This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Please elucidate the proper interpretation of certain supplied data series.'.
28 February 2025 
Nicky McLean 
By email: [FYI request #29936 email] 
Tēnā koe Nicky, 
Your request 
Thank you for your request, received on 30 January 2025, under the Official Information Act 1982 
(the Act) for the following information: 
“Via your organisation's web site Electricity Authority - EMI (market statistics and tools) there 
are links to seven sub-directories, each containing monthly data files offering half-hourly data 
on various aspects of electricity generation and consumption in most of New Zealand. Each 
file contains data for multiple data series, each identified by a sequence of code letters and 
digits. A straightforward check finds some 2,311 different name sequences across the various 
files, though some names appear in more than one sub-directory!  Many of these names can 
be deciphered (hopefully correctly, a separate issue), but the problem here is that other name 
sequences are unintelligible. 
My request therefore is for information that would elucidate the correct interpretation so that 
the data series may be placed into proper relationships with other data series. For instance, 
given names A1, A2, A3, and A it might be that A = (A1 + A2 + A3), or, the total "A" action is (A 
+ A1 + A2 + A3), or, these are all variants of the single activity at A. 
   Instead of more hand-waving generalities, here are specifics on some two hundred and 
seventeen names whose interpretation is dark to me. 
First, a col ection of names for which every supplied datum is zero: 
Most of these name sequences do not identify the unit of measurement; those that do state 
KWH (in a half-hour) as in the penultimate example. Could it be that units are instead 
Megawatt-hours? This would cause small numbers to appear, though this would have no 
effect on the all-zero values. But if not, many of the values are being specified to a fraction of a 
watt-hour (as for the last example), something surely out-of-place in statistics on the national 
network where a kilowatt is a small thing. Given that this data collection is given the heading 
"Metered-Data", one wonders just what meters where are measuring this sort of value, and 
what it means. 
Many name sequences include the text DEF - one could guess a meaning for this, but it would 
be better to have definite information in place of guesswork, and for the other name parts too. 

Since this is all information that you publish, I hope that you also have information on the 
meaning that you can provide.” 
The Electricity Authority Te Mana Hiko (Authority) has interpreted your request as for: 
1.  A description of the seven data series mentioned and their relationship with other data 
2.  Clarification on codes used, and the consistency of units. 
Our response 
The Authority is not able to provide you with the level of detail you have requested as we do not 
hold this information. Set out below is the information that we are able to provide in response to 
your request. 
The seven datasets you referred to are a legacy collection (loosely referred to as the ‘metered data 
collection), which wil  be discontinued when the Authority has a reliable and appropriately 
documented replacement. In the meantime, we continue to collect and publish this data, on a best 
endeavours basis, as a courtesy to those who may have been using it for some time. The data is 
not used internally by the Authority.  
The seven datasets are created from three source datasets. While there is some overlap across 
the three sources, it is not possible to combine them in their entirety and treat them as a single 
dataset. Other than splitting one of these three sources into five smaller (mutually exclusive 
subsets), there is no transformation undertaken on the received data; we simply  publish it on EMI 
in an ‘as is’ state. 
Due to overlaps and extra information between the three datasets, we combine parts of these 
datasets together to create an eighth (legacy) dataset. This is available here:  
Our preference is to obtain and publish a reliable and documented replacement for the metered 
data so the metered data series can be decommissioned, rather than create a documented 
schema for the metered data. However, a table with a list of column names with definitions and 
specification of the units is included in Appendix A, for your information.  
Your rights 
You have the right to seek an investigation and review by the Ombudsman of this decision. 
Information about how to make a complaint is available at or 
freephone 0800 802 602.  
If you wish to discuss this decision with us, please feel free to contact us by emailing 
[email address]. 
Nāku noa, nā, 
Airihi Mahuika 
GM Legal, Monitoring and Compliance 

Appendix A 
EMI destination 
Reconciliation  RM 
An inappropriately named dataset that 
POC (Point of connection) 
Embedded  contains both generation and offtake, from 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
Generation  both embedded and grid connected NSPs. 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Presumably from half-hourly submissions 
Participant_Code (The trader participant)  
to the RM. 
Loss_Code, large generators need their own 
independent loss code, grid connections = 
The registry manager informs the 
reconciliation manager which locations 
Flow_Direction (I= Injection, X = Offtake) 
‘qualify’ for this dataset. But we’re not 
familiar with all of the conditions that 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh) 
Pulled in to supplement the legacy 
Generation_MD series for (known) 
embedded generation.  
EMS Unit 
May be higher than the aggregated EMS 
POC (Point of connection) 
Grid Metering values below due to also 
Unit_Code (Identifying separately metered 
Generation  including reserve injection values.  
plant at the same site)  
And IR 
Participant_Code (The Generators participant 
Pulled into Generation_MD series where 
we can usefully identify separate fuel 
Gen_Measure (Always kWh) 
types per unit, eg, Huntly. 
Flow_Direction (Always I=Injection)  
Gen_Type (Always F = 
Level 7, AON Centre, 1 Wil is Street, PO Box 10041, Wellington, New Zealand  | 

Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh)  
EMS Grid 
A combination of grid-level metering 
POC (Point of connection) 
measures, subsets of which create the 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
following five data sets. 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Generation_Type (Always DC) 
Trader (Always TPNZ = Transpower)  
Unit_Measure (Always kWh) 
Flow_Direction (I= Injection, X = Offtake) 
Status (Always F = Unknown/Unused/Final?) 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh - as per 
Unit_Measure above) 
POC (Point of connection) 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Generation_Type (Grid. GG, GN, GD) 
Trader (The trading participant)  
Unit_Measure (Always kWh) 
Flow_Direction (I= Injection, X = Offtake) 
Status (Always F = Unknown/Unused/Final?) 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh - as per 
Unit_Measure above) 
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POC (Point of connection – Always TWI2201) 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Generation_Type(Grid. GN) 
Trader (The trading participant)  
Unit_Measure (Always kWh) 
Flow_Direction (I= Injection, X = Offtake) 
Status (Always F = Unknown/Unused/Final?) 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh - as per 
Unit_Measure above) 
POC (Point of connection) 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Generation_Type (Grid. GG, GN, GD) 
Trader (The trading participant)  
Unit_Measure (Always kWh) 
Flow_Direction (I= Injection) 
Status (Always F = Unknown/Unused/Final?) 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kWh - as per 
Unit_Measure above) 
POC (Point of connection) 
Nwk_Code (Network or direct 
connect/connecting asset owner) 
Generation_Type (Grid. GG, GN, GD) 
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Trader (The trading participant)  
Unit_Measure (Always kVArh) 
Flow_Direction (N= None) 
Status (Always F = Unknown/Unused/Final?) 
Trading period 1-50 values. (kVArh - as per 
Unit_Measure above) 
DEF = Default Loss Code, which should translate to Grid Connected.   
Al  units are kilowatt-hours, unless otherwise stated, ie, Reactive_power = kVArh 
As for the number of decimal places, we agree some of the decimal precision is spurious but, as above, we pass through what is received. 
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