This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Authorisation and use of VTNZ data by Auror'.

s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
s 241 application - Auror Limited
Friday, 27 May 2022 12:27:51 pm
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Kia ora
I am writing in response to a non-standard application under s 241 for access to the Motor ACT 1982
Vehicle Register by Auror Limited.
As your Office has no concerns with their application, and having reviewed Auror Limited’s
application, the Ombudsman agrees to the granting of the authorisation for the maximum time
period of 5 years.
Ngā mihi
s 9(2)(a)
Advisor, Strategic Advice
Office of the Ombudsman | Tari o te Kaitiaki Mana Tangata
DDI s 9(2)(a)
 Phone s 9(2)(a)  | Fax s 9(2)(a)INFORMATION 
Email s 9(2)(a)|
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