This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Maternity Services - DHB Funded Pregnancy and Parenting Information and Education services'.
Cinnamon Whitlock <[FYI request #3126 email]> 
OIA requests at MOH <[email address]>,  
07/09/2015 04:23 p.m. 
Subject:  Official Information Act request - Maternity Services - DHB Funded Pregnancy and Parenting 
Information and Education services 
Dear Ministry of Health, 
I am writing to request information as follows:  
Which of the 20 DHBs; currently deliver services against the "Maternity 
Services - DHB funded Pregnancy and Parenting information and education 
Tier 2 Service Specification" 
How long has the Pregnancy and Parenting information and education service 
been in place within those identified DHBs and what are the names of the 
providers who deliver those services? 
I look forward to hearing from you in due course.  
Nga mihi  
Cinnamon Whitlock 
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