This opportunity in a nutshell
What we need
We’re seeking an integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that enables implementation of new
system capabilities efficiently with a single provider with an integrated technology stack. To improve our
efficiencies across the business, we intend to simplify and standardise our business processes across all
corporate functions; procuring an ERP will help us achieve this goal.
The purpose of this RFP is to select a single technology solution and receive recommendations for a delivery
partner. Ideally, the technology we select will serve Callaghan Innovation for the better part of a decade by
covering as many of the following modules as possible (in order of importance):
Financial management information system (FMIS). Current system; Microsoft Navision + MiBi
Human resources information system (HRIS). No incumbent system.
Procurement management information system (PMIS). No incumbent system.
Asset management information systems (AMIS). No incumbent system.
While all systems above are in scope of this procurement,
FMIS and HRIS will be the focus of our evaluation. The
following table sets out the key characteristics we’re looking for in an ERP solution.
Solution Requirements
Cloud SAAS solution
The technology solution will be a Cloud Software-as-a-Service type, placing
responsibility for the application, operating system, and infrastructure on the
technology provider, iIn alignment with
Government’s Cloud First Policy.
Baseline people data
Consistent and reliable people data will flow seamlessly between our finance
and human resource systems
Secure architecture
The solution will utilise modern protection mechanisms, providing acceptable
levels of defence from malicious actors.
Data security, privacy and
All data will be owned by Callaghan Innovation and controls in place to protect
data, including personally identifiable information, to relevant standards.
Scaleable functionality
The solution will be implemented as part of a phased approach and hence will
require the ability to easily add modules over time.
User experience
Our users require a simple, logical, process driven user interface.
Configuration not
Almost all functional requirements can be met without custom development.
The solution provider should have an NZ presence and provide local support
with support hours aligned to NZ business hours.
Accessible via integration
The solution must “play nice” with integration platforms, allowing fit with our
existing application portfolio.
Evergreen release path by
The solution must demonstrate a commitment to an evergreen release pattern,
with a clear technical roadmap with a defined upgrade path that is published
early and socialised with clients to enable meaningful adoption, with the ability
to preview enhancements in an early release adoption offering.
Why should you bid?
This is an opportunity to work with a unique organisation which provides a single front door to New Zealand’s
innovation system. Callaghan Innovation works closely with government departments, agencies, research
institutions, polytechnics, and universities to help businesses turn ideas into internationally marketable products
quickly and successfully.
The Successful Respondent will be our core ERP provider that we’ll be engaging over the years to adapt our
corporate system needs. We anticipate this technology will enable a significant change in how our people
innovate, collaborate and focus on high value work.
Request for Proposals
www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz I Page 2
A bit about us
Callaghan Innovation is New Zealand’s innovation agency. We
activate innovation and help businesses grow faster for a better
New Zealand. We partner with ambitious businesses of all sizes,
delivering a range of research and development (R&D),
commercialisation and innovation services. Our staff – including
more than 200 of New Zealand’s leading scientists and engineers –
empower innovators by connecting people, opportunities and
networks, and providing tailored technical solutions, skills and
capability development programmes, and co-funded grants.
We also enhance the operation of New Zealand’s innovation ecosystem, working closely with the Ministry of
Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, New Zealand Venture Investment
Fund, Crown Research Institutes, and other organisations that help increase business investment in R&D and
innovation. We operate from five urban offices and a regional partner network in a further 12 locations
Request for Proposals
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link to page 5 link to page 10
SECTION 1: Key information
1.1 Context
a. This Request for Proposal (RFP) is an exclusive invitation to suitably qualified suppliers to submit a
Proposal for the contract opportunity. This RFP is a single-step, closed procurement process.
b. Words and phrases that have a special meaning are shown by the use of capitals e.g. Respondent.
Definitions are at the end of
Section 6.
1.2 Our timeline
a. Here is our timeline for this RFP (NZ dates and times)
Steps in RFP process:
Deadline for Questions from suppliers
7 February 2023
Deadline for the Buyer to answer suppliers’ questions:
10 February 2023
Date of the supplier briefing session:
26 January 2023
Deadline for Proposals:
5pm 14 February 2023
Respondents’ demonstration:
Week starting 30 January 2023
Unsuccessful Respondents notified of award of Contract:
March 2023
Anticipated Contract start date:
01 April 2023
1.3 How to contact us
a. While the RFP is in the market, all RFP enquiries must be submitted via the Q&A function in GETS.
b. If you would like to attend our supplier briefing session please email our Point of Contact to register.
Our Point of Contact: [email address]
1.4 Developing and submitting your Proposal
a. This is a closed, competitive tender process. The RFP sets out the step-by-step process and
conditions that apply.
b. Take time to read and understand the RFP. In particular:
develop a strong understanding of our Requirements detailed in
Section 2.
ii. in structuring your Proposal consider how it will be evaluated.
Section 3 describes our Evaluation
c. For helpful hints on tendering and access to a supplier resource centre, see
this guide.
d. If anything is unclear or you have a question, ask us to explain via GETS.
e. In submitting your Proposal you must use the Response Forms provided.
f. You must also complete and sign the
declaration at the end of the Response Form.
g. Check you have provided all information requested, and in the format and order asked for.
h. Please ensure you get your Proposal to us before the
Deadline for Proposals
1.5 Address for submitting your Proposal
a. Proposals must be submitted electronically via GETS.
1.6 Our RFP Process, Terms and Conditions
Offer Validity Period: In submitting a Proposal the Respondent agrees that their offer will remain
open for acceptance by the Buyer for three calendar months from the Deadline for Proposals.
b. The RFP is subject to the RFP Process, Terms and Conditions (shortened to RFP-Terms) described in
Section 6. We have not made any variation to the RFP-Terms.
1.7 Later changes to the RFP or RFP process
a. If, after publishing the RFP, but before the Deadline for Proposals, we need to change anything
about the RFP, or RFP process, or want to provide potential suppliers with additional information we
will let all potential suppliers know by placing a notice on the Government Electronic Tenders
Service (GETS) at
b. If, after the Deadline for Proposals, we need to change anything about the RFP, RFP process, or
want to provide respondents with additional information, we will notify the respondents, but are not
obliged to notify all potential suppliers.
c. If you downloaded the RFP from GETS you will automatically be sent notifications of any changes
through GETS by email.
Request for Proposals
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SECTION 2: Our Requirements
Let’s have a chat...
To supplement the information provided in this RFP, we’re conducting a video briefing that one person from
each Respondent may attend. This is being held at 11:00am 26 January 2023
. Respondents will have an
opportunity to ask questions of the Project Lead (this will not be an opportunity to ask technical questions).
Please note, attendees may learn of other potential suppliers intending to respond to this RFP through this call
– attendee names
may not be blocked. Respondents will be able to access the meeting via an addendum
we place on our GETS listing closer to the date. For those that can’t attend, we plan to upload a copy of the
slides used as a separate attachment following the session.
2.1 Background
This procurement relates to the purchase of a modern Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution. We are
focusing on the Financial Management Information Systems (FMIS) and Human Resource Information Systems
(HRIS) first, however we would also like to explore future integration opportunities across other corporate
systems. Callaghan Innovation has not had an integrated ERP system in the past so we’re excited to explore
the benefits from this approach.
The objectives of this procurement are to:
1. maximise public value and future-proof ourselves by selecting a fit-for-purpose ERP solution
2. receive suitably capable and experienced candidates for our delivery partner
3. minimise disruption to our people in implementing new ERP technology
4. align with generally accepted processes and approaches
5. ensure New Zealand businesses have an opportunity to be involved in delivering the work
This is a closed competitive procurement process. We have carefully selected a fixed number of recipients for
this RFP based on our market research and perceived fit with our requirements. Should we decide to not select
any respondent from this RFP, we reserve the right to reapproach the market with an alternative tendering
2.2 Current State
We currently use Microsoft Navision for our FMIS solution, supported by MiBi for reporting functionality. The table
below sets out our usage profile.
Approximate full-time
equivalents (FTEs)
425 Permanent, temporary, fixed-term
Contract resources
105 Contractors and third-party contractors
Total staff
NAV No/low use users
186 General staff
NAV Medium use users
290 Self-service users - People leaders, cost centre managers, project
NAV High use users
54 Power users – finance, human resources, procurement
MiBi High use users
60 Power users – finance, human resources, procurement
MiBi Medium use users
15 Self-service users - People leaders, cost centre managers, project
0 No systems in place
Below is a diagram illustrating our current systems environment. Respondents should review this carefully to
help ensure they proposed fit for purpose solutions.
Request for Proposals
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2.3 What we’re buying and why
The key outcomes we would like to achieve which respondents should keep in mind when developing their
responses include:
standardising our processes, procedures, and behaviours with generally accepted best practice
(potentially aligning with the
All of Government Common Process Model);
freeing up our people’s time and enabling them to focus on higher impact work;
accessing and using our corporate systems anywhere at any time;
great customer experience with the function to seamlessly interact with other tasks such as timesheets
and core people data;
ability to run the function in a safe and secure manner; and
aligning with overarching strategic approaches including:
a single source of truth for all corporate systems data
a single way to integrate to all other applications outside the corporate system environment
a single cloud technology stack that’s secure, scalable, and resilient
Our intention is to select one technology provider to meet all FMIS, HRIS, PMIS, AMIS and potentially other
ERP-related corporate system requirements over the next five to ten years Any agreement we enter into will
not constitute an exclusive arrangement for these systems or their individual components. For example, when
we come to implement an AMIS, we may decide to explore alternate providers if we think more suitable
options are available.
Below sets out our functional requirements for an ERP solution. We have limited these to base requirements
only. We expect to explore a more detailed version of our requirements with Respondents following this RFP.
FMIS Functional Requirements (summarised)
HRIS Functional Requirements (summarised)
Accounts Payable
Expense management
Project Accounting
Strategic workforce planning
Timecards/ Timesheets
Performance management and career
Fixed assets
Request for Proposals
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Accounts receivable
Staff movements
Budgeting, Forecasting & Reporting
Learning and Development
Fully supported through mobile, tablet and
Remuneration planning
Remuneration administration
Employee self-service portals
Cash Management/ Bank reconciliation
Benefits planning and administration
General Ledger
Time and attendance administration
Access, Security & Internal Control
Insights and analytics dashboard
Employee engagement
Licence tracking/management
Payroll administration
Advanced search and filtering functionality (e.g.
Employee information/data management
Ability to search by other information, such as
Exit management
product/ items other than just PO/ invoice)
Organisational design and management
Ability to accept chemical symbols (special
Integration options
Employee relations
PMIS Functional Requirements (summarised)
AMIS Functional Requirements (summarised)
Supplier Directory
Digital equipment maintenance
Requisition/ Purchase Order Management
Property, Infrastructure, Facility asset
Contract Management
management for different locations
Full integration with Project Accounting
Supplier Relationship Management
Full integration with Fixed Assets module
Our requirements refer to those features we desire for our ideal ERP solution; coverage across all requirements
is not an expectation for this procurement. Instead, we’re interested in which of these can be covered and
which ones cannot. We know other technologies may be required to achieve coverage across all
We’re focusing on FMIS and HRIS together because we recognise the dependencies these systems have on
one another. In selecting a technology that can do both of these systems well, we expect our people data will
be able to seamlessly flow between the systems and deliver a seamless and coordinated user experience.
2.4 Solution Demonstrations and Interactive Workshops
We recognise a written RFP response only tells part of the story. We’re eager to meet you in-person to discuss
our detailed requirements and witness your technology solution in action. We anticipate undertaking the
Duration Format
The aim of this is to familiarise the evaluation panel
1 hour
with your FMIS and HRIS systems at a high level prior to
the RFP
evaluating and scoring your written RFP response.
This workshop will be used to demonstrate how your
Half - full In-person After RFP
technology solution responds to predefined usage
scenarios based on our detailed requirements
(provided prior). There will be opportunities to discuss
our requirements, current state, implementation plan
etc. Required.
We’ll be in contact with you to set up the above demonstration and workshop.
2.5 Proposed contract term
We anticipate contract commencement will be 1 April 2023. Please note dates and duration of contract are
subject to possible changes (for example, through negotiation).
Request for Proposals
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Initial term of the Contract
2 years
Options to extend the Contract
Up to 3 extensions of two years each i.e. 2+2+2+2
Maximum term of the Contract
8 years
2.6 Key project milestones
The following are the key outcomes that we want a provider to help us achieve.
Key milestones
Indicative date for delivery
Programme kick-off & discovery: document current state, define business
May 2023
requirements, deliver detailed workplan
Future state design (system & process)
June 2023
Detailed design (system & process)
August 2023
January 2024 - post launch
System launch
Project management of implementation
Training and support
Throughout and post launch
Change management (including strategy)
Data migration (including strategy)
2.7 Our tender documents
The following documents make up this tender.
This RFP document
Sets out our scope, requirements, and how we’ll select a provider
Written Response Form
Contains key questions that respondents need to answer (MS Word Doc)
Requirements Response From Contains a questionnaire covering all functional requirements (Excel
Terms and Conditions
The RFP terms and conditions Respondents must agree to upon submitting a
Proposal (MS Word Doc)
2.8 Multiple systems
Our preference is for each Respondent to recommend one ERP system based on fit with our requirements. If
Respondents have a second ERP system they would like us to consider, they should submit an additional
separate proposal.
Request for Proposals
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2.9 Delivery Partner
We’re also using this RFP to help identify a delivery partner who will be responsible for:
Leading our implementation of the technology
Ongoing support throughout our continued use of the modules
Future amendments to our ERP technology stack over time, for example, the addition of PMIS and
AMIS modules.
You are requested to suggest up to three possible candidates for the delivery partner with overviews of why
each candidate is being recommended. The extent to which you understand our requirements and select fit
for purpose candidates may influence our evaluation of your proposal. Your candidates must be formally
certified to implement your technology.
We encourage you to engage candidates to understand their ability to meet our requirements. In considering
candidates, respondents should take into account our evaluation criteria below which we aim to use to select
our preferred partner. We encourage you to review these carefully and discuss these with those you think will
make suitable candidates.
Evaluation Criteria:
Description (we’re interested in…):
Minimum expectations
Majority of personnel working on the project will be New Zealand
based with knowledge of the typical workings of New Zealand
government agencies.
Ability to complete implementation by Mid 2024.
Demonstrable financial viability
Adequate insurance to cover the engagement;
Compliance with all applicable legislation.
Successful track record with similar projects
Sufficient capacity to deliver the project amidst current labour
challenges in the NZ IT sector
Expert knowledge about the ERP technology and collaborative
relationship with the technology provider
1. Technical
Extent to which the provider can navigate a complex change
programme and meet the procurement objectives
Extent to which the draft implementation is realistic, reflects our
requirements, and is likely to deliver successful outcomes
Understanding and ability to implement standard FMIS and HRIS
government processes and controls (for example, the AoG common
process model)
2. Diversity
Extent to which diversity features in the provider’s value proposition
Extent to which the provider supports minority demographics (for
example, Māori, women, and Pacifica) by involving them in their
business or supporting industry initiatives
Impacts winning this procurement opportunity may have on the
provider’s diversity levels
3. People and
Presence of on-ground staff in New Zealand
Implementation team credentials and levels of expertise
Extent to which successful implementations have been completed
customers of a similar nature to Callaghan Innovation
4. Workplace Culture
Extent to which the provider operates ethically and supports the health
under and wellbeing of their staff and the people they work with.
5. Pricing and
Estimated whole of life cost of the engagement
Extent to which the resourcing is appropriate for the work required
Approach to help ensuring cost certainty
We expect to select our delivery partner by assessing the candidates through workshops. Workshops will
provide the opportunity for candidates to explain how they would implement the chosen ERP technology and
work with our project team. More details about how we intend to select our delivery partner will be accessible
once we’ve reviewed the candidates.
Request for Proposals
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Should we decide not to select any of the candidates
provided to us by Respondents through this RFP, or, if we
think more suitable providers exist, we reserve the right
to conduct an alternative tendering process (for
example, by issuing a separate RFP).
In addition to the delivery partner (and separate to this
RFP) we aim to use an external change management
specialist and data migration specialist to support this
project (see right). The technology provider and delivery
partner will be expected to work effectively with all
parties and their ability to do this may influence how we
evaluate their proposal.
SECTION 3: Our Evaluation ApproachInformation
3.1 Evaluation model
We are using weighted attributes to help select a technology provider. A ‘two envelope’ system will be used
for the evaluation. This means that Respondents must provide all financial information relating to price,
expenses and costs in a separate folder. The evaluation panel will firstly score each Proposal based on the
weighted criteria listed below. Proposals will then be ranked according to their scores. Following completion of
the scoring the financial information will be presented to the panel. The panel will then assess which Proposals
to shortlist based on the best public value over the whole-of-life of the Contract.
3.2 Minimum expectations
Below sets out the minimum standards that we expect all respondents to meet in order to submit a compliant
# Minimum Expectations
Financial stability
The Respondent confirms there are no proceedings (including, but not limited to, bankruptcy,
de-registration, insolvency), either actual or threatened, against the Respondent or related or
associated entities, including any over the last five years.
The Respondent confirms neither themselves nor associated entities are currently in default of any
arrangement or contract that would be likely to adversely affect your financial capacity to
provide services.
The Respondent confirms there are no other factors which might affect the financial viability of the
Respondent to successfully provide the services as detailed in the RFP.
The Respondent confirms they are solvent and able to meet all debts as and when they fall due in
the normal course of business.
The Respondent confirms there are no pending mergers/acquisitions or litigations, either actual or
threatened, against them.
The Respondent confirms that the Respondent holds:
Professional Indemnity insurance to the value of at least $5M
Public Liability Insurance to the value of at least $5M
Request for Proposals
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Cyber Security Insurance to the value of at least $5M
The Respondent can provide evidence of the above if requested.
Organisational Conduct
The Successful Respondent must adhere to standards and codes of practice that would reasonably be Act
expected to be followed and/or applied by a prudent and experienced business in New Zealand,
including any codes of conduct issued by the New Zealand Government from time to time (including
those set out on the
New Zealand Government Procurement website. The Respondent confirms it can
Evidence of measures being taken to implement corporate social responsibility and ethical
practices, (including any on-going investment in staff development);
Details on performance over the past two years with regards to complying with Reasonable
corporate social responsibility requirements
Details on the nature of any events including steps taken to address and/or remedy the situation
regarding any incidents or occurrences that have fallen short of such requirements.
4 The Respondent confirms they have capacity to support implementation of the Buyer’s FMIS system by July
Local resources
5 The Respondent confirms they have personnel based in New Zealand that, if required, could support the
implementation process of their ERP solution.
Legal compliance
6 The Respondent confirms their ERP solution has the ability to meet, and will enable Callaghan Innovation
to comply with, all relevant legislation and standards, including:
Public Finance Act 1989 and 2013.
Privacy Act 2020.
Public Records Act 2005 and associated Information and Records Management Standard
(Archives NZ).
the New Zealand Government Web Standards, including:
Web Accessibility Standard 1.1, NZ Digital government;
Web Usability Standard 1.3, NZ Digital government.
NZ Information Security Manual, or equivalent standard for the hosting location.
Cloud SaaS
7 The Respondent confirms their technology solution is cloud software-as-a-service, in which the Respondent
has responsibility for the application, operating system, and associated infrastructure.
If our initial assessment reveals that a Proposal is deficient against the minimum expectations then we will
determine whether to:
contact the Respondent with a view to them correcting the deficiency; and/or providing any
necessary clarification; or
reject the Proposal.under
In deciding which course of action to take, we will take into account (amongst other things) the extent of the
deficiency and whether providing an opportunity to remedy the deficiency would materially advantage
and/or materially disadvantage other Respondents.
3.3 Evaluation criteria
We have weighted our requirements based on their importance to us. Conversely, price (value for money) is
not weighted but will be a key determinant in our selection of a Successful Respondent.
Evaluation Categories
Criteria 1. Proposed FMIS Technology Solution
40% of total score
Request for Proposals
www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz I Page 11
Technical Merit - ability of
Coverage of base functionality typical of a high quality and
the proposed FMIS
government-worthy FMIS solution
solution to meet the
Alignment to our key FMIS requirements
project objectives
User experience; users require a simple, logical, process driven user
Criteria 2. Proposed HRIS Technology Solution
30% of total score
Technical Merit - ability for Coverage of base functionality typical of a high quality and
the proposed HRIS solution government-worthy HRIS solution
to meet the project
User experience; users require a simple, logical, process driven user
Criteria 3. Fit with non-functional requirements
20% of total score
Scaleable functionality
The solution will be implemented as part of a phased approach
and hence will require the ability to easily add modules over time
(for example, PMIS and AMIS).
Use of baseline people
Consistent and reliable people data will flow seamlessly between
our finance and human resource systems
Support approach
The solution provider should have an NZ presence and provide local
support with support hours aligned to NZ business hours. Information
Accessible via integration The solution must “play nice” with integration platforms, allowing fit
with our existing application portfolio.
Evergreen release path by The solution must demonstrate a commitment to an evergreen
release pattern, with a clear technical roadmap with a defined
upgrade path that is published early and socialised with clients to
enable meaningful adoption, with the ability to preview
enhancements in an early release adoption offering.
Criteria 4. Organisational Conduct
10% of total score
People and wellbeing
Approach to ensuring employee wellbeing
Extent to which diversity is a key principle in the organisation
Criteria 5. Security
Security Risk
Level of risk associated with secure architecture, and data security,
privacy and sovereignty. Ideally, the solution will utilise modern
protection mechanisms, providing acceptable levels of defence
from malicious actors. All data will be owned by Callaghan
Innovation and controls in place to protect data, including
personally identifiable information, to relevant standards.
Criteria 6. Delivery Partner
Delivery Partner
Recommended delivery partners
Criteria 7. Value for Money - non-weighted
Licensing and hosting costs versus other respondents. Potential
sources of added value.
Scoring will be completed via review of written Proposals and by considering the interactions with providers in
demonstrations and workshops.
Some evaluation criteria are non-weighted. This means they will not be quantitatively scored as part of the
calculation of the provider’s overall score. Instead, the results of these assessments will be compared with the
provider scores to inform the selection on a public value basis. For the purposes of this procurement,
non-weighted criteria are considered equally important.
Request for Proposals
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3.4 Scoring
The following scoring scale will be used in evaluating Proposals. Scores by individual panel members may be
modified through moderation processes across the whole evaluation panel. The judging of any evaluation
criteria, weighting, rating, scoring assessment, moderation, valuing (including any assumptions, risk, or
otherwise) and/or review in relation to this RFP process, will be judged in our sole discretion.
Exceeds the criterion. Exceptional demonstration by the Respondent of the relevant
significantly exceeds the
ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to
meet the criterion. Proposal identifies factors that will offer potential added value,
with supporting evidence.
Satisfies the criterion with minor additional benefits. Above average demonstration
exceeds the criterion in
by the Respondent of the relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource
some aspects
and quality measures required to meet the criterion. Proposal identifies factors that
will offer potential added value, with supporting evidence.
Satisfies the criterion. Demonstration by the Respondent of the relevant ability,
meets the criterion in full,
understanding, experience, skills, resource, and quality measures required to meet
but at a minimal level
the criterion, with supporting evidence.
Satisfies the criterion with minor reservations. Some minor reservations of the
marginally deficient
Respondent’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality
measures required to meet the criterion, with little or no supporting evidence.
Satisfies the criterion with major reservations. Considerable reservations of the
significant issues that
respondent’s relevant ability, understanding, experience, skills, resource and quality
need to be addressed
measures required to meet the criterion, with little or no supporting evidence.
Does not meet the criterion. Does not comply and/or insufficient information
significant issues not
provided to demonstrate that the Respondent has the ability, understanding,
capable of being
experience, skills, resource and quality measures required to meet the criterion, with
little or no supporting evidence. Official
3.5 Public Value and Selection
For Callaghan Innovation, public value means getting the best possible results over the life of the
engagement using resources effectively, economically, and without waste - including benefits to ourselves,
our stakeholders, minority demographics, the taxpayer, and the natural environment. Public value includes
considerations that are not directly focused on price or the actual goods being procured. For instance,
aspects of a Proposal that may be viewed favourably could include initiatives to improve worker conditions,
support disadvantaged demographics across New Zealand, and invest in the natural environment.
The Successful Respondent may not be the respondent that scores the highest numerical scores against the
weighted evaluation criteria. In our public value assessment, we will ensure the Successful Respondent has the
optimal mix of the following:
compliance with our minimum expectations
numerical scores against our weighted evaluation criteria
assessments against our non-weighted criteria
levels of risk associated with the proposal
overarching fit with our people and organisational culture
due diligence findings
any other elements that may support broader outcome initiatives not specifically requested in our
tender documentation
Despite technical fit (for example, integration with existing systems, alignment to our security framework, etc.)
being only a portion of a Respondent’s final score, if we find technical issues with a Respondent that means
the proposed solution is unlikely to meet our objectives, or, we have significant reservations in the validity of
the information provided, then we will reserve the right not to select that Respondent or continue evaluating
their response.
Request for Proposals
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3.6 Evaluation process and due diligence
We intend to evaluate proposals using the following process:
Proposals will be checked for compliance with the RFP process and minimum expectations
Evaluation team members will score Proposals against the Evaluation Criteria using a 10-point rating
Weightings will be applied and an overall score calculated for each Proposal.
Pricing will be analysed by modelling the whole of life costs.
Requests for clarification and/or additional information may be sought from Respondents at any time
(if required).
Moderation meetings will work through consistency of scoring.
Demonstrations and workshops may be undertaken at any time.
Negotiations may be conducted with Shortlisted Respondents. This may include refinements to the
proposed solutions.
Final negotiation and approval processes will be conducted and a contract (if any) executed.
We may provide any Proposal(s) to independent advisers appointed by us for the purpose of carrying out an
independent review of such Proposal(s) or to any relevant professional advisers.
We may undertake due diligence relating to any Respondent(s) at any time during the evaluation process (or
any negotiation phase). The outcome of this process may be taken into account when determining the final
outcome. Examples of due diligence activities we may undertake include: Information
reference checks;
product tests;
account audits;
credit checks; and
police checks
3.7 Negotiations
We’re likely to negotiate with Shortlisted Respondents. This will be scheduled after the initial evaluation of
Proposals. Negotiations may aim to seek agreement on matters such as conditions of supply, and the
commercial propositions of the Proposal.
Request for Proposals
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SECTION 4: Pricing information
1.4 Pricing information to be provided by respondents
Despite not being weighted, Price will be a key determinant in our selection of a Successful Respondent.
Irrespective of other parts of a response, a Respondent’s pricing must be competitive in order to be
considered for selection. Respondents are to provide their Price as part of their Proposal using the form
provided alongside this RFP. In submitting the Price, the Respondent must meet the following:
Respondents are to use the pricing schedule template provided.
The pricing schedule is to show a breakdown of all costs, fees, expenses and charges associated with
the full delivery of the Requirements over the whole-of-life of the Contract. It must also clearly state the
total Contract price exclusive of GST. Note, a five year timeframe has been used in the form for
simplicity and despite the suggested maximum contract length being eight years.
In preparing their Proposal, Respondents are to consider all risks, contingencies and other
circumstances relating to the delivery of the Requirements and include adequate provision in the
Proposal and pricing information to manage such risks and contingencies.
Respondents are to document in their Proposal all assumptions and qualifications made about the
delivery of the Requirements, including in the financial pricing information. Any assumption that the
Buyer or a third party will incur any cost related to the delivery of the Requirements is to be stated, and
the cost estimated if possible.
Prices should be stated in NZ$. Unless otherwise agreed, the Buyer will arrange contractual payments
in NZ$.
Respondents should use the comment fields in the form to provide any relevant information that may
assist us in comparing pricing responses across Respondents on a like-for-like basis.
Request for Proposals
www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz I Page 15
SECTION 5: Our Proposed Contract
5.1 Proposed Contract
We invite respondents to propose their own contracts for provision of their ERP solution. We expect your
contract will fall under one of the following categories:
DIA Government Cloud Framework Agreement
Other government collaborative contracts such as All-of-Government, common capability, CRI
collective, or syndicated.
Bespoke terms and conditions for this engagement
We remain open to how we contract with the delivery partner. We reserve the right to contract with the
candidate(s) directly, or through a subcontracting arrangement with the Successful Respondent. We aim to
discuss our Proposed Contract for the delivery partner with the candidates themselves.
SECTION 6: RFP Process, Terms and Conditions
Note to Respondents
In managing this procurement the Buyer will endeavour to act fairly and reasonably in all of its dealings
with interested suppliers and Respondents, and to follow due process which is open and transparent.
This section contains the government’s standard RFP Process, Terms and Conditions ( RFP-Terms) which
apply to this procurement. Any variation to the RFP-Terms will be recorded in Section 1, paragraph 1.6
of the RFP-Terms. Check to see if any changes have been made for this RFP.
Words and phrases that have a special meaning are shown by the use of capitals e.g. Respondent,
which means ‘
a person, organisation, business or other entity that submits a Proposal in response to the
RFP. The term Respondent includes its officers, employees, contractors, consultants, agents and
representatives. The term Respondent differs from a supplier, which is any other business in the market
place that does not submit a Proposal.’ Definitions are at the end of this section.
If you have any questions about the RFP-Terms please email our Point of Contact.
We have provided the Terms and Conditions as a separate attachment to this RFP.
Request for Proposals
www.callaghaninnovation.govt.nz I Page 16