Ngauranga to Airport Steering Group
Terms of Reference
Greater Wellington Regional Council, Wellington City Council and the New Zealand
Transport Agency are working collaboratively to deliver activities under the Ngauranga to
Airport Corridor Strategy.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the three parties and a
governance group and steering group have been established. This Terms of Reference
applies to the Steering Group.
Purpose of the Steering Group
1. The purpose of the Steering Group is to align and drive delivery of the transport and land
use activities in the Ngauranga to Airport Strategy so that they support the strategic
principles outlined in the Strategy and achieve the following benefits:
a. Economic growth supported – efficient and reliable access to and through the
CBD and central Wellington City as a crucial employment centre for the
region and to other key destinations for freight and tourism such as the port
and international airport.
b. Integrated transport and land use – efficient and effective travel options to
support the current and future urban growth areas in the city, including inner
city living and intensification along the spine from Johnsonville to Kilbirnie.
c. Accessible and liveable city – the central city street network provides good
access for all transport modes (including freight) while providing a safe,
pleasant and attractive environment for shopping, education and leisure
2. The Steering Group does this by building trust amongst the parties by being transparent
and actively sharing information that is relevant to the efficient delivery of N2A activities
in a timely way, monitoring progress of activities and risks, and ensuring resources are
provided to enable alignment and integration of N2A activities.
3. The Steering Group is also responsible for providing advice to the Governance Group.
Role of the Steering Group
4. The role of the Steering Group is to:
a. Review the scope of N2A activities for alignment with the strategic principles
and responses in the N2A Corridor Strategy and delivery of the desired
b. Manage changes in scope as emergent issues force changes to be considered
c. Steer/drive progress towards milestones
d. Provide guidance and direction to the N2A Workstream Project Managers
e. Reconcile differences in opinion and approach, and provide direction on
management of conflicts/trade-offs between the various N2A activities
f. Assist with resolving any issues and managing and mitigating any risks that
have major implications for alignment and delivery of N2A activities
g. Keep the customer front of mind, and review and advise on planned
communications and engagement activities associated with N2A activities to
ensure alignment and consistency of communication messages
h. Ensure resources are allocated to enable programme management of the N2A
i. Provide regular updates on progress, advice and make recommendations to
the Governance Group as required/appropriate.
5. The role of the Steering Group is not to:
a. Assume accountability for decisions or make decisions on N2A activities that
are the responsibility of GWRC, WCC, or NZTA either singly or jointly. Each
organisation has its own decision-making processes and the Steering Group is
not a substitute for these existing processes.
Roles and responsibilities
6. Role of the Steering Group Member:
a. Communicate in an open, honest and respectful manner
b. Be trusted and not share confidential information
c. Consider ideas and issues raised and contribute to discussion
d. Help balance conflicting priorities and resources
e. Be committed to, and actively involved in pursuing the N2A Corridor Strategy
strategic principles and responses
f. Actively consider the customer user groups in providing guidance on N2A
g. Represent the decision-makers of each’s respective organisation and be
responsible for communicating back any salient points/decisions raised or
agreed to decision-makers
h. Appreciate the significance of other organisations’ drivers and operating
context, and the strengths they bring to the Group
i. Have a broad understanding of project management issues and best practice
j. Check adherence of N2A activities to standards of best practice, both within the
Member’s respective organisation and across N2A activities
BRT workstream specific delegated authority
7. Recognising that BRT is a project established jointly across GWRC, WCC and the NZTA
and reporting directly to the Steering Group, the Steering Group is delegated authority to:
a. Take on the responsibilities of the Project Board specific to BRT, to own the
project and be accountable for its results
b. Approve project management documentation at project initiation, stage
boundaries and project closure
c. Provide resources to enable the Project Manager to deliver the project.
Members of the Steering Group should have a high enough level of authority
to assign necessary project resources as they are required
d. Assess whether the BRT Project is meeting its agreed goals
e. Make decisions concerning the viability of the BRT Project, and subsequently
release resources to the Project Manager as viability is established, to
proceed to the next block of work in the project life cycle
f. Serve as an information resource to the Project Manager (particularly with
regard to activities and issues beyond the Project Manager's 'field of vision'),
and provide guidance on dealing with project issues, when requested
g. Review and respond to all project threat issues presented by the Project
h. Agree on whether and how funding of risk mitigation should occur
i. Serve as the official voice of the BRT Project to members’ organisations.
8. The Steering Group shall be comprised of the following representatives of each
a. WCC: Anthony Wilson, Geoff Swainson
b. GWRC: Jane Davis, Wayne Hastie
c. NZTA: Lyndon Hammond, Selwyn Blackmore
9. The Steering Group will be attended by the Workstream Projects Managers, who will
present the monthly project reports and update the members on current project issues:
a. BRT: Chrissie Little
b. Local roads: Geoff Swainson
c. State highways: Stewart McKenzie
10. The Chair shall convene the Steering Group meetings.
11. The Chair position will be rotated every 6 months, unless the Steering Group agrees
12. If the designated Chair is not available an Acting Chair can be appointed and is
responsible for informing the Chair as to the salient points/decisions raised or agreed to
at that meeting.
13. The Chair reserves the right to cancel a meeting in advance of the scheduled date if the
Chair receives notice that a Quorum is not able to be achieved.
14. The Chair shall ensure the Steering Group:
a. Keeps focus on its role and functions
b. Actively and respectfully engages
c. Concludes all the items on the agenda
d. Allocates follow-up tasks and timetables for completion
e. Agrees decision-making procedures that will operate between meetings
f. Alerts those present to issues to be addressed at a future meeting
g. Summarises all decisions taken
h. Ends at the pre-agreed time
Role of N2A Workstream Project Managers
15. Role of Project Managers
a. Provide transparent status reporting on N2A workstreams
b. Raise issues and risks for guidance and direction from the Steering Group
c. Raise specific agenda items to the Chair for discussion at the Steering Group
d. Complete Workstream status reports and provide them to the Chair at least 2
working days before the scheduled Steering Group meeting
16. The Secretariat shall take minutes of and actions arising from the meeting, and shall
maintain an action register.
17. The Secretariat shall circulate agendas and material for the Steering Group meeting as
requested by the Chair.
18. The Secretariat position will be rotated every 6 months.
Agenda Items
19. All Steering Group agenda items and meeting papers must be forwarded to the
Secretariat by Close of Business 4 working days prior to the next scheduled meeting.
20. The Steering Group agenda, with attached meeting papers will be distributed at least 2
working days prior to the next scheduled meeting.
21. The Chair does not have the right to refuse to list an item on the formal agenda, and
members may raise an item under ‘Other Business' if necessary and as time permits.
Minutes and Meeting Papers
22. The minutes of each Steering Group meeting will be recorded and distributed by the
23. Full copies of the minutes, including attachments, shall be provided to all Steering Group
members no later than 2 working days following each meeting.
24. By agreement of the Committee, out-of-session decisions will be deemed acceptable.
Where agreed, all out-of-session decisions shall be recorded in the minutes of the next
scheduled Steering Group meeting.
25. The minutes of each Project Board meeting will be monitored and maintained by the
Secretariat as a complete record as required by the Project Management Standards.
Proxies to Meetings
26. Members of the Steering Group shall nominate a proxy to attend a meeting if the
member is unable to attend.
27. The Chair will be informed of the substitution at least 2 working days prior to the
scheduled nominated meeting.
28. The nominated proxy shall provide relevant comments of the Steering Group member
they are representing to the attended meeting.
29. The nominated proxy shall have the same rights as the Steering Group members. The
nominated proxy will be responsible for reporting back to the Steering Group member
they are representing, any salient points/decisions raised or agreed to at that meeting.
Quorum Requirements
30. A minimum of 3 Steering Group members (excluding any proxies) is required for the
meeting to be recognised as an authorised meeting for the recommendations or
resolutions to be valid.
31. The quorum must contain at least 1 Steering Group member (excluding proxies) from
each organisation.
32. The Chair reserves the right to cancel a meeting in advance of the scheduled date if the
Chair receives notice that a Quorum is not able to be achieved.
Review of Terms of Reference and Chair
33. This Terms of Reference will be reviewed every 6 months by the Steering Group
34. The Steering Group may collectively decide to review the Terms of Reference at a date
earlier than 6 months if changes arise, which impact on the management of N2A
activities and result in the Terms of Reference becoming outdated.
35. The position of Chair will be reviewed every 6 months and a new Chair confirmed.
36. The new Chair will be responsible for ensuring that a revised Terms of Reference is
circulated to all members.
Managing conflicts
37. Conflicts of interest that are unable to be resolved at the Steering Group should be
escalated to Chief Executives of GWRC and WCC and the Regional Director of NZTA,
and if they remain unresolved to the Governance Group as appropriate.
38. There is one appendix to these Terms of Reference:
a. Ngauranga to Airport Corridor Strategy (extract from the 2015-21 Regional
Land Transport Plan)