the requested information is not held.
However, I can provide you with the costs of maintaining the signage and line markings for motorcycle
parking in the CBD, this information has been provided below. Please note, as line marking for this
financial year has not yet been undertaken, we are unable to provide you with these costings, this part
of your request has also been refused under section 17(g) of the LGOIMA.
Line marking
Financial Year
$1,115.85 N/A
Question 3 - Can you elaborate on how, or if weighting is applied to your surveys; for instance, are those who
are directly affected compared to those who are not directly affected?
I emailed you on 20 November regarding this part of your request and to clarify if you were referring to
the survey within the Motorcycle Metered Parking Project Report. I have not received a response,
however to progress with your request and ensure you receive this by 1 December I have interpreted
this part to be referring to the surveys outlined within the
Motorcycle Metered Parking report (page
As mentioned in this report, a survey was conducted in August of this year to obtain data on the use
of central city motorcycle parks. As this survey was targeted for occupancy, no weighting was applied
to this survey.
In making my decision, I have considered the public interest considerations in section 7(1) of the Act
and determined there are no public interests which outweigh the grounds for withholding.
You have the right, by way of complaint under section 28(1) of the LGOIMA, to request an
investigation and review of the Council’s decision to withhold information by the Ombudsman.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
If you require further information, please contact
of [email address].
Nāku noa, nā
Ollie Marchant
Senior Advisor
Of icial Information & Privacy
Wellington City Council
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