Level 2, H Block
The Princess Margaret Hospital
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4160
Cashmere Road
Fax: 0064 3 364 4101
[email address]
26 April 2016
Mr R J Poultney
Email: [FYI request #3600 email]
Dear Mr R J Poultney
Official Information Act request CDHB 9310(a)
We refer to your email dated 29 February 2016 under section 12 of the Official Information Act
requesting the following information:
Any/and all documentation related to complaints received by the Canterbury DHB Referral
Centre, within the 2014/2015 financial year, and from the start of the 2015 financial year. And
any reports on the complaints created, such as improvement, change management.
The Canterbury DHB has not received any formal complaints in relation to the CDHB Referral Centre
either within the 2014/15 financial year or from the start of the 2015 financial year to 2016 year to date.
The Referral Centre responds to a large number of general enquiries from consumers, GPs and health
service providers. The Referral Centre welcomes feedback on any of its procedures and routinely looks
for ways to improve services.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Gullery
General Manager,
Planning, Funding & Decision Support