6 September 2012
Greater Wellington Rail Ltd
Ian Gordon, Team Leader Rail Assets
Update on Retirement of the English Electric Fleet
The purpose of this paper is to update the board on the progress of the retirement of the
English Electric Fleet, and seek agreement on recommendations to the Economic Wellbeing
Committee on the final disposal plan.
Progress to date
Over the last 3 – 4 months GW officers have been negotiating with numerous prospective
buyers the sale of the English Electric fleet. An evaluation of the scrap value of a 2 car unit
has also been carried out in order to provide a benchmark for the asking price of the vehicles.
The scrap value has been set at approximately $27K. The following is a summary of what
has been achieved to date:
- donated a car to the Fire Service
- donated a car to the New Zealand Defence Force – bomb disposal group
- obtained $10,000 for a number of inventory items from Ferrymead
- sold two 2-car English Electric units to two private individuals for a total of
approximately $55K (inclusive of GST)
- written down nearly $1m worth of inventory to $30,000, awaiting scraping
- negotiated a prospective sale of 20 cars to Africa, along with a substantial amount of
the inventory, however this deal has recently fallen through with the death of the
Ghanaian president
- maintained 29 cars still in storage at Hutt Workshops, costing approx $4,500 per
month (for 29 cars) and making storage for the Ganz Mavag units challenging.
Next Steps
There are still two private individuals who are actively considering purchasing English
Electric units, a combined total of 3 cars. Officers propose to hold 3 cars in reserve whilst
negotiations continue but if these negotiations fall through then the carriages will be
available for scraping.
The New Zealand Defence Force (NZDF) has expressed an interest in a second car for their
bomb disposal group. Donating 2 cars was the original intention and it is still considered
appropriate to donate to the NZDF for this purpose.
The Wellington Electrical Multiple Unit (EMU) Preservation Trust is in the process of being
formed, with the objective of raising sufficient money to purchase the 3 - car unit called
Cyclops, including relocation and preservation costs. However, the timeframes required to
raise this level of funding could be several months away and potentially, they may never
raise the full amount. The Wellington EMU Preservation Trust has reached agreement with
the Rimutaku Incline Trust for the storage of Cyclops.
Storing Cyclops at Hutt Workshops is costing GW $466/month, and the Unit is at risk of
being vandalised. Therefore it is considered appropriate that once the Wellington EMU
Preservation Trust has raised sufficient funds to cover the necessary relocation costs, that
GW donate Cyclops to the Trust. This will ensure that at least one of the English Electric
units will remain in the Wellington region and be preserved for historical purposes. It will
also help free up valuable storage space at the Hutt workshops.
The 2-car Unit called Phoenix, which was rebuild essentially from scrap, is also considered
worth preserving for historical purposes. Currently there are two interested parties. The
Wellington EMU Preservation Trust has indicated that if they could raise sufficient funds,
they would be interested in obtaining Phoenix as well as Cyclops. However, their primary
focus is Cyclops and fundraising to date would suggest that their ability to purchase the
Phoenix is unlikely. Also, there are questions over their ability to store the Pheonix in a way
which will preserve the heritage.
The National Railway Museum, which is currently in the process of constructing storage
facilities next to Ferrymead in Christchurch, has expressed interest in preserving an English
Electric unit. As well as having the ability to store it under cover, they will have access to
Ferrymead’s electrified line which will enable the Pheonix to be operated. Unfortunately the
National Railway Museum is not in a position to purchase the Pheonix, and will likely
struggle to cover the costs of relocation down to Christchurch.
Notwithstanding, it is considered appropriate to spend some money preserving the Pheonix
and the National Railway Museum would appear to offer the best alternative.
Remaining 20 vehicles
There are 20 further cars which need to be disposed and for which there are no prospective
buyers. The potential options for these vehicles are to either seek further buyers or scrap
them for an estimated net revenue of $275K. Informal inquiries indicate that there are
neither commercial nor private buyers ready to take possession of the English Electrics. All
enquiries from the “Trade Me” campaign have been exhausted and all “heritage” type
organisations approached. Officers are of the view that the remainder of the fleet should
now be scraped, thus saving ongoing storage costs of $155+GST per month per car plus
releasing up space for the Ganz Mavag fleet which is now being withdrawn from service.
That the Directors:
1. Receive the Report.
2. Agree that officers recommend to the Economic Wellbeing Committee that they:
a. Agree to hold three cars in reserve whilst officers negotiate their sale to private
individuals. If the sale(s) falls through then the cars are to be scrapped.
b. Agree to donate a second trailer car to the NZ Defence Force.
c. Agree to commence discussions with the Wellington EMU Preservation Trust with a
view to GWRL donating them the Cyclops, along with any useful inventory, as soon
as they have sufficient funds to cover the relocation costs.
d. Agree to commence discussions with the National Railway Museum with a view to
GWRL donating them the 2-car Phoenix, along with any useful inventory.
e. Commence immediate scraping of the remaining 20 cars.
Report prepared by:
Report reviewed by:
Report approved by:
Ian Gordon
Angus Gabara
Wayne Hastie
Team Leader
Manager Rail Operations &
General Manager, Public
Rail Assets
Business Owner, Matangi
relating to
the provision of towing services
KiwiRail Limited
Greater Wellington Regional Council / NZ Rail Museum
Date 16 May 2013
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Agreement is made on 17 May 2013
KiwiRail Limited (“
Greater Wel ington Regional Council / NZ Rail Museum
KiwiRail operates rail services on the New Zealand Rail Network.
Customer owns or operates rolling stock, and requires some of that rolling stock to be
repositioned on the Rail Network.
KiwiRail has agreed to provide towing services to the Customer in relation to the vehicles on
a one-off basis over a specified route.
It is agreed
Towing Services
Towing Services
KiwiRail wil provide, and the Customer wil pay for, the Towing Services in accordance with
this Agreement. The Towing Services wil be provided for the Vehicles, over the route and on
the day(s) specified in Schedule 2.
Towing Services requirements
Needs of Customer
Once a date is agreed between the parties for the provision of the Towing Service, the
Customer may only change the date if it gives KiwiRail written notice of its desire to change
the date at least 14 days prior to such date. If no such notice is given, KiwiRail may, in its
discretion, provide the Towing Service on the date originally agreed with the Customer and
the Customer wil be liable to pay the Charges for the service in accordance with the terms of
this Agreement.
KiwiRail’s Rights
KiwiRail reserves the right to refuse to provide the Towing Services or to change any agreed
date for the provision of the Towing Service at any time and wil , prior to the agreed date,
provide the Customer with notice of such change and of a suggested revised date (if any).
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Obligations of Customer
Prior to KiwiRail providing the Towing Services, and at all other times during the term of this
Agreement, the Customer shall:
(a) Ensure that the Vehicles are presented in accordance with the requirements of clause
6 of NRSS 7 (in relation to the exchange of rail vehicles between rail participants) and
the Customer’s rail safety case (including any variations);
(b) Obtain and comply with all necessary clearances and approvals for the journey
including, without limitation, running rights and network access from KiwiRail Networks
and any required rail safety case variation approval from New Zealand Transport
In addition to any requirements under NRSS 7 or the Customer’s rail safety case
(including any variations), ensure that al inspections and pre-departure and on-route
checks of the Vehicles as required by KiwiRail are carried out;
(d) Ensure that the Vehicles are ready to travel at the agreed time; and
(e) obtain a “cab pass” from KiwiRail if any employees, agents, contractors or
representatives of the Customer are to travel in the Vehicles during the performance
by KiwiRail of the Towing Services.
KiwiRail and the Customer agree that:
(a) The Customer is responsible for ensuring that its employees, agents, contractors and
representatives comply strictly with all KiwiRail site procedures (including, without
limitation, safety procedures) at all times whilst present at KiwiRail sites (including,
without limitation, KiwiRail station buildings, platforms, freight yards and depots).
Further, the Customer shall ensure that its employees, agents, contractors and
representatives fol ow all instructions of KiwiRail staff at all times whilst present at
KiwiRail sites.
(b) The Customer is responsible for ensuring that the physical operation of the Vehicles is
conducted in accordance with any standards of and instructions issued by KiwiRail.
KiwiRail is responsible for the management, certification, and ensuring the
competence and fitness for duty of the KiwiRail Locomotive Engineers performing the
Towing Services in accordance with KiwiRail’s Rail Service Licence.
Safety procedures
The Customer agrees to work with KiwiRail to ensure consistency and inter-operability (to
the extent necessary) between its safety procedures and KiwiRail’s safety procedures.
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Charges and Payment
Charges for Towing Services
In consideration of KiwiRail providing the Towing Services, the Customer agrees to pay
KiwiRail the Charges.
Payment and bil ing
KiwiRail wil issue a tax invoice to the Customer for the Towing Services upon total or partial
completion of the Towing Services (as KiwiRail thinks fit). The Customer agrees to pay
invoices addressed to it within 14 days of the date of the invoice. Where the Customer fails
to make payment on or before the due date, KiwiRail wil charge interest at the rate of 2%
per annum above the BNZ corporate overdraft rate on such amount from the date the
payment became due until it is paid.
Disputed Charges
If the Customer genuinely disputes the amount payable under an invoice issued by KiwiRail,
such of the invoiced amount that is in dispute may be withheld until the dispute is resolved.
Notice of such a disputed invoice should be made to the contact person named in clause
The Customer, in this case NZ Railway Museum Trust will:
(a) effect and maintain for the term of the Agreement a general public liability insurance
policy with individual indemnity limits of at least NZ$10,000,000; and
(b) upon reasonable request, provide to KiwiRail a certificate of currency or other
evidence that it has insurance in accordance with this clause 6.
The Customer shall be liable for al claims arising out of the Towing Service and shall
indemnify KiwiRail from any claim, unless the claim relates directly to KiwiRail’s negligence
or a breach by KiwiRail of the provisions of this Agreement.
The total liability of KiwiRail to the Customer for any losses, damages, costs or claims of any
kind incurred or suffered by the Customer arising under this Agreement is limited to any
property damage caused by KiwiRail’s negligence and KiwiRail is not liable to the Customer
for any loss of profit, loss of business, loss of savings or anticipated savings or loss of
revenue, or for any indirect, consequential or other losses, damages, costs or claims
incurred by the Customer.
The Customer shall be liable to KiwiRail for any losses, liabilities, costs or claims incurred or
suffered by KiwiRail which arise from a mechanical failure of any Vehicle, or any accident
which occurs during the period that the Towing Services are provided which is wholly or
partial y caused by use of the Customer’s equipment, or whol y or partially attributable to the
acts or omissions of the Customer, its employees, agents, contractors or subcontractors.
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Force Majeure
Force Majeure/Excusable Delay
Notwithstanding anything else in this Agreement (except as, and to the extent, set out in
clause 7.3), a party is not liable for any failure or delay in performing, or breach of, an
obligation under this agreement if the failure, delay or breach arises from a cause reasonably
unforeseeable and beyond the control of that party including, without limitation, act of god,
earthquakes, landslides, floods, fires, adverse weather conditions, strikes or industrial
disturbances, civil commotion, restrictions by government, mechanical failure, accidents or
Notice/reasonable endeavours
If a cause to which clause 8.1 applies arises, the party affected by the cause must
immediately upon becoming aware of the cause, notify the other party in writing of the nature
of, expected duration of, and the obligation affected by, the cause. Notwithstanding that any
such cause arises, the affected party must use its reasonable endeavours to:
(a) mitigate the effects of the cause on that party’s obligations under this agreement; and
(b) perform that party’s obligations on time despite the cause.
If KiwiRail is the party affected by the cause pursuant to this clause 8.2, this clause shall
apply without prejudice to KiwiRail’s rights pursuant to clause 2.2.
Loss or damage to KiwiRail Equipment or the Vehicles
Customer indemnity
In the event of any loss of or damage to any KiwiRail owned equipment or rol ing stock or to
the Railway Network (including, without limitation, track, signals and bridges) resulting from
any negligent act or omission of the Customer under this Agreement, the Customer
indemnifies KiwiRail for and against such sum as KiwiRail may be required to spend to repair
or reinstate such equipment or rolling stock, or may be required to pay KiwiRail in respect of
the Railway Network.
Limitation of Liability / Owner’s Risk
The Customer acknowledges that the Towing Services are a carriage service for the
purposes of the Carriage of Goods Act 1979, and the Vehicles are goods for the purpose of
that Act. The performance of the Towing Services is at owner’s risk. This means that
KiwiRail wil pay no compensation if the Vehicles are lost or damaged, unless KiwiRail
intentional y loses or damages them.
Either party may terminate this Agreement as fol ows:
(a) At any time by not less than three months prior written notice to the other party; or
(b) Immediately on the occurrence of any of the following events:
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the other party does not perform any of its material obligations (which includes a
failure to pay any undisputed sum) under this Agreement and such non-
(A) is not capable of remedy; or
(B) is capable of remedy, but has not been remedied within the date
specified in a written notice requiring the non-performance to be
remedied such date to be reasonable in the circumstances for the type of
breach that has occurred; or
(ii) an Insolvency Event occurs in relation to the other party; or
(iii) the other party is declared at risk pursuant to the Corporations (Investigation
and Management) Act 1989, or a statutory manager is appointed or any step
taken with a view to any such appointment in respect of it under that Act
(including a recommendation by, or submission by any person to, the Securities
Commission supporting such an appointment); or
(iv) if in the reasonable opinion of the terminating party, a material adverse change
occurs in relation to the other party which wil or is reasonably likely to
materially affect its ability to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Consequences of Termination
In the event of termination of the Agreement by KiwiRail pursuant to clause 10.1, KiwiRail
shall be entitled to recover from the Customer any costs incurred in respect of Towing
Services which have been arranged prior to termination, but which wil not be performed due
to such termination.
Assignment and Accession
10.1 The Customer may not assign or otherwise transfer its rights and obligations under this
General provisions
Definitions and interpretation
The definitions and interpretation rules set out in schedule 1 to this Agreement apply to this
Without limiting methods of service in law, notices are to be in writing addressed to the other
party’s contact address as set out below (or as notified from time to time) and delivered by
hand, sent by pre-paid post or sent by facsimile.
Notices wil be deemed to have been received:
(a) in the case of a facsimile, on the Business Day on which it is despatched or, if
despatched after 5 p.m. (in the place of receipt) on a Business Day or, if despatched
on a non-Business Day, on the next Business Day after the date of despatch;
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(b) in the case of personal delivery, when delivered; and
in the case of a letter, on the third Business Day after posting by airmail (if sent to an
overseas address).
Addresses for service:
The Customers
KiwiRail Limited
Greater Wellington Regional Council
8 – 14 Stanley Street,
142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646,
Auckland Central,
M: 021 456 913
Auckland 1010
Attention: Barry Fryer
GM Rail Operations
Email: [email address]
KiwiRail Group Procurement
NZ Rail Museum
Wel ington
Mobile: s7(2)(a)
Attention: Peter Soundy
Attention: Chris Paice
Email: [email address]
Email: [email address]
Each party wil at al times keep confidential and not directly or indirectly make or allow any
disclosure or use to be made of any Confidential Information except to the extent:
(a) required or requested by law or any governmental or regulatory agency or body and
then, if practical, only after advising the other party of that requirement; or
(b) necessary to obtain the benefit of, or to carry out obligations under, this Agreement
but for no other purpose; or
for the purposes of obtaining professional advice;
(d) that the information is or becomes available in the public domain without breach by
either party of its confidentiality obligations under this clause or at law;
(e) the recipient already knew the information; or
that the other parties otherwise agree in writing.
The provisions of this clause wil continue to apply to the parties for a period of 2 years from
the date of termination of this agreement.
Independent contractor
Subject to any express contrary provision in this Agreement, neither KiwiRail nor the
(a) are to be considered the agent of the other for any purpose; or
(b) have authority to enter into any contract or assume any obligation for the other or to
make any representation or warranty on behalf of the other.
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Nothing in this Agreement wil be considered to establish a relationship of co-partners or joint
venturers between KiwiRail and the Customer.
No waiver
No waiver of any breach of, or failure to enforce, any provision of this Agreement at any time
by any party in any way affects, limits or waives the right of such party thereafter to enforce
and compel strict compliance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Further assurance
Each party wil promptly do everything reasonably required to give effect to this Agreement.
Amendments and variations
No amendment or variation to this Agreement wil be effective unless it is in writing and
signed by the parties.
Partial invalidity
The il egality, invalidity or unenforceability of a provision of this Agreement under any law wil
not affect the legality, validity or enforceability of that provision under another law or the
legality, validity or enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement.
This Agreement may be signed in any number of counterparts all of which, when taken
together, wil constitute one and the same instrument.
Governing law
This Agreement is governed by and to be construed in accordance with New Zealand law
and the parties irrevocably submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New
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Signed for and on behalf of
Name / Title
Signed for and on behalf of
Greater Wellington Regional Council by:
Name / Title
Signed for and on behalf of
NZ Railway Museum by:
Name / Title
Schedule 1: Definitions and interpretation
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires:
Agreement” means this agreement executed by KiwiRail and the Customer and includes
all schedules and attachments;
Business Day” means a day (other than a Saturday or Sunday) on which registered banks
are open for general banking business in Auckland;
Charges” means the charges set out in Schedule 2;
Confidential Information” means:
(a) the terms of this Agreement and the financial position and state of affairs of the other
party; and
(b) includes any information designated confidential by a party whether such information
is oral, written or recorded or stored by electronic, magnetic, electromagnetic or other
process or otherwise in a machine readable form or any other form;
Insolvency Event” means, in relation to a person:
Page 9 of 12
(a) the presentation of an application for the liquidation of that person that is not
discharged within 5 Business Days of its filing or which is not demonstrated to the
other party prior to the expiry of that 5 Business Day period as being an application
that is frivolous or vexatious;
(b) any step taken in, or towards, the making of any compromise, proposal or deed of
arrangement with al or some of that person’s creditors;
the appointment of a liquidator, receiver, statutory manager, or similar official, to that
(d) that person being unable to pay its debts as they fall due in the ordinary course of
(e) the suspension or threatened suspension by that person of the payment of its debts;
the enforcement of any security against the whole, or a substantial part, of that
person’s assets; or
(g) any other insolvency event or proceedings analogous to any of the foregoing
Locomotive Engineers” means a driver who is qualified as a locomotive engineer to
operate locomotives;
KiwiRail Networks” means the New Zealand Railways Corporation;
NRSS 7” means the National Rail System Standard / 7, issue 2;
Rail Service Licence” means a rail service licence under the Railways Act 2005;
Railway Network” means the railway network described in Schedule 2;
Route” means the route identified in Schedule 2
“Towing Services” means the services described in Schedule 2;
“Vehicles” means the vehicles described in Schedule 2 which are to be towed.
General references
In this Agreement, unless the context otherwise requires, any references to:
(a) any act, matter or thing being done on a day that is not a Business Day is to be
construed as a reference to that act matter or thing being done on the next Business
(b) a clause, part, schedule or attachment is a reference to a clause, part, schedule or
attachment f or to this Agreement.
“include” and “including” is to be construed without limitation;
(d) the singular includes the plural and vice versa, and any reference to a gender also
denotes the other genders;
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(e) an agreement or instrument includes that agreement or instrument as modified,
supplemented, novated or substituted from time to time;
any law, legislation or legislative provision is to New Zealand law, legislation or
legislative provision and includes any statutory modification, amendment, re-
enactment, and any subordinate legislation or regulations issued under that legislation
or legislative provision.
(g) a Schedule includes a reference to that Schedule as amended by written agreement
between the parties from time to time; and
(h) an expression importing a natural person includes any company, trust, partnership,
joint venture, association, body corporate or governmental agency.
Contractors, agents, etc
An act or omission of any director, employee, contractor, sub-contractor or agent of a party is
deemed to be an act or omission of that party.
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Schedule 2: Towing Services and Charges
Description of Towing Services:
Tow of set of 2 English Electric Units from Woburn Railway Workshops to NZ Rail Museum Ferrymead
• Pre travel inspection and certification
• Shunt Woburn Railway Workshops to Wellington rail yard
• Shunt on to Interisland line ferry and tie down
• Shunt off at Picton
• Linehaul to Christchurch
• Shunt to Ferrymead siding
Description of Vehicles: Per carriage
DM216, D2687 Electric Unit carriages
Length over couplers = 19200 mm,
Max height =
3581 mm, (over housed pantograph)
Max width =
2610 mm,
Service Weight =
43.5 tonnes.
Maximum speed =
80 kph
Special conditions =
• Fit for travel certification to be completed
• Confirmation of end destination being direct to Ferrymead
• Carriages must travel as a single consist
• Pricing includes fit for travel inspection and ferry tie down chaining. (labour and chain supply
only). Any additional expenses excluded.
Travel ing staff: Nil
Route/Railway Network:
Wairarapa Line: Woburn to Wellington
Main South Line: Picton to Christchurch
Day(s) for provision of service:
Total price is $8416 + gst ($4208 + gst per carriage)
Invoice to be split 50/50 between GWRC and NZ Rail Museum
Ie $4208 + gst per invoice.
30 April 2013
Economic Wel being Commit ee
Wayne Hastie, General Manager, Public Transport
Nigel Corry, General Manager, Environment
General Managers' report to the Economic Wellbeing
Committee on 23 May 2013
To inform the Committee of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s activities
relating to the Committee’s areas of responsibility.
The decision-making process and significance
No decision is being sought in this report.
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
3.1.4 English Electrics
The Wellington EMU Preservation Trust has taken possession of the 3-car
English Electric Cyclops.
The 2-car Phoenix has yet to be moved to NZ Railway Museum in
Christchurch, due to the lack of space on their site. Discussions regarding
storage at another location in Christchurch are on-going.
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
Out of Scope
Out of Scope

Out of Scope
That the Committee:
1. Receives the report.
2. Notes the content of the report.
Report prepared by:
Report prepared by:
Wayne Hastie
Nigel Corry
General Manager, Public
General Manager,
Environment Management
8 February 2013
Economic Wel being Commit ee
Wayne Hastie, General Manager, Public Transport
Jane Davis, General Manager, Strategy and
Community Engagement
General Managers' report to the Economic Wellbeing
Committee on 7 March 2013
To inform the Committee of Greater Wellington Regional Council’s (GWRC)
activities relating to the Committee’s areas of responsibility.
The decision-making process and significance
No decision is being sought in this report.
Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
3.2.4 English Electrics
A total of 22 English Electric cars have now been scrapped. Both the NZ
Railway Museum and the Wellington EMU Preservation Trust are expected to
take ownership of the 2-car Phoenix and 3-car Cyclops respectively in March
Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
That the Committee:
1. Receives the report.
2. Notes the content of the report.
PAGE 18 OF 19

Report prepared by:
Report prepared by:
Wayne Hastie
Jane Davis
General Manager, Public
General Manager, Strategy
and Community Engagement
PAGE 19 OF 19
15 April 2013
Greater Wellington Rail Ltd
Ian Gordon, Rail Assets Team Leader
Greater Wellington Rail Limited update - May 2013
The purpose of this report is to provide an update of Greater Wellington Rail
Limited (GWRL) activities to the Board, covering the period to April 2013.
Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
2.5.5 Disposal of the English Electrics
The Wellington EMU Preservation Trust took possession of 3-car Cyclops on
21 April 2013.
Delays are being experienced in moving the 2-car Pheonix to the NZ Railway
Museum in Christchurch due to short term space restrictions. Discussions are
on going to find some temporary accommodation for the unit in Christchurch.
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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Out of Scope
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No communications are required.
That the Directors:
1. Receives the report.
2. Notes the content of the report.
Report prepared by:
Report approved by:
Report approved by:
Ian Gordon
Angus Gabara
Wayne Hastie
Rail Assets Team Leader
Manager, Rail Operations
General Manager, Public
PAGE 11 OF 11
Linda Going <[email address]>
Tuesday, 5 February 2013 10:15 am
Ian Gordon
Philip Crampton; Barry Fryer
RE: EOI Ganz
Hi Ian ,
I have marked up suggested changes to the EOI.
I am not sure if the Ganz Units contain asbestos ( as was the case with the EEs ) ? If they do then the agreement for sale
and purchase needs to include the following additional provision at new para m. . The EOI should also refer to
the asbestos ( if relevant)
The Purchaser acknowledges that the Vehicle may contain asbestos, and agrees that the responsibility for and all
risk associated with the asbestos shall transfer to the Purchaser from the Vehicle Transfer Date.
Let me know if there is any aspect that you need to discuss.
Linda Going | Senior Legal Advisor Rail Operations
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL Te Pane Matua Taiao 142 Wakefield St |PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a)
| |
an Gordon
onday, 4 February 2013 12:09 p.m.
da Going; Philip Crampton; Barry Fryer
EOI Ganz
Hi Everyone,
I have attached a draft EOI document for the disposal of the Ganz fleet which I would like to forward to prospective
interested parties within the next fortnight. Could you please have a look at this and provide any comments. I would like
to place this on Angus's desk on his return Monday 11 Feb.
<< File: EOI Ganz.DOC >>
Ian Gordon | Team Leader, Rail Assets
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
Tel: s7(2)(a)
Cell: s7(2)(a)
email: [email address]
1 |
Barry Fryer <[email address]>
Monday, 18 March 2013 10:59 am
'[email address]'; Troy Marsden; Derek Case; Soren Low
Phoenix Move
KiwiRail Towing Service Agreement - GWRC 290512.doc
The 2-car English Electric Phoenix (DM216 and D2687) is currently located at Woburn Hutt Workshops, and we would
like to move it to Christchurch, as New Zealand Railway Museum is taking ownership of this historic vehicle, but due to
short term space constraints on the Ferrymead site, it will be first stored in a earthquake damaged KiwIRail workshop
near Wilson's Road.
Can you please prepare a hook and tow agreement for the movement of Phoenix to Christchurch, the Hook and Tow
agreement will be signed by NZ Railway Museum, as they will hold the necessary insurance.
I assume the cost will be similar to the cost of transporting Ferrymead to Christchurch, which was quoted at $6,000 (See
From our perspective the vehicle can be moved as soon as everything is in order (i.e. hook and tow agreement signed,
and vehicle inspection undertaken).
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a)
M: s7(2)(a) |
Keith Holdsworth <[email address]>
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 2:42 pm
Blake Marshall; Chris Paice; Soren Low; Troy Marsden; Alan Hill; Duncan Ness; Derek Case; Leon
Barry Fryer
RE: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Thanks Blake
One important requirement is that the carriages be equipped with appropriate tiedowns for carriage on IIL?
I believe thy maybe but need this confirmed as part of the inspection.
My intention is to provide H & T but will be subject to a number of conditions such as agreed storage arrangements ,
inspection costs etc etc.
Therefore any cost indication will only be the actual rail Woburn to Middleton rail yard.
Keith Holdsworth | Key Account Executive KiwiRail Freight
Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)), Mobile s7(2)(a)
Level 3, 8 – 14 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland, 1010 | PO Box 92138, Victoria West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
Confidentiality Notice: The content of this message and any attachments may be privileged, in confidence or sensitive. Any unauthorised use is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender, disregard and then delete the email. This email may have been corrupted or interfered
with. KiwiRail cannot guarantee that the message you receive is the same as the message we sent. No warranty is made that this email and its contents are free
from computer viruses or other defects.
From: Blake Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 12:13 p.m.
To: Chris Paice; Keith Holdsworth; Soren Low; Troy Marsden; Alan Hill; Duncan Ness; Derek Case; Leon Bennett
Cc: Barry Fryer
Subject: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Gentlemen, This issue has come to me via Barry Fryer GWRC this morning, see email trail below. I am
endeavouring to get to the bottom of it:
1. I have been advised by KiwiRail there is no room at Linwood or Waltham for this vehicle so it will have
to go straight to NZ Railway Museum.
2. The vehicle needs to be checked and signed off by Derek Case before it travels. There will be costs
associated with this. Derek Case/Leon Bennett
3. It could most likely go next week but the check needs to be completed first.

4. A hook and tow agreement needs to be signed. Chris Paice/Keith Holdsworth/GWRC..
5. The cost of the checks and transport needs to be finalised. Keith Holdsworth/Derek Case/Chris Paice.
6. The costs needs to be paid for by GWRC/NZ Rail Museum, GWRC please advise.
Before anything happens the vehicle needs to be signed off by Derek as fit to travel, I will try to provide a
timing on this later today.
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight
(internal extension: s7(2)(a)) | Mobile: s7(2)(a)
| Fax:s7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Chris Paice
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 11:30 a.m.
To: Keith Holdsworth
Cc: Blake Marshall
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Thanks Keith – looking forward to receiving the agreement when ready
Blake – are you working on someone in Chch re a place to store Phoenix once it arrives?
Note Keith’s comments below should be good to roll early next week (Aratere dependant) – heaps of time for me to get
the paper work through the system.
Chris Paice | Contracts Manager Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)) Mobile:s7(2)(a)
Fax: s7(2)(a)
KiwiRail Holdings Limited trading as KiwiRail, Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
From: Keith Holdsworth
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 11:20 a.m.
To: Chris Paice
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Hi Chris

I am just back from leave and with Aratere out of service there is no way we can move these in the short term (this week).
I will get on to it and was aware of Troy’s concerns re risk with storage etc, this will need resolving between the parties as
we will not want to carry any risk during the storage and assuming there is space available.
Hope to get on to this tomorrow.
Keith Holdsworth | Key Account Executive KiwiRail Freight
Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)), Mobiles7(2)(a)
Level 3, 8 – 14 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland, 1010 | PO Box 92138, Victoria West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
Confidentiality Notice: The content of this message and any attachments may be privileged, in confidence or sensitive. Any unauthorised use is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender, disregard and then delete the email. This email may have been corrupted or interfered
with. KiwiRail cannot guarantee that the message you receive is the same as the message we sent. No warranty is made that this email and its contents are free
from computer viruses or other defects.
From: Chris Paice
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:42 a.m.
To: Blake Marshall; Troy Marsden
Cc: Keith Holdsworth
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Okay talking with Keith Holdsworth and starting the ball rolling and this will result in a hook & tow agreement in the
name of NZ Railway Museum (NZRM)
GW will talk to NZRM and work out who will pay the bill (as they are going 50/50 on the shipping cost to Chch
NZRM will have to have the insurance in place to cover this transfer.
Who can tell me the car numbers eg ET & EM numbers (just for the record)?
Chris Paice | Contracts Manager Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)) Mobile:s7(2)(a)
Fax: s7(2)(a)
KiwiRail Holdings Limited trading as KiwiRail, Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
From: Blake Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:29 a.m.
To: Troy Marsden; Chris Paice
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Troy see below, I will try and get Barry some information, Chris do you know anything about this ?
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight
(internal extension: s7(2)(a)) | Mobile: s7(2)(a)
| Fax:s7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:22 a.m.
To: Blake Marshall
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
I have been dealing with Troy regarding moving English Electric Phoenix to Christchurch, but I see he has
gone on leave for the rest of May, and has not provided any significant update.
GW is donating Phoenix to NZ Railway Museum which is based on the Ferrymead site in Christchurch,
however they are currently short of space on their site, but had arranged with Duncan Ness to temporarily store
Phoenix at Waltham yard.
Troy was keen to ensure that the appropriate KR management sign off had been given for the storage of
Phoenix at Waltham, and to ensure that there was a clear understanding of risk ownership while the unit was
parked there.
The NZ Railway Museum contact is s7(2)(a) ,s7(2)(a), s7(2)(a)
I am very keen to get this moving ASAP, to get it off Hutt site, and stop GW paying storage.
If you could find out where this issue is sitting and make some progress on resolving it, it would be much
appreciated. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a) |
M: s7(2)(a) |
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2013 10:59 a.m.
To: Troy Marsden
Subject: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Can you give me an update on where KR are at with this?
Sorry I was on leave last week.
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a) |
M: s7(2)(a) |
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2013 1:24 p.m.
To: Troy Marsden
Subject: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
From: NRMNZ Treasurer [mailts7(2)(a)]
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2013 12:47 p.m.
To: Barry Fryer
Subject: Re: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Hi Barry
Have been away this week
Contact person in Christchurch Duncan Ness 0274859251
it appears that it will stored in the Waltham yard
regards s7(2)(a)
----- Original Message -----
From our perspective the vehicle can be moved as soon as everything is in order (i.e. hook and tow agreement signed,
and vehicle inspection undertaken).
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
M: s7(2)(a) |
Barry Fryer <[email address]>
Wednesday, 16 January 2013 2:47 pm
Philippa Lagan
FW: Press release.
Press Release.docx
For discussion tomorrow
From: s7(2)(a)]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 2:40 p.m.
To: Barry Fryer
Cc: Daran Ponter - External; Rob Riley; Peter Hill; Andrew James; Mike Hartle; Ben Calcott; Pete Soundy; Dave Hansen
Subject: Press release.
Hi Barry
Please find attached a Press release drafted by myself, could you please forward this on to your Communications team
seeking their thoughts and input. If the Communications team wish to also arrange it's release as well as a promotional
hand over photo op we are keen as are people from Chch who with 2 days notice can fly up.
Thanks s7(2)(a)
Barry Fryer <[email address]>
Wednesday, 15 May 2013 11:00 am
'Blake Marshall'
RE: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Sounds good to me.
Thanks for getting this progressing.
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a) |
From: Blake Marshall [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Wednesday, 15 May 2013 10:37 a.m.
To: Chris Paice; Keith Holdsworth; Soren Low; Troy Marsden; Alan Hill; Duncan Ness; Derek Case; Leon Bennett
Cc: Barry Fryer
Subject: RE: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Ok guys this is the plan please comment if it does not fit with you:
1. Storage required at Linwood/Waltham in order of 6-8 months. Confirm which site Alan Hill/Duncan
2. Costs need to be established. Derek Case inspection and Interislander tie down. Keith Holdsworth for
transfer. Alan Hill storage if required. Forward to Blake Marshall
3. Establish timing. Blake Marshall
4. Pass out inspection and Interislander tie down. Derek Case
5. Arrange transfer. Keith Holdsworth after pass out inspection.
6. NZ Rail arranging insurance and will sign of “hook and tow” agreement
7. Hook and tow agreement. Chris Paice. Forward to Blake Marshall
8. On site storage liability waiver. Chris Paice. Forward to Blake Marshall
9. Sign off and billing arrangements: Blake Marshall/ Barry Fryer GWRC/Peter Soundy NZ Rail Museum.
10. Go ahead with transfer. KH/DC/AH/DN
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight

(internal extension: s7(2)(a)) | Mobile: s7(2)(a)
| Fax:s7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Blake Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 12:13 p.m.
To: Chris Paice; Keith Holdsworth; Soren Low; Troy Marsden; Alan Hill; Duncan Ness; Derek Case; Leon Bennett
Cc: 'Barry Fryer'
Subject: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Gentlemen, This issue has come to me via Barry Fryer GWRC this morning, see email trail below. I am
endeavouring to get to the bottom of it:
1. I have been advised by KiwiRail there is no room at Linwood or Waltham for this vehicle so it will have
to go straight to NZ Railway Museum.
2. The vehicle needs to be checked and signed off by Derek Case before it travels. There will be costs
associated with this. Derek Case/Leon Bennett
3. It could most likely go next week but the check needs to be completed first.
4. A hook and tow agreement needs to be signed. Chris Paice/Keith Holdsworth/GWRC..
5. The cost of the checks and transport needs to be finalised. Keith Holdsworth/Derek Case/Chris Paice.
6. The costs needs to be paid for by GWRC/NZ Rail Museum, GWRC please advise.
Before anything happens the vehicle needs to be signed off by Derek as fit to travel, I will try to provide a
timing on this later today.
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight
(internal extension: s7(2)(a)) | Mobile:s7(2)(a)
| Fax:s7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Chris Paice
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 11:30 a.m.
To: Keith Holdsworth
Cc: Blake Marshall
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Thanks Keith – looking forward to receiving the agreement when ready

Blake – are you working on someone in Chch re a place to store Phoenix once it arrives?
Note Keith’s comments below should be good to roll early next week (Aratere dependant) – heaps of time for me to get
the paper work through the system.
Chris Paice | Contracts Manager Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)) Mobile: s7(2)(a)
Fax: s7(2)(a)
KiwiRail Holdings Limited trading as KiwiRail, Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
From: Keith Holdsworth
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 11:20 a.m.
To: Chris Paice
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Hi Chris
I am just back from leave and with Aratere out of service there is no way we can move these in the short term (this week).
I will get on to it and was aware of Troy’s concerns re risk with storage etc, this will need resolving between the parties as
we will not want to carry any risk during the storage and assuming there is space available.
Hope to get on to this tomorrow.
Keith Holdsworth | Key Account Executive KiwiRail Freight
Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extns7(2)(a)), Mobiles7(2)(a)
Level 3, 8 – 14 Stanley Street, Parnell, Auckland, 1010 | PO Box 92138, Victoria West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
Confidentiality Notice: The content of this message and any attachments may be privileged, in confidence or sensitive. Any unauthorised use is expressly
prohibited. If you have received this email in error please notify the sender, disregard and then delete the email. This email may have been corrupted or interfered
with. KiwiRail cannot guarantee that the message you receive is the same as the message we sent. No warranty is made that this email and its contents are free
from computer viruses or other defects.
From: Chris Paice
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:42 a.m.
To: Blake Marshall; Troy Marsden
Cc: Keith Holdsworth
Subject: RE: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?

Okay talking with Keith Holdsworth and starting the ball rolling and this will result in a hook & tow agreement in the
name of NZ Railway Museum (NZRM)
GW will talk to NZRM and work out who will pay the bill (as they are going 50/50 on the shipping cost to Chch
NZRM will have to have the insurance in place to cover this transfer.
Who can tell me the car numbers eg ET & EM numbers (just for the record)?
Chris Paice | Contracts Manager Ph: s7(2)(a)
(internal extn s7(2)(a)) Mobile: s7(2)(a)
KiwiRail Holdings Limited trading as KiwiRail, Level 4, Wellington Railway Station, Bunny Street | PO Box 593, Wellington 6140, New
Backbone of integrated transport networks
Please consider the environment before printing
From: Blake Marshall
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:29 a.m.
To: Troy Marsden; Chris Paice
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Troy see below, I will try and get Barry some information, Chris do you know anything about this ?
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight
(internal extension:s7(2)(a) | Mobile: s7(2)(a)
| Fax:s7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:22 a.m.
To: Blake Marshall
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
I have been dealing with Troy regarding moving English Electric Phoenix to Christchurch, but I see he has
gone on leave for the rest of May, and has not provided any significant update.
To: Keith Holdsworth; Troy Marsden; Derek Case; Soren Low
Cc: Subject: Phoenix Move
The 2-car English Electric Phoenix (DM216 and D2687) is currently located at Woburn Hutt Workshops, and we would
like to move it to Christchurch, as New Zealand Railway Museum is taking ownership of this historic vehicle, but due to
short term space constraints on the Ferrymead site, it will be first stored in an earthquake damaged KiwiRail workshop
near Wilson's Road.
Can you please prepare a hook and tow agreement for the movement of Phoenix to Christchurch, the Hook and Tow
agreement will be signed by NZ Railway Museum, as they will hold the necessary insurance.
I assume the cost will be similar to the cost of transporting Ferrymead to Christchurch, which was quoted at $6,000 (See
From our perspective the vehicle can be moved as soon as everything is in order (i.e. hook and tow agreement signed,
and vehicle inspection undertaken).
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: 04 830 4253 |
M: 021 456 913 |
Blake Marshall
Senior Project Manager,
Mechanical Engineering, KiwiRail Freight
(internal extension: s7(2)(a)) | Mobile: s7(2)(a)
| Faxs7(2)(a)
Level 1, Room 150, Railway Station, 1 Bunny Street, Wellington | PO Box 593, Wellington,6140
Backbone of integrated transport networks
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:22 a.m.
To: Blake Marshall
Subject: FW: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
I have been dealing with Troy regarding moving English Electric Phoenix to Christchurch, but I see he has
gone on leave for the rest of May, and has not provided any significant update.
GW is donating Phoenix to NZ Railway Museum which is based on the Ferrymead site in Christchurch,
however they are currently short of space on their site, but had arranged with Duncan Ness to temporarily store
Phoenix at Waltham yard.
Troy was keen to ensure that the appropriate KR management sign off had been given for the storage of
Phoenix at Waltham, and to ensure that there was a clear understanding of risk ownership while the unit was
parked there.
The NZ Railway Museum contact iss7(2)(a) , s7(2)(a), s7(2)(a)
I am very keen to get this moving ASAP, to get it off Hutt site, and stop GW paying storage.
If you could find out where this issue is sitting and make some progress on resolving it, it would be much
appreciated. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: |
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Tuesday, 2 April 2013 10:59 a.m.
To: Troy Marsden
Subject: RE: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Can you give me an update on where KR are at with this?
Sorry I was on leave last week.
Barry Fryer | Senior Engineer - EMU Fleet
GREATER WELLINGTON REGIONAL COUNCIL | 142 Wakefield St | PO Box 11646, Manners St, Wellington 6142
T: s7(2)(a) |
From: Barry Fryer [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2013 1:24 p.m.
To: Troy Marsden
Subject: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
From: NRMNZ Treasurer [mailtos7(2)(a)]
Sent: Friday, 22 March 2013 12:47 p.m.
To: Barry Fryer
Subject: Re: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Hi Barry
Have been away this week
Contact person in Christchurch Duncan Ness 0274859251
it appears that it will stored in the Waltham yard
regards s7(2)(a)
----- Original Message -----
From: Barry Fryer
To: s7(2)(a)'
Sent: Thursday, March 21, 2013 4:26 PM
Subject: FW: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Are you able to confirm your KR contact person?
Barry Fryer
From: Troy Marsden [mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, 18 March 2013 12:33 p.m.
To: Barry Fryer; Keith Holdsworth; Derek Case; Soren Low
Cc: Tom Williams
Subject: Phoenix Move & Storage at Linwood/Waltham?
Barry can you confirm which Building in Chch you planned to store these at, and who at KiwiRail signed this off?
I assume these will need an inspection and work before they can run?
Note the previous quote may not be adequate depending on how much work is required on the vehicles before they can
Troy Marsden | Project Manager (TM20567)
Public Excluded
File: TP/01/06/07
Report PE 12.499
Economic Wellbeing Committee
Minute extract from meeting held on 25 October 2012
Disposal of the English Electric Fleet
Angus Gabara spoke to the report.
(Mr Rangi / Cr Swain)
That the Committee:
Receives the report.
Notes the content of the report.
Agrees to:
hold three cars in reserve whilst officers negotiate their sale to private individuals. If
the sale(s) falls through then the cars are to be scrapped.
donate a second trailer car to the NZ Defence Force.
officers commencing discussions with the Wellington EMU Preservation Trust with a
view to GWRL donating them the Cyclops, along with any useful inventory, as soon
as they have sufficient funds towards the relocation costs.
officers commencing discussions with the National Railway Museum with a view to
GWRL donating them the 2-car Phoenix, along with any useful inventory.
officers commencing immediate scrapping of the remaining 20 cars.
The motion was
Press Release (GWRC regarding Historic Railway Units)
After a life of over 60 years moving Wel ington commuters some of the English Electric which were withdrawn
during 2012 are set to move to new homes. Greater Wellington Regional Council (the units owners) are please
to confirm that the 2 remaining red celebrity units DM556 “Cyclops” and DM216 “Phoenix” along with related
trailers have been secured by preservation groups.
DM556 “Cyclops” has been secured by the Wel ington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust and wil be
based at the Rimutaka Incline Railway Heritage Trust site at Maymorn Upper Hutt. Plans include returning the
unit to Mainline Certification enabling it to return to operation.
DM216 “Phoenix” is bound for the National Railway Museum Project taking place alongside the Ferrymead
Railway at The Ferrymead Historic Park Christchurch. DM216 got the name “Phoenix” after the unit was
rebuilt from parts and withdrawn units by Hutt Workshops in 2008 rising from the ashes like the mythical bird
of the same name.
For further information the fol owing links are available.
English Electric Units
Wel ington Heritage Multiple Unit Preservation Trust. ingtonHeritageRailwayMultipleUnitPreservation
National Railway Museum
Photo 1 DM556 leads DM216 through Petone bound for Wel ington 10/09/2009.
© Bryce Pender
Photo 2 D2411 (trailer car of DM556) sitting in the storage yards Wel ington Station 23/12/2008
© Bryce Pender
Full photos (Jpeg) can be supplied as needed as can a range of others.