Attachment 1
Ngauranga to Airport Steering Group
AGENDA updated with MINUTES
Meeting information
3.00pm – 4.00pm
25 March 2015
NZTA Wellington Regional Office, Co-operative Building (PSIS House), 20 Ballance
St - Board Room
Jane Davies (GWRC)
Lyndon Hammond (NZTA)
Wayne Hastie (GWRC)
Amy Kearse (Secretariat)
Geoff Swainson (WCC)
Selwyn Blackmore (NZTA)
Raewyn Bleakley (NZTA)
Chrissie Little (BRT Project Manager)
Greg Campbell (GWRC)
Urban Transformation and Local Roads
Kevin Lavery (WCC)
project manager (Geoff Swainson)
Anthony Wilson (WCC)
• Draft N2A Steering Group Terms of
• BRT Project Initiation Document
Item Description
Draft Terms of Reference for the Steering Group
Discussion Paper
Governance Group preparation
BRT Project Initiation Document
Approve PID
Status reports (to be tabled at meeting):
Note status reports
• BRT Project
• Inner City RoNS
• Urban Transformation and Local Roads
General Business
• Frequency of meetings
• Next proposed meeting date
Item Description
Draft Terms of Reference for the Steering Group
LH introduced the draft ToR and sought feedback on whether
these are fit for purpose.
KL noted that the draft ToR are good but what is important is
how we work, including the importance of officers having
sufficient time to develop the business case and network plan.
GC noted the need for programme management of these
complex projects eg, agreeing objectives, success factors, who
is doing what, gaps, and actions to resolve – working this out at
the steering level then escalating higher as necessary.
It was agreed that the aim should be to resolve issues at the SG
first, with CEs and RB/DB to assist as necessary, before final
escalation of unresolved items to the GG. This reduces risk of
GG members getting individual reports that only present part of
the picture.
Other points touched on included the scope of the SG being
confirmed as N2A, rather than just BRT, clarity for the forward
programme and how funding is aligned in LTP/RLTP, the
opportunity with key people around the table, NZTA as host for
this phase, and the need for the GG to see outputs, to have
confidence, and consistency of message.
Approved Terms of Reference for the N2A Steering Group.
The need for a programme management across N2A was
further discussed, with RB noting the potential for this to be
LH to work with 3
resourced from the RoNS team. RB suggested NZTA confirm
workstream project
whether this is feasible and report back on this and other
managers (CL, SB, GS)
options for programme management.
and come back to the SG
RB noted the need for this to be dedicated and agreed resource
offline with options for
rather than BAU. GC noted that programme management is
resourcing an N2A
what we want and GWRC is happy to cover its share of costs.
programme manager.
CL’s view was sought. CL’s advice was that a programme
manager is absolutely needed and that the other key gap is
clarity on the senior responsible owners and the lack of
programme resourcing across the workstreams.
Governance Group preparation
GC and KL to confirm with
The timing of meetings was discussed, noting the next RTC
respective GG members
meeting is on 28 April. A GG meeting on 31 March had been
their comfort with the GG
scheduled. RB asked that CG and KL confirm whether their
next meeting on 28 April
respective GG members were happy to next meet on 28 April
rather than 31 March.
rather than 31 March.
It was noted that in a best practice sense, there would be
RB to invite CEs, all SG
another group between the SG and the GG. It was agreed that
members, and CL to the
rather than establish another formal group it would be
next GG meeting.
preferable to pull CEs into SG as necessary.
There was general discussion that material prepared for the GG
should be at a higher level than that presented to the SG and
adequately provide the GG with the framework, tools, and
GG Secretariat to add
messages they need for any public communication, including on confirmation of chair as
two key issues (clarity on whether activities are sequential or
first item of next GG
concurrent to the Basin, and alignment of implementation
It was suggested that at least one SG member from each
organisation should attend, and there was discussion whether
project managers should attend GG meetings. No decision on
this, but for the first meeting it was agreed that CL (BRT project
manager) should be introduced to the GG.
RB noted the suggestion from CWB and FW was that NZTA
host the GG meetings and DB chair them. RB suggested the
first item on the GG agenda should be to confirm DB as the
Status reports
Status reports for the BRT and RoNS workstreams were tabled.
BRT: CL spoke to the BRT status noting the biggest issue is
resourcing although GWRC and WCC SG members had
confirmed just prior to the meeting that their respective
organisations have sufficient local share of funding available, so
this will change the overall status of the project from red to
JD agreed to fund at approximately 25% but noted
disappointment that NZTA not funding from HNO perspective,
but despite this GWRC is being pragmatic and will fund its
share accordingly, but this should not set a precedent and there
is a need for further discussion of the contribution from each
organisation going forward.
SB noted that NZTA had not requested any contribution from
GWRC or WCC for work undertaken in relation to BRT planning
and design for the Mt Vic Tunnel Duplication project.
RoNS: SB spoke to two key areas: the Basin Appeal process
and outlined the key dates (as per the status report); and the
need for a decision on the preferred BRT option along Ruahine
Street so that the project team can move forward with detailed
design. SB noted the option chosen will have implications for
Town Belt land.
SB to prepare an item for
GS noted the need to take a report to Council on this.
the next SG meeting
WH noted that the BRT option along Ruahine St is pivotal to the
reporting on results of
overall BRT concept and standard of BRT.
modelling for BRT design
on Ruahine Street, and
SB sought clarity over the decision-making mechanism.
work with CL and GS to set
LH advised that SG is the first mechanism, and then to CEs if
out the forward approval
SG cannot agree on the approach.
It was agreed that SB work with CL and GS to advance
GS to work with CL and SB
approvals for Mt Vic Tunnel BRT concept (noting the urgency
to review table of N2A
with preparing this) and prepare an item for the next SG.
activities (compiled by
Urban transformation and local roads: GS noted that he had not
GWRC) and refine what is
prepared a report for the local roads workstream. GS sought
in the WCC-led
clarity on which activities were covered by the other
workstream and regular
workstreams and what remained for the local road workstream
status report.
to report on.
BRT Project Initiation Document (PID)
CL spoke to PID circulated with the agenda, and asked if SG
happy to approve.
WH spoke to several details within PID that were not quite
CL to make changes to
correct. Minor changes were noted in relation to the following
PID sought by WH and
sections of the report: project objectives, branding, GWRC BRT
circulate final version to the
enabling projects, out of scope areas, constraints, interfaces,
product description.
CL requested that the SG approve the PID with the changes
sought by WH – this was agreed.
Approved BRT Project Initiation Document with changes
sought by WH.
General Business
Next SG meeting to be
LH concluded the meeting noting that if the SG is next week,
scheduled on either 14 or
we’ll need to get an agenda sorted promptly, but we’ll wait for
16 April for 1.5 hours.
confirmation of whether the 31 March meeting is to proceed.
The next SG meeting will be approximately 2 weeks before the
next GG meeting on 28 April – will schedule for either 14 or 16
April for 1.5 hours.
Document Outline