Level 16 | ASB House | 101 The Terrace | Wellington 6011
PO Box 2142 | Wellington 6140 | New Zealand
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15 April 2016
Peter McCall
[email address] & [FYI request #3801 email]
Dear Mr McCall
On 15 March 2016 you requested under the Official Information Act 1982 a copy of the final signed
contract for the following studies that were tendered by the Health Promotion Agency (HPA)
through GETS: Health Star Rating and monitoring evaluation (RFx ID: 13836010) and 2016 Sun
Exposure Survey (RFx ID: 15118971).
Subsequently on 23 March 2016 you requested under the Official Information Act 1982 a copy of
the final signed contract for the following studies that were tendered through GETS, namely:
'Infant Hunger and Satiety Exploratory Research.'
ICNNZ #: 42127
'Evaluation of Pacific ABC Alcohol Approach Implementation.'
ICCNZ #: 41917
'Tobacco control campaign evaluation.'
ICCNZ #: 41414
'Research on the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act.'
ICCNZ #: 41321
'Drinking and Pregnancy (DAP) Initial Stages Research.'
ICCNZ #: 41030
'2013 Alcohol-related Behaviour and Attitudes Survey.'
ICCNZ #: 39745
'Sun Exposure Survey.'
ICCNZ #: 37367
'WCC Voluntary Accord Trial.'
RFx ID: 6579962
'New Zealand Mental Health Survey fieldwork 2016 to 2018.'
RFx ID: 17102578 (This contract has yet to be signed by the supplier)
Copies of the contracts are attached. Please note that information relating to the milestones pricing
schedule and other financial information, along with the proposal received in response to the
tender included in the research agreements, have been withheld under Section 9(2)(b)(ii) and
Section 9(2)(ba) and Section 9(2)(a) of the Official information Act 1982.
Section 9(2)(b)(ii) allows for the withholding of information where the making available of the
information ‘would be likely to unreasonably prejudice the commercial position of the person who
supplied or who is the subject of the information’.
Section 9(2)(ba) of the Official information Act 1982 allows for the withholding of information to
`... protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence ... where the making available
of the information - (i) would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information, or information
from the same source, and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be
supplied; or (ii) would be likely otherwise to damage the public interest'.
Section 9(2)(a) allows for the withholding of the information if necessary to "protect the privacy of
natural persons, including that of deceased natural persons"; and this interest is not "outweighed by
other considerations which render it desirable, in the public interest, to make that information
Under Section 28(3) of the Act you have the right to apply to the Ombudsman for an investigation
and review of the decision to withhold this information.
Yours sincerely
Cath Edmondson
Acting General Manager Policy, Research and Advice