22 February 2016
Mental Health & Addictions
Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus
Megan Rae
Level 1, Hockin Building
Just Speak
Hague Road
Private Bag 3200
Hamilton 3240
Via email to:
[FYI request #3571 email]
New Zealand
Ph: 07 834 3607
Dear Ms Rae
Re: Request for information
Thank you for your email of 26 January 2016 requesting information subject to the
Official Information Act. Specifically you have requested:
1. The total number of prisoners placed on the waiting list for inpatient services during
the course of the most recent year you have records for;
2. The length of time, in days, each prisoner spent on the waiting list.
Forensic psychiatry services are provided in the midland region by Puawai: The
Midland Regional Forensic Psychiatry Service.
From 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015 22 individual prisoners were placed on the
waiting list for inpatient services. Individuals appearing on the sub-acute psychiatric
admission list, are more accurately described as waiting for admission in relation to
rehabilitation, but are admitted to a sub-acute ward, before moving through a
rehabilitation pathway.
Of those placed on the waiting list, nine did not require admission, either responding to
treatment without requiring hospitalization, or not transferring to the Midland Regional
Forensic Psychiatry Service.
In response to your request for the specific length of time, in days, each prisoner spent
on the waiting list, were we to provide detailed information, the very small amount of
prisoners concerned would potentially make identification of individuals possible and
result in privacy breaches.
We can confirm the shortest waiting time was one day and the longest 28 days. The
prisoner who waited 28 days was on the sub-acute waiting list to prepare for release
from prison. For all prisoners, the average time spent on the waiting list was 9.6 days.
If you have any further queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact my
Yours sincerely
Dr Rees Tapsell
Executive Clinical Director
Puawai: Midland Regional Forensic Psychiatry Service