25 February 2025
John Luke
[FYI request #29911 email]
Ref: OIA-2024/25-0597
Tēnā koe John Luke
Official Information Act request: Legislative requirements for publishing New
Zealand Gazette notices
Thank you for your Official Information Act request received on 28 January 2025. You
I noted Gazette notices 2025-vr448 and 2025-vr452 and that the terms and conditions
on the Gazette website state "All notices submitted must have a legislative
requirement to be published in the New Zealand Gazette".
Could you please provide me with the legislative requirements relating to publishing
Gazette notices for the appointments of ministers and Executive Council members. If
there are none, please provide me with any advice given to the Clerk of the Executive
Council relating to publishing Gazette notices for the appointments of ministers and
Executive Council members.
Response to your request
The Cabinet Manual requires the gazetting of warranted appointments for Executive
Council ors and ministerial portfolios. Paragraph 2.17 states:
All Ministers must be appointed as members of the Executive Council before they
are appointed as Ministers. The Governor-General signs a warrant of appointment
for each member of the Executive Council, and separate warrants for each
ministerial portfolio. Warranted appointments must be published in the New
Zealand Gazette. Each member of the Executive Council must take the relevant
oaths or affirmations set out in legislation.
You have the right to ask the Ombudsman to investigate and review my decision under
section 28(3) of the Act. This response wil be published on the Department of the
Prime Minister and Cabinet’s website during our regular publication cycle. Typical y,
information is released monthly, or as otherwise determined. Your personal information
including name and contact details wil be removed for publication.
Nāku noa, nā
Rachel Hayward
Clerk of the Executive Council
Telephone: +64 (4) 830 5010. Email: [email address]