Southern District Health Board
Dunedin Hospital
201 Great King Street
Private Bag 1921
Chief Executive Officer
Phone 03-476 9448 Fax 03-476 9450
2 May 2016
Ms Natalie Wilson
:[FYI request #3756 email]
Dear Ms Wilson
Re: Official Information Act Request I refer to your Official Information Act request received by email on 23 March 2016 in which
you specifically requested the following:
I would like to know how much was the hourly rate paid by the Southern District Health
Board to Alma Consulting?
We are unable to provide this information as it is commercially sensitive for both parties. We
are therefore withholding this information under section 9(2)(b)(ii) of the Official Information
Act in order to protect information where the making available of the information would be likely
to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the
subject of the information.
Was the correct MBIE tender process used in the choice of Alma Consulting?
The appointment of Alma Consulting to conduct a DHB wide service review was based on
Alma’s track record following earlier discrete pieces of work undertaken at Southern DHB. This
earlier work covered a review of the Clinical Administration process and separately work to
support the 2015/16 budgeting process. Given our earlier experience, Alma’s references from
work undertaken at other DHBs and the urgency of the work I was asked to seek approval
from the Board for a departure from the normal procurement process. This departure was
granted and Alma were appointed to carry out this work.
As we move forward in implementing the plan we have targeted to develop organisational
capability and capacity, especially in the areas of Finance and Business Intelligence, the
Southern DHB will use less external resource.
You have the right to seek an investigation and review of our decision by the Ombudsman.The
at Yours sincerely
Carole Heatly
Chief Executive Officer