17 February 2025
Brian Prescott
[FYI request #29755 email] Tēnā koe Brian Prescott
Official Information Act request
Thank you for your email dated 15 January 2025 to the Ministry of Disabled People
– Whaikaha (Whaikaha), in which you requested budget information for Enabling
Good Lives (EGL) sites, numbers of FTE employees, and numbers of participants
(clients). On 15 January 2025, you narrowed the scope of your request to
information about EGL Waikato only.
On 16 January 2025, Whaikaha transferred your request to the Ministry of Social
Development (the Ministry) as the agency best placed to respond. As you may be
aware, responsibility for the administration of funding for disability support
services transferred from Whaikaha to the Ministry in September 2024.
I have considered your request under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act)
and decided to grant it in part. You will find my decision on each part of your
request set out below.
I note that FY 2025/26 is yet to commence and the information you have requested
for this period does not exist. On that basis, I am declining this element of your
request in accordance with section 18(g) of the Act. The information you requested
is not held by the Ministry and I have no grounds to believe that the information
is either held by or closely connected to the functions of another department,
Minister of the Crown, or organisation.
1. Actual and proposed annual EGL Waikato budgets for FY 2019/20 to FY
I refer you to Table 1 of
APPENDIX 1 for this information.
2. The total number of FTE employees working for EGL Waikato for each
financial year, between FY 2019/20 and FY 2024/25
I refer you to Table 2 of
APPENDIX 1 for this information.
The Aurora Centre, 56 The Terrace, PO Box 1556, Wellington
– Telephone 04-916 3300 – Facsimile 04-918 0099
3. The total number of participants receiving funding through EGL Waikato for
each financial year, between FY 2019/20 and FY 2024/25
I refer you to Table 1 of
APPENDIX 1 for this information.
I will be publishing this decision letter, with your personal details deleted, on the
Ministry’s website in due course.
If you wish to discuss this response with us, please feel free to contact
[email address]. If you are not satisfied with my decision on your request, you have the right to
seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman. Information about how to
make a complaint is available a
t www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or 0800 802 602.
Ngā mihi nui
Anna Graham
General Manager Ministerial and Executive Services