National Headquarters
Fire and Emergency New Zealand
National Headquarters
Spark Central, Level 7
42-52 Willis Street
Wellington Central
Wellington 6011
Phone +64 4 496 3600
24 February 2025
Ref: 16904
D. Greenhalgh
[FYI request #29874 email] Tēnā koe D
Thank you for your email of 25 February 2025, to Fire and Emergency New Zealand, requesting
information relating to Northland’s Emergency Service and Special Response Zones as well as
event type definitions. Your request has been considered under the Official Information Act 1982
(OIA) and our response is below.
1. I would like to request a list (and/or map if one exists) of Emergency Service Zones and
Special Response Zones (as defined by FENZ in OIA 16198) within the Northland region.
Please find attached, as
Appendix One to this response, a list of Emergency Service Zones and
Special Response Zones within the Northland region. Please also find attached, as
Appendix Two
to this response, maps of the Emergency Service Zones in Northland.
2. I would also like to request clarification on the following information provided to me last
year in OIA 13591 in relation to Alarm Levels:
What is the difference between the categories Medical and Medical First
What is the category Minor? What kind of calls would be categorised as this?
What is the category Rescue? What kind of calls would be categorised as this?
What is the difference between Motor Vehicle Crash, Motor Vehicle Crash Rescue,
and Motor Vehicle Crash Heavy?
Please find attached, as
Appendix Three to this response, a list of definitions to clarify the
requested event types.
We trust that the information being provided is of assistance. If you require further information,
please email [FENZ request email].
Nāku noa nā
Aidan Saunders
Manager, Information Requests