21 July 2016
Bree White
via fyi.org.nz website
Dear Bree
Response to your OIA request
I refer to your request for information under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act),
which was received by the Department of Internal Affairs (the Department) on 05 June 2016,
and extended on 30 June 2016. You asked for the following information:
1. Have you ever conducted staff engagement surveys?
2. What staff engagement survey do you use or have you used: Kenexa, Gallup,
Winsborough, other, internally-developed?
3. How frequently have you been conducting staff engagement surveys up to the last
one you did?
4. If you haven’t done one in 2016, are you intending to conduct a staff engagement
survey in 2016, or whenever the next regularly scheduled survey is?
5. If the answer to questions 4) or 1) is “no”, why not? Please provide the
memorandum, meeting minutes and/or decision documenting the reason for not
conducting staff satisfaction surveys, discontinuing the survey, or changing the
frequency you conduct surveys.
6. Please provide the questions and complete results (e.g. agency level, directorate
level, team level) of your staff engagement survey from 2008 to 2016.
Please find below the information which falls within the scope of your request:
1. Yes, the Department conducts engagement surveys.
2. The Department uses the IBM engagement survey (formerly Kenexa, formerly JRA).
3. The Department has conducted annual engagement surveys since 2012.
4. The Department completed the 2016 engagement survey in March/April.
5. n/a
Your request for the questions and complete results is refused under section 18(d)
of the Act as the requested information is publically available on our website at the
following address:
Please note that the information that provides results at the agency and branch levels.
Results below the branch level are withheld under section 9(2)(a) of the Act in order to
protect the privacy of natural persons and under s9(2)(ba)(i) to protect information which is
subject to an obligation of confidence.
You have the right by way of complaint under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act
1982 to an Ombudsman, to seek an investigation and review of my decisions to withhold the
information referred to above.
Yours sincerely
Morag Woodley
Deputy Chief Executive
Shared Services Branch
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