16 March 2016
David Lawson
[FYI request #3745 email]
[email address]
Dear Mr Lawson
Official Information Act Request
Thank you for your requests, seeking information on the following matters on the 14 March 2016:
1. It would be appreciated if you could provide to me all Official Information in relation to the
Healthlink and MMex health information systems and whether ACC use these systems.
Please provide all official information as to what other systems ACC used for information
management and transfer.
In your response please provide all official information on how an individual can gain access
to all correspondence that has been transferred using these systems.
It would also be useful to have provided all official information as to how long the information
that has been transferred in these systems can be retained within this network for other
treatment providers to access.
Please also provide any and all official information as to whether this system can be used to
store notes, and or information ona health client which can be retained on either of these
systems for periods of time. Also whether there are a list of indicators that are able to be
attached to theses systems that identify the individual for certain criteria and or certain levels
of health provision.
Please also advise who is responsible for the management and overseeing of these
systems. If it is not the ministry of health, what agency should I seek this information from.
It would be appreciated if you could supply to me all official information that is associated
with and detail the the process that ACC Complaint Investigators are bound to comply with in
response to the conducting an investigation of a complaint on behalf of an ACC client.
Please supply all procedural, policy, guidelines and training manuals, documents and
information associated with the full complaints process, through ACC receiving and
acknowledging a clients complaint through to the completion of the investigation by the OCI
Investigator, inclusive of all responsibilities attached to the OCI complaint investigator during
this full process.
In your response please ensure all official information associated with the use of ACC's
ACC712 Summary of events documentation is enclosed with your response, together with
the official information that outlines the Complaint Investigators responsibility to complete this
ACC712 Soe fully for each complaint, be there one complaint or several complaints.
Please also provide all official information associated with the responsibilities of the OCI
Investigator, in the event that an OCI Complaints investigator is approached by an ACC
client and requested to provide an amended preliminary ACC712 Summary of events
document that fully responds to each complaint under investigation under all categories of
the ACC712 form being Details of complaint, Investigations, breaches, requested
outcomes/remedies sought, details of investigations done, the appropriate responses to the
complaint under the Act, code and related legislation , and the OCI Investigators individual
preliminary findings for all complaints under investigation to be included on the ACC712
Summary of events.
With the acc client's request based on the prior provision by the ACC OCI investigator of an
incomplete ACC712 Summary of events supplied to them that;
1) fails to describe the OCI Investigators understanding of several of the complaints,
2) omits to provide details of any investigations undertaken by the Complaints investigator,
3) omits to educate the ACC claimant on the impact of the complaint in terms of the Act,
Code and any other legislation,
4) and omits to provide a preliminary finding on several complaints,
which in essence the OCI Investigator has at the preliminary ACC712 Summary of events
stage, failed to investigate the complaint and therefore removes the ACC client's ability to
have a valid right of reply to the ACC Complaint Investigators investigation as noted above,
and in the ACC OCI Investigator doing so compromises the ACC client's rights to have their
complaint fairly investigated, to be in a position to be fairly hear through this complaints
investigation process and thus by association the clients right to receive natural justice
thorough this process has been substantively compromised.
ACC is working on your requests and wil be in touch with you as soon as possible and certainly no
later than 13 April 2016.
If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact
[email address].
Yours sincerely
Janine McGruddy
Senior Advisor