22 January 2025
Ref: DOIA-REQ-0007615
Yilei Xie
[FYI request #29567 email]
Tēnā koe Yilei,
Thank you for your email of 16 December 2024 to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
(MBIE) requesting, under the Official Information Act 1982, the following information. Please note for
clarity I have responded to each question in turn.
Does your system place callers into the queue for live agents immediately upon connection, or is
there a pre-queue or holding stage?
There is no pre-queue holding stage in the MBIE Customer Service Centre’s phone system, Genesys Cloud.
When a client dials the public-facing number of the MBIE Customer Service Centre, they are greeted by a
recorded message. Depending on the queue they are calling, they may encounter different Interactive
Voice Response (IVR) options. After selecting the IVR option and possibly entering their client numbers, a
message will play stating that calls are recorded and an agent will be with them shortly.
Once this process is complete, the client will either be transferred to an available agent or placed on hold.
All queues are operated by real agents, and the client's call will be answered as soon as an agent is
There is no pre-queue holding stage in MBIE Customer Service Centre’s phone system, Genesys Cloud.
Clients are not required to hold for 45 minutes before being placed in the queue for a live agent. The wait
time for a live agent depends on the number of calls ahead and the availability of agents.
If a pre-queue exists, how is this time measured and reported in your wait-time metrics?
Although the system includes an IVR message announcement, it does not function as a pre-queue holding
stage. The IVR message, pre-queue greeting, and other announcements can last 20 seconds or longer,
depending on the number of IVR options and the information Business Partners (BP) want clients to hear.
For example, some queue messages may include website addresses.
What are the criteria for transitioning callers from any pre-queue to the live agent queue? Is it
simply holding for 45 minutes?
Please refer to the above answers for a response to this question.
What is the average time spent in each stage of the system (e.g., pre-queue, actual queue for
agents, and time to connect to a live agent)?
The ASA (average speed to answer) is the average speed for our agents to answer calls from a client once
they have entered our queues. We do not measure how long the announcement or IVR messaging takes,
as that is before clients enter queues and the duration of the announcement can vary as BPs can change
the wording of the IVR messages, options and announcement.
If you wish to discuss any aspect of your request or this response, or if you require any further assistance,
please contac
t [email address]. Please note that this response and enclosed documents, with your personal details removed, may be
published on the MBIE website:
information/published-official-information-act-requests. You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. Information
about how to make a complaint is available at www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or freephone 0800 802
Nāku noa, nā
Wendy Devlin
Head of Customer Service Engagement and Experience