This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Authorisation and use of VTNZ data by Auror'.
Juliet Esposito
S241; Emily Moon
RE: New application - Auror Limited
Wednesday, 18 May 2022 2:41:23 pm
Hi Team
I agree Gemma that the purpose is a bit vague in the present one – potentially we should sync it
up with the wording we have drafted for the next standard terms for fuel suppliers? I think we
want to make it clear when fuel suppliers can send this request to Auror (i.e. not when it is a
mistake at the till has been made).
I think we need clarity on – what does Auror do with the information? Just send a letter? Do they
ACT 1982
refer to debt collection if still unpaid?
As I assume we are using the new standard terms and conditions as a base for all authorisation
going forward, we should send them their draft authorisation with these more detailed
conditions and point to the new more detailed conditions around security systems and point to:
The fact users will all need their own unique log in and password and
Users will need specific training in section 241.
I would also ask whether staff members handle the automatically generated letters? I would
imagine they do and therefore would still see the personal information in the letters? What
training do they have on the use of this information?
An example of wording could be:
Where the occupant(s) of a motor vehicle have failed to pay the full amount for goods or
services obtained from a fuel supplier, where Auror Limited has entered into a contract with
that fuel supplier instructing them to xxxxx, at a service station:
1. To send a letter to the registered person advising them of the failure to pay and
requesting payment (including details of possible methods of making payment); or
2. To refer the information to a debt collector for the purpose of lawfully collecting
the debt.
Failed to pay the full amount for goods or services meansthe occupant(s) has
obtained/received/taken goods or services without attempting to pay for them; or
Has paid the full amount for one or more of the goods or services obtained but has failed to
pay for other goods or services also obtained, for example has paid for an item purchased at
the fuel station (such as a juice) but has failed to pay for the fuel obtained from the service
station; or
has claimed that they do not have enough money to pay for the goods or services obtained,
and has then left with these goods or services, without having paid the full amount for them.
For the avoidance of doubt, this excludes underpayment by occupants as the result of
an error by a fuel supplier or their employees or agents, information must not be
accessed for this purpose.
We could then ask Auror how they will ensure their customers are aware of what failure
to pay includes and the circumstances under which they can request Auror to search
this information for them?
Happy to have a chat if easier.
Juliet Esposito (she/her)
Legal Counsel Regulatory, Legal Team
Corporate Support

Email: [email address]
Phone (DDI): +s 9(2)(a)
Mobile: s 9(2)(a)
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Chews Lane Office, 50 Victoria Street
Private Bag 6995, Wellington 6141, New Zealand
ACT 1982
From: S241 <[email address]> 
Sent: Wednesday, 13 April 2022 3:24 pm
To: Juliet Esposito <[email address]>; Emily Moon <[email address]>
Subject: New application - Auror Limited
Hi there
Auror Limited currently have access which expires in September: for the following purpose:
“To assist in verifying the registered person details in respect of a motor vehicle that has been
involved in fuel theft where Auror Limited has entered into a contract with a fuel supplier
instructing them to investigate fuel theft.”
Although they operate with some similarities to a portal, in that they obtain the information,
they do not pass the information along to their customers. They have automated processes that
include sending out payment request for drive offs on behalf of the fuel stations that are their
They’ve provided some really detailed answers and supporting documentation, which is great to
see. Is there anything else we need to ask them before we go to the advising agencies on this
one? Do you recommend we grant the application, and under what purposes and conditions? I
wonder if “investigate fuel theft” is too broad in terms of the purpose? Should we narrow that to
include something that specifies the use, eg to send an invoice for payment and pass on debt
collection etc? Is so please let me know the suggested wording.
Kind regards
Gemma Rush (she/her)
Senior Case Officer, Exemptions & Registers Integrity
Te Roopu Waeture | Regulatory Services
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Palmerston North 
Private Bag 11777, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand
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From: s 9(2)(a)> 
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2022 4:12 PM
To: S241 <[email address]>
Cc: s 9(2)(a)>

Subject: Re: NZTA CA05 Application - Auror Limited
CAUTION: The sender of this email is from outside Waka Kotahi. Do not click links, attachments, or reply
unless you recognise the sender’s email address and know the content is safe.
Thank you very much, Gemma.
I have attached the following documentation:
CA05-Application form (unfortunately I was unable to align the text within the lines in the
form, so I have additionally attached a PDF which has our answers in a format that may be
easier to read - see NZTA MVA Application 2022)
Auror DD Authority form attached as well as a bank account slip
Auror Privacy Statement
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Auror Trust Center:
Please let me know if you require any further information. I look forward to hearing from you.
s 9(2)(a)
On Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 12:42, S241 <[email address]> wrote:
Hello s 9(2)(a)
Thank you for your email and it’s great to hear that Auror are planning ahead for the renewal.
Yes, a new direct debit form will need to be completed, I’ve attached this, along with the
application form for you to complete. The current authorisation for Auror Limited expires on
13 September, however I would encourage you to submit your application as soon as possible,
as they can take a significant amount of time to process.
Since your application was previously granted in 2017, we have adjusted our approach to the
purposes and conditions of authorisation, making these more robust in light of the
considerable potential risks of allowing access to personal information and to better align with
recent changes to the Privacy Act. Section 241 access to the Motor Vehicle Register is a
privilege that needs to be treated very carefully, and as part of the application, Auror Limited
will need to demonstrate how it would avoid breaches of privacy, as instances of unauthorised
access can have severe consequences for the individual whose privacy has been breached. As
such, Waka Kotahi must be satisfied that Auror Limited has sufficient measures in place to
ensure that personal information will be protected and to prevent instances of misuse before
granting an application.
You can view the terms and conditions for some recently granted here:
 Hopefully these examples will provide some
clarity on the type of conditions you may see reflected, and we suggest you keep these in
mind when providing your answers to the questions on the application form. Think carefully
about how you would meet each condition and how you could then supply evidence to Waka
Kotahi of doing so. Any evidence of your current recording processes, privacy policies and staff
training materials should also be supplied with your application.
If you have any questions please let me know.
Kind regards
Gemma Rush (she/her)
Senior Case Officer, Exemptions & Registers Integrity
Te Roopu Waeture | Regulatory Services
Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Palmerston North 

Private Bag 11777, Palmerston North 4442, New Zealand
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From: s 9(2)(a)> 
Sent: Thursday, 7 April 2022 11:11 AM
To: S241 <[email address]>
Subject: NZTA CA05 Application - Auror Limited
CAUTION: The sender of this email is from outside Waka Kotahi. Do not click links, attachments, or reply
unless you recognise the sender’s email address and know the content is safe.
To whom this may concern,
ACT 1982
Auror Limited are applying to renew our authorised access to current names and addresses in
the Motor Vehicle Register. We currently have a direct debit set up with NZTA. Could you
please confirm whether you would be able to direct debit the application fee from our current
account set-up? Or whether we need to fill in another direct debit form?
Many thanks in advance,
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
s 9(2)(a)
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