30 January 2025
[FYI request #29769 email]
Dear Stanlee
Thank you for your emails of 11 December 2024 to Kāinga Ora – Homes and Communities requesting
information under the Of icial Information Act 1982 (the Act):
I've made a request earlier via OIA, unable to see that now in my profile asking on the count of
state housing in the below boards specifying the streets etc. The details of the request as
follows "OIA request GSR-24-17891 CRM:0249115" and I've received a document that shows
me the IR8461 Managed Stock.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Henderson-Massey Local Board
Albert-Eden Local Board
Puketāpapa Local Board
Ōrākei Local Board
Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Board
Upper Harbour Local Board
Kaipātiki Local Board
Howick Local Board
Waitematā Local Board
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Whau Local Board
Although the document tells me which street, I don't have specifics of the houses without the
house numbers. So I've removed a few local boards (as below), to provide me a list of state
housing in these local boards, specifying street names, house numbers, number of complaints
made on those tenants etc. Looking at the count, I feel like a CSV wil do job.
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board
Henderson-Massey Local Board
Albert-Eden Local Board
Puketāpapa Local Board
Waitākere Ranges Local Board
Whau Local Board
Yours faithfully,
To protect the privacy of current and future tenants, we do not provide street numbers for our homes,
or the number of complaints made against those tenants. I am refusing your request for information
under section 9(2)(a), to “protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of deceased natural
persons.” I consider that the public interest does not outweigh the need for privacy.
I am attaching an excel spreadsheet of the data provided to you previously in your first request should
that be more helpful.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this response.
Information about how to make a complaint is available at
www.ombudsman.parliament.nz or
Freephone 0800 802 602.
Please note that Kāinga Ora proactively releases our responses to official information requests where
possible. Our response to your request may be published at
https:/ kaingaora.govt.nz/publications/official-information-requests/ with your personal information
Yours sincerely
James Kennelly
Team Leader Government Services