6 May 2016
Lee M
[FYI request #3921 email]
Dear Lee M
Official Information Act Request
Thank you for your email of 22 April 2016 asking for the following information under
the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
“In a Radio New Zealand interview on 15 April 2014, Mr Sid Miller, Chief
Customer Office, ACC stated that the ACC had “Implemented 37 of the
44 privacy recommendations”.
Under the Official Information Act I am requesting that the ACC;
1) Provide a complete list of the 44 privacy recommendations and
findings, and quote their exact origins and relevant (recommendation
and/or findings) dates.
2) Advise whether or not it has completed implementation of all 44
privacy recommendations and findings? If so, on what date did this
happen? If not, please provide the fullest possible explanation why not,
and, provide a summarized list of the remaining privacy
recommendations and findings that are still to be implemented and the
fullest possible reasons for the delay in implementing them.
Provide copies of all information and data related to the implementation
of the 44 privacy recommendations and findings including
correspondence of all kinds both internal and external, reports, minutes
of meetings and the such-like stored in hard-copy, electronic and ‘in the
head’ format.”
Our response
In the Radio New Zealand interview of 15 April 2014, Mr Sid Miller was referencing
the recommendations of the 2012 Independent Review of ACC’s Privacy and
Security of Information, which was a review undertaken by KPMG and Information
Integrity Solutions at the request of the ACC Board and the Office of the Privacy
In 2014, KPMG was commissioned to undertake the Independent Privacy Follow-Up
Review. This work assessed ACC’s achievement against the 2012
The 2012 Independent Review of ACC’s Privacy and Security of Information
document provides extensive information on the context and objectives of the review
as well as information on the review recommendations’ scope and development.
The 2014 Independent Privacy Follow-Up Review document provides information on
the implementation of the review recommendations.
Both review documents are available on ACC’s website:
Your request for “
copies of all information and data related to the implementation of
the 44 privacy recommendations and findings including correspondence of all kinds
both internal and external, reports, minutes of meetings and the such-like stored in
hard-copy, electronic and ‘in the head’ format” covers a large amount of information
and sourcing this information would involve substantial collation and research.
Due to this, your request is refused under section 18(f) of the Act. However, if having
read the two review documents referred to above, you have further questions about a
particular aspect of the privacy recommendations, you may wish to make a new
request with a narrower scope.
You have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsman about our
decision. You can call them on 0800 802 602 between 9am and 5pm on weekdays,
or write to
The Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152, Wellington 6143.
Yours sincerely
Government Services