Southern District Health Board
Dunedin Hospital
201 Great King Street
Private Bag 1921
Chief Executive Officer
Phone 03-476 9448 Fax 03-476 9450
9 October 2015
Cinnamon Whitlock
Email: [FYI request #3126 email]
Dear Ms Whitlock
Re: Official Information Act Request I refer to your Official Information Act request received by transfer from the Ministry of Health
11 September 2015 in which you specifically requested the following:
Do we currently deliver services against the "Maternity
Services - DHB funded Pregnancy and Parenting information and education
Tier 2 Service Specification"
How long has the Pregnancy and Parenting information and education service
been in place within [the SDHB] and what are the names of the
providers who deliver those services?
Southern DHB moved all contracted providers to the tier level two service specifications for
Pregnancy and Parenting Information and Education (in conjunction with tier one Maternity
Services- DHB funded) in April 2015.
The current list of providers includes:
Royal New Zealand Plunket Society
Southern Provider Arm
Clutha Community Health Company Ltd
Dunedin Independent Childbirth Educators
Dunedin Home Births Association
Northern Southland Health Ltd
Catholic Social Services
Waiau Health Trust Ltd
CDHB – manages NZ Parent’s Centre SI wide
It was apparent to the DHB that some of our currently funded providers would have difficulty
with the implementation of some aspects of the new service specifications. Additionally, the
DHB still had a small proportion of services retained within the Provider Arm which needed to
be transferred to a community setting. It was decided that a Request for Proposal be
undertaken during 2015.
A preferred provider(s) is expected to be selected by November 2015, with the DHB
commencing implementation by 1 April 2016 and full implementation occurring shortly after
Yours sincerely
Carole Heatly
Chief Executive Officer