Reference: OIA 241138
7 February 2025
Erika Whittome
[FYI request #29872 email]
Dear Erika
Thank you for your Of icial Information Act request received on 24 January 2025. You
‘I refer to your advice of 1st Dec 2021 "Our enforcement approach during the COVID-
19 pandemic. Our inspectors are authorised enforcement officers under the COVID-
19 Public Health Response Act 2020 (COVID-19 legislation) and its Orders. Their role
is to enforce COVID-19 legislation requirements for work and workplaces."
1. How many fines were issued to unvaccinated health workers by your
2. How many fines issued to unvaccinated health workers by your organization were
successful y col ected?
3. Would you kindly share the gazetting of these officers authorized to enforce covid
I am aware of this info you gave, however this info request is just for health workers
WorkSafe believes that the part of the request for the gazetting of officers authorised to
enforce COVID orders is best placed with the Ministry of Health (MoH) to respond.
Accordingly, we have decided under section 14(b)(i ) of the Official Information Act to transfer
this part of the request to MoH. The other parts of the request wil remain with WorkSafe.
Please note that MoH must decide on the request as soon as practicable, and no later than
20 working days from receipt of this transfer notification.
Yours sincerely
Kelly Hanson-White
Deputy Chief Executive Strategy and Insights