John Murphy
[FYI request #29771 email]
Tēnā koe John
OIA: 1341952 – Residential Specialist School data
Thank you for your email of 16 January 2025 to the Ministry of Education requesting the following
Data broken down by school( Halswell Residential College, Salisbury School, Westbridge
Residential School) for each question as applicable
Students who applied to enrol in RSS in 2023 and 2024
1. How many applied for each school?
2. How many were accepted?
3. How many enrolled?
4. How many were turned down at enrolment meeting?
5. How many were turned down due to a section 37 decision?
6. How many students while enrolled in RSS faced any form of Kiwi standdown,
suspension or exclusion? Provide timeframes in each situation.
7. How many students were referred to RSS by RTLB, Intensive Wraparound Service,
and Ministry of Education regional staff?
8. How many students who enrolled in a RSS had been enrolled in a regular local
school prior to attending RSS?
9. How many were enrolled in a day special school prior to attending RSS?
10. How many were funded through the ORS?
Students who transitioned from RSS in 2023 and 2024 of the students who transitioned
home in 2023 and 2024
11. How many returned to the school they had been enrolled in when they moved to
12. How many returned to their local school?
13. How many returned to their local school full-time?
14. How many did not return to school?
(Te Kura does not count as a local school for purposes of these questions)
Achievement and of qualifications
15. For each RSS what qualifications were achieved by students in the time they were
8 Gilmer Terrace, Levels Ground floor, 1, 2, and 6-14, Wellington
PO Box 1666, Wellington 6140 Phone: +64 4 463 8000
16. How many students in RSS are in years 11 to 13?
17. How many students achieved NCEA credits?c
18. How many students were restrained per term in each school?
19. What was the total roll per term in each school?
20. How many students were restrained more than once?
Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
We have determined that some parts of the information requested is believed to be more closely
connected with the functions of Halswell Residential College, Salisbury School, and Westbridge
Residential School. As such, I have transferred
parts six, ten and 15-20 of your request to
Halswell Residential College, Salisbury School, and Westbridge Residential School in accordance
with section 14(b)(ii) of the Act.
You may expect a response from Halswell Residential College, Salisbury School, and Westbridge
Residential School directly concerning these aspects of your request.
The Ministry needs to extend the timeframe for responding to the remainder of your request,
pursuant to section 15A(1)(b) of the Act, as consultations necessary to make a decision on the
request are such that a proper response cannot reasonably be made within the original time limit.
You can now expect to receive a response to your request on or before 14 March 2025, which is
an extension of 20 working days.
You have the right to ask an Ombudsman to investigate our decision to extend the timeframe for
responding to this request, in accordance with section 28 of the Act. You can do this by writing to
[email address] or Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Nāku noa, nā
Lucy Jordan
Senior Advisor, Official and Parliamentary Information
Government, Executive and Ministerial Services