[Name and address of
appointee] [appointees email
Tēnā koe [appointee]
I am pleased to confirm your appointment as a member of the Contaminated Sites and
Vulnerable Landfills Fund Assessment Panel at the Ministry for the Environment, effective
from [start date].
The Ministry sought interest from prospective panel members through a public nomination
process and made appointments based on their subject matter expertise on contaminated
land management in New Zealand and experience in projects of this nature.
The role of the Panel is advisory and provides a key level of assurance in the decision-making
process for funding applications. The Panel draws on the technical expertise and knowledge
of its Members’ in undertaking a strategic assessment of the funding applications. When
making its recommendations, the Panel will consider whether an application meets the
objectives of the Fund.
The Panel Members will individually assess and score all applications using the assessment
tools and criteria provided by the Ministry. The Panel wil consider the extent to which each
application meets the assessment criteria, the significance of the risk, the outcome of each
project and the protection afforded the environment, the benefits to the community, and the
risks to the Ministry.
Your appointment is from [insert start date] until [insert end date], unless you resign before
that date. I may extend your appointment or reappoint you for a subsequent term depending
on your ongoing interest, availability, and the needs of the group.
Your appointment to the Panel is subject to you agreeing the included Terms of Reference
which set out the purpose and functions of the Panel.
Please accept this appointment by signing the enclosed letter and Terms of Reference and
sending it back to me.
If you have any queries regarding your appointment or role, please contact Joshua Wilson at
the Ministry for the Environment ([email address], [phone]).
The first meeting is scheduled for April 2025, and meetings are expected to be held every other
month if there are any applications to be assessed. Not all Panel members are required at every
meeting. Panel members will be advised of their inclusion prior to the meeting. The
applications to be assessed, supporting documents, agenda and papers for this meeting will be
circulated to you ahead of the meeting.
Once again, I am pleased to appoint you to this role, and trust that you will make a valuable
contribution to the Contaminated Land and Vulnerable Landfills Fund.
Ngā mihi,
Lorena Stephen
General Manager, Partnerships and Investments
Ministry for the Environment | Manatū Mō Te Taiao