30 January 2025
OIA: 25-353
Adam Irish
[FYI request #29763 email]
Dear Adam,
Thank you for your email of 16 January 2025, in which you requested the fol owing information
under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
1. Whether New Zealand's current unemployment rates are taken into account when
determining residency targets.
2. Whether the number of new building consents, relative to New Zealand's net total
population growth, is considered to prevent further strain on the housing market.
3. How these factors are balanced to ensure that house prices do not rise
disproportionately and that New Zealanders are not further disadvantaged in terms of
housing affordability and the ability to raise families.
On 30 January 2024, my office advised you that questions 2 and 3 of your request had been
transferred to the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development, as these questions were more
closely related to the functions of the ministry.
When the previous Government introduced the new Skil ed Migrant Category in 2023, they
made the decision to process skil ed residence applications 'to demand', with no caps on
places available. This applied to all skil ed residence visas (which includes residence
applications made under the Skil ed Migrant Category, Green List and Sector Agreements).
This decision replaced the previous “planning range” which set an indicative number of
residence places available each year. The previous planning range was useful to manage the
number of people gaining residence in New Zealand each year, but it often prevented people
with valuable skil s from gaining residence, as many more people were eligible for residence
under the previous settings than there were places available.
As there are no residence targets, I am refusing question 1 under section 18(e) of the Act, as
the information you have requested does not exist.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
freephone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely,
Hon Erica Stanford
Minister of Immigration