Level 2, H Block
The Princess Margaret Hospital
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4160
Cashmere Road
Fax: 0064 3 364 4101
[email address]
7 July 2016
Alex Harris
Email: [FYI request #4119 email];
Dear Alex
Official Information Act request CDHB 9394
We refer to your email dated 8 June 2016 requesting the following information under section 12 of the
Official Information Act 1982.
The number of mental health patients currently detained in seclusion units
How long each has been detained for. I'm happy for this to be aggregated into bands (e.g. less
than one month, 1 - 3 months, 3 - 6 months, 6 months - 1 year and so on) in order to protect
privacy. If this would result in a refusal for substantial collation and research because there are
more than a hundred such detainees, I am happy to limit the statistics to those detained for more
than six months.
Alternatives to seclusion have been implemented across all services and our focus on reducing the use
of seclusion has shown a significant reduction over the past three years. Strong and effective nursing
leadership, staff dedication and commitment help to maintain the focus on reduction.
As at Friday 10 June 2016 the Canterbury DHB had one mental health patient detained in a seclusion
unit. This person was being cared for in the Forensic Mental Health Service and had been in seclusion
for two days and 23 hours (including breaks).
I trust that this satisfies your interest in this matter.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Gullery
General Manager,
Planning, Funding & Decision Support