30 May 2016
Sadie Ford
[FYI request #4063 email]
Ref: DOIA 1516-1513
Dear Ms Ford,
Thank you for your email of 26 May 2016 requesting under the Official Information Act 1982, the
following information:
I am a PhD student and doing research on the economic impact of the limited talent pool in NZ. A
part of my research covers the hypothesis "New Zealand has more potential conflicts of interests due
to a limited talent pool".
I saw this week that the CEO of the Callaghan Institute has become a paid, non executive director at
WestPac and decided to research that specific case and the Callaghan Institute a bit further.
Can you therefore please provide the following information:
1) The formal policies for the senior leadership teams at Ministry of Business, Innovation &
Employment, Callaghan Institute and NZ Trade & Enterprise for holding non executive directorships
positions (both paid and not paid)
2) A list of the declared possible conflict on interests for the entire senior leadership teams at Ministry
of Business, Innovation & Employment, Callaghan Institute, NZ Trade & Enterprise.
3) The salary bands for the individuals with declared conflict on interest and the associated
directorship fees these individuals receive.
Your request is being processed in accordance with the Official Information Act 1982. If you have any
enquiries regarding your request, you may contact us via email at [MBIE request email] or
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Communications & Ministerial Services
Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment
PO Box 3705
Wellington 6140
Your request was received on 26 May 2016 and a response will be sent to you as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely
Alan Witcombe
Manager, Ministerial Services
Communications and Ministerial Services