Tikaķa Best Practice - Organ and Tissue Donation
These guidelines assist the Southern DHB in properly removing organs or tissues from living
or deceased donors in accordance with Māori protocols and with informed consent.
Note: The local Kai Tahu dialect uses a "ķ" in place of "ng".
Organ donation and transplantation has the potential to save and enhance lives. It also
raises a number of ethical, cultural and social issues. Therefore, ensure the tūroro and their
whānau are fully informed of their rights and have the necessary supports in place.
Associated Policy
Tikaķa Best Practice Policy (24624)
The following applies to both the recipient and donor as
Body parts and/or tissue will never be removed for
donation without informed consent.
Discussion will occur as early as is reasonable, and be
carried out in a sensitive and non-judgmental way in a
supportive environment.
Staff will offer the option of further support from the
appropriate Māori service (e.g. Māori Liaison Service,
Māori Health Unit).
Staff will talk with the tūroro and/or whānau giving a full
and clear verbal and written explanation regarding the
full procedure and options.
Staff will ensure that the tūroro and/or whānau are fully
informed on all aspects of the donation process in order
to make an informed choice and where agreed give
informed consent.
Staff will respect and comply with the decisions made by
the tūroro and/or whānau.
Staff will offer the choice of having karakia/inoia prior to
and/or following any intervention.
Staff will offer to make the arrangements if required.
Tikaķa Best Practice - Organ and Tissue Donation
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Document Owner: Māori Health Directorate
ODHB 25050 - Version 2 - Issued 01/03/2004 - N/A
Master Copy is Electronic
Staff will ensure tūroro and/or whānau are aware and
agree to the possibility that certain body parts and/or
tissue may be stored for use in the future. (Future use
only be the original purpose as agreed to by tūroro
and/or whānau.)
Staff will record and carry out the wishes of the tūroro
and/or whānau for return or disposal if the original
purpose for retention changes (e.g. return or disposal).
All body parts and/or tissue will be offered for return if
unused or unsuitable, e.g. when a heart valve is used,
the surrounding heart tissue will be offered for return.
All returns will follow the 'Tikaķa Best Practice - Removal
of Body Parts' guidelines.
Staff will document all discussions and decisions.
Refer to the 'Tikaķa Best Practice - Dying and Death'
guidelines or ‘Care of the Deceased/Tūpāpaku
(Southland’) when managing Tūpāpaku donors.
Note that the following are also associated with this document:
Tikaķa Best Practice:
Tikaķa Best Practice - Definitions of Important Māori Terms (see "Tikaķa Best Practice -
Definitions of Important Māori Principles" ) (25034)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Spiritual, Family, and Other Support (25042)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Cultural Protocols (including Food, Valuables, and Linen) (25038)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Use of Facilities for Māori (25044)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Research Protocols (25046)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Removal of Body Parts (25048)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Organ and Tissue Donation (25050)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Dying and Death (25053)
Tikaķa Best Practice - Autopsy (25062)
Care of the Deceased/Tūpāpaku (Southland) (60998)
Organ Donation in ICU (15815)
Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) 1999: Hauora o te Tinana me ōna
Tikanga: A guide for the removal, retention, return and disposal of Māori body parts and
organ donation — Service Providers.
Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) 1999: Hauora o te Tinana me ōna
Tikanga: A guide for the removal, retention, return and disposal of Māori body parts,
organ donation, and post-mortem — Māori and their Whānau.
Document Owner: Planning and Funding / Māori Health / ODHB 25050 - Version 2 - Issued
01/03/2004 - N/A Master Copy is Electronic 2505
Tikaķa Best Practice - Organ and Tissue Donation
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Document Owner: Māori Health Directorate
ODHB 25050 - Version 2 - Issued 01/03/2004 - N/A
Master Copy is Electronic