Level 9, 44 The Terrace
PO Box 27048
Ref: OI-25-00003
Wel ington, New Zealand 6141
P +64 4 462 5200
15 January 2025
Rodney Parsons
By email:
[FYI request #29459 email]
Tēnā koe Rodney
Thank you for your request, received on 06 December 2024, for the following information under the
Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
Please provide details of the funding of paramedicine programs within New Zealand- how many
positions are funded, how decisions about funding paramedicine positions are made, how much the
government funds institutions and how programs are evaluated, accredited and monitored. Please
also provide any reviews undertaken of paramedicine programs by the TEC, or by the educational
providers, within the past 3 years, and outline the TEC's plans to address any concerns raised in these
I have separated your request into two parts for this response; your questions regarding positions
funded and funding amounts, and secondly for your questions on funding decisions, evaluation of
programs, reviews and monitoring.
How many positions are funded. How much the government funds institutions.
I am releasing this information to you in the Excel attachment provided. I would encourage you to
read the caveats and notes in this attachment before reading the data and funding amounts
We have used the TEC approved definition of paramedicine that is based on the qualifications
approved by Te Kaunihera Manapou Paramedic Council
(available here).
How decisions about funding paramedicine positions are made. How programs are evaluated,
accredited and monitored. Please also provide any reviews undertaken of paramedicine programs
by the TEC, or by the educational providers, within the past 3 years, and outline the TEC's plans to
address any concerns raised in these reviews.
The TEC’s role is to fund provision (education or learning). All TEC funding decisions consider a wide
range of factors about the provider, the provision, and the learners. We look to fund provision that
delivers skil s needed in the workforce, and our knowledge of these needs is informed by other
government agencies as well as industry and peak bodies. Our funding decisions are guided by the
Tertiary Education Strategy (TES) which sets out the long-term strategic direction for tertiary
More information on how, who and what the TEC funds is available
here. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) evaluates and monitors the quality of provision for
tertiary providers (other than universities). NZQA quality assures providers to ensure the provision
they deliver meets the requirements of the qualification and meets NZQA’s requirements (including
pastoral care).
Universities are quality assured by the Committee on University Academic Programmes (CUAP).
CUAP completes programme approval and accreditation for this sector.
Some provision (including paramedicine) is regulated and the regulator also has a role. For
paramedicine, the Paramedicine Council determines which qualifications meet the requirement for
learners to achieve registration.
The TEC has not conducted any reviews on paramedicine programs. Therefore, I regret I am not able
to provide you with the information you have requested for the following reason:
• Under section 18(e) - that the document al eged to contain the information requested does
not exist
I can tell you that providers under NZQA are subject to External Evaluation Review (EER) which
evaluate quality. EER reports are publicly available on the NZQA website
here. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Nāku noa, nā
Tim Fowler
Chief Executive
Tertiary Education Commission
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Document Outline
- Request
- Information to be released
- Sensitivities/Risks
- Consultation