OIA 25546
Malcolm Lock
[FYI request #29820 email]
Dear Malcolm
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act 1982 (OIA) request of 20 January 2025 in which
you sought:
Please supply any reports or supporting documents submitted to the House of
Representatives by the minister of police, as per section 96 of the Arms Act 1983
96 Review of this Act
(1) The Minister of Police must—
(a) review the operation of this Act when all of the provisions of the amendment Act,
except sections 106 and 108, have been in force for 3 years; and
(b) prepare a report on that review, including recommendations for amendments to
this Act.
(2)The review must include reviewing—
(a) the operation of the registry; and
(b) all offences and penalties in this Act; and
(c) the impact of the amendment Act.
(3) The review must be completed within 18 months after all of the provisions of the
amendment Act, except sections 106 and 108, have been in force for 3 years.
(4) The Minister must present the report to the House of Representatives as soon as
practicable after it has been completed.
(5) In this section, amendment Act means the Arms Legislation Act 2020.
I am refusing your request under section 18(e) of the OIA, as the information requested does
not exist.
As noted in your request, section 96 of the Arms Act 1983 (the Act) requires the Minister of
Police to review the operation of the Act when all provisions of the Arms Legislation Act 2020
(the Amendment Act) have been in force for three years.
link to page 2
The last provisions came into force on 24 June 2023, as specified in section 2(5) of the
Amendment Act.
1 The requirement to review the Act under section 96 is therefore not
required to commence until 24 June 2026, and reported back to the House by December
You may be aware that the Government is undertaking a rewrite of the Act. I refer you to
further information about this and the wider firearms reform programme, available here:
https://www.justice.govt.nz/justice-sector-policy/key-initiatives/firearms-reform/. You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to review my decision if you are not satisfied with
my response to your request.
Yours sincerely
Hon Mark Mitchell
Minister of Police
1 https://www.legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2020/0023/latest/LMS256577.html