Level 2, H Block
The Princess Margaret Hospital
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4160
Cashmere Road
Fax: 0064 3 364 4101
[email address]
30 March 2016
Mr R J Poultney
Email: [FYI request #3600 email]
Dear Mr R J Poultney
Official Information Act request CDHB 9310(a)
We are in receipt of your email dated 29 February 2016 under section 12 of the Official Information Act
requesting follow up information to our response to your Official Information Act request CDHB 9310; in
Can I please be sent then any reports on the complaints created, such as improvement, change
management etc, (with confidential industry information removed if needed), as this part was
neglected to be referred to in my request. (Within the 2014/15 financial year, and 2015/16 year to
Consultation which is necessary to make a decision on the request means that a proper response cannot
reasonably be made within the original time limit of 30 March 2016. We therefore require further time
prior to issuing our response. The period of the extension is until 13 April 2016.
We are permitted to make this extension under section 15A of the Official Information Act 1982.
You are entitled to complain to the Ombudsman about our decision to extend the time for responding.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Gullery
General Manager,
Planning, Funding & Decision Support