Auckland Council closing statement version on 4 September 2015
Council's proposed changes are shown in strikethrough and underline
Black text changes record amendments proposed in Primary Evidence (either pre or post mediation)
Green text changes record all amendments agreed to in mediation (those amendments not agreed to
stay black)
Red text changes record amendments proposed in rebuttal evidence
Yellow highlighted text changes record amendments that are considered to be outside the scope of
Blue text changes record amendments proposed post hearing (eg right of reply)
Grey highlighted text changes records amendments that are consequential amendments from
previous hearings/evidence.
5.10 Agrichemicals and Vertebrate Toxic Agents (VTAs)
Agrichemicals are used by most primary producers and in many domestic or amenity situations for
weed, pest and disease control. When used correctly agrichemicals can make a positive contribution
to sustainable land use. People can use agrichemicals provided they do not result in adverse effects
on other people, the environment or property and are used safely and responsibly in accordance with
best practice. The Unitary Plan’s approach to the management of agrichemicals relies on the
provisions of the New Zealand Standard for the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409: 2004).
Meeting the requirements of this standard will ensure best management approaches to the use,
application, storage and disposal of agrichemicals.
VTAs are products that are designed to kill or control vertebrate pests such as rabbits and possums.
For managing VTAs, best practice is set out in the HSNO requirements.
1. Human health and the environment are protected from the adverse effects caused by the
Mike Harvey 24/3/2015 1:37 PM
inappropriate application, handling, transport, storage or disposal of agrichemicals and VTAs.
Comment [1]: Submitter 5431-129 Hort.NZ
1. Avoid significant adverse effects, and minimise other adverse effects on the environment from the
Mike Harvey 24/3/2015 1:37 PM
use of agrichemicals and VTAs including off-target spray drift, handling, storage, transport or disposal
Comment [2]: Submitter 5431-131 Hort.NZ
a. managing their application to prevent adverse effects on or near sensitive areas, including:
Mike Harvey 24/3/2015 1:39 PM
i. dwellings
Comment [3]: Submitter -233 Hort.NZ move
ii. education facilities
to rules
iii. marae and papakāinga
iv. hospitals and aged care facilities
v. amenity areas and public places
vi. sources of potable water including roof water collection
vii. non target crops, and flora and fauna sensitive to agrichemicals and VTAs
viii.v certified organic farms and farms applying for certification
ix. freshwater systems, CMA and SEAs
b. using where practicable, the least toxic and volatile agrichemical or VTA with the most harmless
adjuvant (substance used to improve their performance) suitable for the purpose
c. applying agrichemicals and VTAs in accordance with the product’s label, including specified rates
of application
d. using an application method that minimises spray drift, giving particular attention to the:
i. type of spray equipment used
ii. spray volume and droplet size
iii. direction of spraying
iv. height of release above the ground
v. weather conditions
vi. proximity to sensitive areas
vii. separation distances
e. considering the benefits and costs of alternatives to the use of agrichemicals and VTAs for plant
and animal protection.
2. Avoid adverse effects on human health and air, land, water, flora and fauna from off-target spray
drift or the application, handling, storage, transport or disposal of agrichemicals
Mike Harvey 24/3/2015 1:38 PM
Comment [4]: Submitter 5431-131 Hort.NZ
4.9 Agrichemicals and Vertebrate Toxic Agents (VTAs)
Agrichemicals are any substance, whether inorganic or organic, man-made or naturally occurring,
modified or in its original state, that is used in any agriculture, horticulture or related activity, to
eradicate, modify or control flora and fauna. They Agrichemicals includes agricultural compounds, but
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
excludes fertilizers, vertebrate pest control products and oral nutrition compounds.
Comment [5]: No submission style change
Vertebrate pest control products are referred to in this the Unitary Plan as Vertebrate Toxic Agents
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
(VTAs), which are substances used to eradicate, modify or control vertebrate animals such as
Comment [6]: No submission style change
possums, mustelids, rats, rabbits and deer.
These rules are consistent with the requirements of specific standards and quality assurance systems
including Growsafe® and the New Zealand Standard on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS
8409: 2004).
The rules in this section implement the objectives and policies in Chapter C and Section 5.10
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:28 PM
Agrichemicals and Vertebrate Toxic Agents (VTAs)
Comment [7]: Consequential to Topic 004
Linley Wilkinson's evidence, paragraph 12.5
1. Activity table
The following table outlines the status for discharges of contaminants to air, land or water from the
use of agrichemicals and VTAs.
All zones and
management areas
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:56 PM
Domestic users applications of agrichemicals to land: for
Comment [8]: Changes to activity table - No
submission, changes made to clarity the activity
home and garden purposes
description and order of activities in table has
been changed. Addition to "domestic uses" to
Domestic use of agrichemicals that do not comply with the
clarify that they only need to comply with
general controls.
permitted activity controls
Non-domestic uses applications of agrichemicals to land
Land based Application of VTAs
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Aerial Application of VTAs
Comment [9]: No submission adds clarity to
permitted activity controls also VTAs not
Application of agrichemicals directly into or onto water
considered to be agrichemicals
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Application of agrichemicals for Biosecurity purposes uses: P
Comment [10]: Submitter 6360-190
for the control of unwanted organisms under the Biosecurity
Act 1993
Non-domestic users Applications of agrichemicals and of
VTAs that do not comply with permitted activity controls
excluding aerial application in urban areas
Urban aerial application of agrichemicals in urban areas for D
non-domestic uses
Uses/applications of agrichemicals not otherwise provided
2. Permitted Activity Controls
2.1 General Controls - Domestic and non-domestic agrichemical use
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
The following controls apply to all permitted activities that discharge agrichemicals or VTAs to air and
Comment [11]: No submission aligns control
with rules
land including circumstances where the discharge may enter water or water.
Mike Harvey 18/5/2015 3:36 PM
Comment [12]:
1. The discharge must meets the general permitted activity controls listed below: of the air discharges
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:58 PM
section of the Unitary Plan. not result in:
Comment [13]: No submission adds clarity
for controls
a) any concentration of agrichemical beyond the boundary of the subject property or into water
that is likely to cause, significant adverse effects on human health, ecosystems or property, or
b) any offensive or objectionable odour, dust, vapour, droplets, visible emissions or particulate
beyond the boundary of the subject property.
2. All necessary steps are taken to avoid, remedy, or mitigate any possible adverse effects beyond
the boundary of the property.
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Comment [14]: Submitter 5431-232 Hort NZ
3. The discharge is not directly into water, including the CMA, a or a freshwater body unless the
chemical is approved by EPA for use over or into water bodies.
Mike Harvey 14/4/2015 2:23 PM
Comment [15]: Submitter
6360-190 DoC
4. The discharge is not directly onto or into water used for a potable water supply including roofs used
Mike Harvey 14/4/2015 2:24 PM
for water collection.
Comment [16]: Submitter
5. There is no aerial spraying in urban areas.
6. The agrichemical is used according to controls applied by HSNO.
5. There must be no significant adverse effects from off target spray drift beyond the boundary of the
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:08 PM
Comment [17]: No submission – this is an
7. The application and application rate must not exceed that specified on the product label and the
effects assessment and not appropriate in
product is used in accordance with label requirements. The application rate is in accordance with
the product label, manufacturer’s recommendations, safety data sheets or a maximium application
rate approved by the EPA.
Mike Harvey 18/5/2015 3:23 PM
Comment [18]: rebuttal
8. Applicators must keep all GPS records of aerial applications of agrichemicals for at least three
Mike Harvey 14/5/2015 12:36 PM
years and provide these to the council on request. The records must include the spray swaths and
Comment [19]: Out of scope Rebuttal
secondary flight paths.
evidence on advice of CAA
2.2 Non-domestic agrichemical applications use
Dana Danilova 14/4/2015 2:06 PM
Comment [20]: Consequential change from
1.Industry best practice must be used, including:
activity table.
a.the application of agrichemicals for non-domestic uses must comply with the following
sections of the New Zealand Standard on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS
8409:2004), including the following sections:
Dana Danilova 14/4/2015 2:57 PM
Comment [21]: Submitter 5431-234 – Appendix L4
ii.use – Part 5.3
iii.disposal – Appendix S
iv.records – Appendix C9; and
b.following all instructions on the agrichemical label, and
c.being suitably qualified and/or have a accredited through quality management assurance
systems that has regular external audits such as GROWSAFE® and AIRCARE™.
2. A spray plan is prepared annually for the area where the agrichemical will be applied. The following
must be identified:
a.the sensitive areas that may be affected.
b.any persons likely to be directly affected
c.the affected persons to be advised and provided with the spray plan at least 7 working days
prior to the first application date. If spraying is in amenity areas or public places, as defined
in New Zealand Standard on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004), then
advising adjoining neighbours is not required
3. Any person applying agrichemicals must be appropriately trained in agrichemical management,
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:33 PM
Comment [22]: Submitter 4236-15
3. Any person applying agrichemicals by a handheld application (a non-motorised sprayer carried on
foot) must:
a. be under the supervision of person holding the minimum qualifications in appendix X and
b. have received instruction on the New Zealand Standard Management of Agrichemicals NZS
8409:2004 from a person holding the minimum qualifications in appendix X.
Note: A Growsafe® Introductory Certificate is an example of a qualification that meets the supervision
requirement in rule 2.2.3.b.
4. Any person applying agrichemicals who uses a motorised application method and is not an
agrichemical contractor must:
a. hold a qualification that meets the minimum qualification requirements in appendix X or
b. be under the direct supervision of someone who holds a higher qualification meeting the
requirements in appendix X.
Note: A Growsafe® Introductory Certificate is an example of a qualification that meets the minimum
qualification requirement in rule 2.2.4.a. A Growsafe® Applied Certificate or Growsafe® Registered
Chemical Applicators' Certificate are examples of qualifications that meet the supervision requirement
in rule 2.2.4.b.
5. Any person undertaking ground based agrichemical application who is contracted to apply those
agrichemicals must:
a. hold a qualification that meets the requirements for contractors in appendix X or
b. hold a qualification that meets the minimum qualification requirements in appendix X and be
under the direct supervision of someone who holds a qualification that meets the
requirements for contractors in appendix X.
Note: A Growsafe® Registered Chemical Applicators' Certificate is an example of a qualification that
meets the requirement in rule 2.2.5.a and the supervision requirement in rule 2.2.5.b. A Growsafe®
Introductory Certificate is an example of a qualification that meets the minimum qualification
requirement in rule 2.2.5.b.
5a. Any person undertaking aerial agrichemical application must:
a. ensure that the pilot holds a Pilot's Chemical Rating issued under Civil Aviation Rule Part 61;
b. ensure that the aircraft company/organisation has a quality management system that has
regular external audits
Note: The accredited quality assurance systems provided by Growsafe® and Aircare® are
examples of quality management systems with requirements for quality management plans and
regular audits.
3. Any person who is contracted to apply agrichemicals and undertaking ground based application,
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:55 PM
must be: hold either:
Comment [23]: No submission simplifies
wording and adds clarity break 3 a,b,c into
sections 3,4,5
i. Growsafe ® Registered Chemical Applicator's Certificate; or
ii. a Growsafe® Introductory Certificate or an equivalent qualification and be under the
Mike Harvey 14/5/2015 10:29 AM
direct supervision of) a Growsafe® Registered Chemical Applicator;
Comment [24]: Rebuttal change
4. Any person who is contracted to apply agrichemicals using aerial application must ensure that the:
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:55 PM
Comment [25]: No submission simplifies
i.pilot holds a Pilot's Agrichemical Chemical Rating issued by the Civil Aviation
wording and adds clarity
Authority under Civil Aviation Rule Part 61; and
ii.the aircraft company/organisation must have a quality management system that has
regular external audit suitable accreditation for agrichemical application.
5. Any person applying agrichemicals who is not an agrichemical contractor must hold either:
i. Growsafe® Introductory Certificate; an equivalent qualification or
Mike Harvey 14/5/2015 10:31 AM
Comment [26]: Rebuttal changes under the direct supervision of person holding either a Growsafe® applied
certificate or a registered chemical applicator's certificate.
6.All agrichemicals must be securely contained and stored in accordance with the requirements of the
New Zealand Standard on Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004, Appendix L4).
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:46 PM
Comment [27]: Repeats requirement in
7.All mixing of agrichemicals must meet the requirements of the New Zealand Standard on
(2.2.1.a.i) above
Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004, s.5.3.2). There must be no spillage into or onto
soil or water.
8.Records must be kept in accordance with the requirements of the New Zealand Standard on
Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004, Appendix C9) and must be available to council on
9. In addition to the requirements for all applications, where the discharge will occur adjacent to
sensitive areas identified in the spray plan then the controls 10 to 15 must also be undertaken.
Sensitive areas include the following:
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Comment [28]: Submitter 5431 -233
i. dwellings
ii. education facilities
iii. marae and papakāinga
iv. hospitals and aged care facilities
v. amenity areas and public places
vi. sources of potable water including roof water collection
vii. non target crops, flora and fauna (such as bees) sensitive to agrichemicals and VTAs
viii. certified organic farms and farms applying for certification
ix. freshwater systems, CMA and SEAs
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
10.For where the application is in adjacent to sensitive areas that are not public places, to any
Comment [29]: Aligns with intent of controls
landowner or occupier of the sensitive area person likely to be directly affected by the application
which are concerned with discharges adjacent
to sensitive areas
and who has requested to be advised, must be advised either by:
a.written, telephone or email notification of intent to spray at least 24 hours prior to the
proposed application date, unless there is an alternative agreed timeframe between the
parties, or
b.where practical, publicly notify, by a method such as the local newspaper or letter drop, at
least seven working days prior to, but no more than one month before, the application date.
11. For where the application is in or adjacent to sensitive areas that are amenity or public places as
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:54 PM
defined in New Zealand Standard on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004):
Comment [30]: adds clarity
a.placeing a public notice in a local newspaper or letter drop in the area to be sprayed at least
seven working days prior to the application date ,and
b.placeing signs in the immediate vicinity of the spraying during the spray period and any
required stand down period afterwards, or where spraying is occurring on or alongside
roads, any vehicle associated with the spraying must display a sign on the front and rear of
the vehicle advising that spraying is occurring.
2.3 Non-domestic agrichemical uses
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:59 PM
Comment [31]: Submitters 5431-236, 6360-
12. A risk assessment prior to the application of agrichemical must be carried out to ensure adequate
196 seek the heading to be changed as its
meaning was unclear replaced by new control
measures, including reference to the Drift Hazard Chart (Table G1) in the New Zealand Standard
on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004), are in place to avoid adverse effects on
sensitive areas.
13. Agrichemicals shall only be applied when the wind direction is away from the sensitive area.
14. The application equipment must produce a spray quality no smaller than “coarse” according to the
New Zealand Standard on the Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004, Appendix Q).
15. The person applying the agrichemicals must demonstrate necessary steps are taken to avoid off-
target spray drift with reference to the New Zealand Standard on the Management of
Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004, Appendix G), and record each steps. Steps may include:
a. adding a spray drift reduction adjuvant to the spray
b. reducing the spray release height
c. increasing the droplet size (spray quality)
d. using spray modelling software.
2.4 Land-based application of VTAs
1. The application of VTAs must comply with all HSNO requirements.
2. There must be no discharge of VTAs beyond the boundary of the property or application area.
3. If the discharge of VTAs is occurring in an amenity area or public places, signs advising of the
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:54 PM
application must be placed in the immediate vicinity of the application during the period of
Comment [32]: Submitter 6360 197 – repeats
application and any required stand down period afterwards and until all baits have been removed
or become non-toxic.
2.5 Aerial application of VTAs
1. The application of VTAs must comply with all HSNO requirements.
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 4:07 PM
2. Best management practice must be followed to prevent the discharge of VTAs:
Comment [33]: Submitter 6360-198 MoC
suggested change for HSNO
a. beyond the boundary of the property or application area
b. within 10m of the bed of a river, over lakes, or a wetlands of more than 1ha.
Mike Harvey 22/4/2015 12:36 PM
Comment [34]: Submitter 6363 -199 MoC
3. If there will be discharge of VTAs within 50m of a sensitive area (see section 2.2.9) the person
responsible for the sensitive area and all adjacent (landowner) and any occupiers of the area must
be advised at least seven working days prior to, but no more than one month before, the
application date. The following information must be kept on record provided to occupiers and
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:54 PM
Comment [35]: No submission –existing
wording unclear
a. the application date and duration
b. the trade name and the chemical name of the vertebrate pest control product to be used
c. the method of application including whether the aircraft will be fixed wing or a helicopter
d. details of all safety precautions that will be taken
e. the name and contact phone number of those carrying out the application.
f. records must be of consultation and information provided must be kept and made available to
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:53 PM
council on request.
Comment [36]: No submission –existing
wording unclear
4. If the discharge of VTAs is occurring in an amenity area or public places, signs advising of the
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 4:08 PM
application must be placed in the immediate vicinity of the application during the period of
Comment [37]: Submitter 6360-198 MoC -
application and any required stand down period afterwards and until all baits have been removed
repetition of HSNO
or become non-toxic.
5. The operators must keep all GPS records of aerial VTA applications for at least three years and
provide these to the council on request. The records must include the spray swaths and secondary
Mike Harvey 14/5/2015 12:38 PM
flight paths.
Comment [38]: Out of scope Rebuttal
evidence control recommended by the CAA
6. The pilot must hold a Pilot's agrichemical Chemical Rating issued by the Civil Aviation Authority
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
under Civil Aviation Rule Part 61 and the aircraft company/organisation must have a quality
Comment [39]: Submitter 6363-200
management system that has regular external audits accreditation for VTAs.
Lynette 16/4/2015 7:15 PM
Comment [40]: Horticulture NZ 5431-238
Note: Application of some VTA’s may also require a Controlled Substance Licence issued by
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Comment [41]: Submitter 6363-200
Best management practices may include the use of GPS technology, positive airflow indicators on
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 4:09 PM
boundaries or direct boundary supervision by qualified people. The use of VTAs is subject to specific
Comment [42]: 6360- 201 MoC does not
requirements under HSNO and its regulations. Approval from the Medical Officer of Health and the
represent best practice
Department of Conservation may also be required.
Permission is required from the Department of Conservation for any VTA operation that is undertaken
on land administered or managed by the Department of Conservation.
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:51 PM
Comment [43]: More accurate version of
Permission is required from Medical Officer of Health whenever certain VTAs are used or applied in a
deleted section of note above
catchment area from which water is drawn for human consumption, or in any area where there is a
risk to public health, for example in places where the public has access as of right (eg parks).
2.6 The application of agrichemicals directly into or onto water
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:52 PM
Comment [44]: Submitter 6360-190,191 –
1.The substances, including any adjuvants must be approved by EPA under HSNO for discharge
consequential change
directly into or onto water and the discharge must comply with all the requirements under the HSNO
including the requirements covering the person in charge, training, signage, storage, emergency
2.The person authorising the discharge direct to water shall notify:
a. Every person taking water for potable supply within 1km downstream of proposed
discharge at least 12 hours prior to discharge occurring; and
b. Every resource consent holder for taking of water for public potable water supply purposes
downstream of proposed discharge at least 1 week before commencing discharge.
3. Discharge of agrichemicals directly into or onto water must be undertaken by persons who:
a. hold a qualification that meets the requirements for contractors in appendix X with an NZCE
certificate in agrichemicals in the aquatic strand or
b. hold a minimum qualification meeting the requirements in appendix X and be under the
direct supervision of someone who hold a qualification that meets the requirements for
contractors in appendix X with an NZCE certificate in agrichemicals in the aquatic strand.
Note: A Growsafe® Registered Chemical Applicators' Certificate is an example of a qualification that
meets the requirement in rule 2.6.3.a and the supervision requirement in rule 2.6.3.b. A Growsafe®
Introductory Certificate is an example of a qualification that meets the minimum qualification
requirement in rule 2.6.3.b.
3a. For discharge of agrichemicals directly into or onto water by aerial application:
a. the pilot must hold a Pilot's Chemical Rating Certificate issued under Civil Aviation Rule
Part 61 and
b. the application company/organisation must have a quality management system that has
regular external audits
Note: The accredited quality assurance systems provided by Growsafe® and Aircare® are examples
of quality management systems with requirements for quality management plans and regular audits.
3.Discharge of agrichemicals directly into or onto water can be carried out only by persons holding
a) a GROWSAFE Registered Chemical Applicators Certificate (National Certificate in
Agrichemical Aquatic strand) or hold a GROWSAFE® Introductory Certificate agrichemical
applicator and be under the direct supervision of a person holding a GROWSAFE Registered
Chemical Applicator Certificate (National Certificate in Agrichemical Aquatic strand)
agrichemical applicator (aquatic)
b) Aerial application –the pilot must hold a Pilot Chemical Rating Certificate issued under Civil
Aviation Rule Part 61 and the application company must hold accreditation for activity
4.Where the discharge is occurring in a public place signs shall be placed within the immediate
vicinity of the discharge prior to commencing and maintained until the discharge has ceased.
5.All users must keep records consistent with Appendix C9 of NZS8409:2004 Management of
Agrichemicals as evidence and information that provides an authentic record to verify that the
application of agrichemical(s) directly to water has been carried out in accordance with these
provisions. Such records must be provided to the council when requested.
2.7 Agrichemical for Application of agrichemicals for Biosecurity purposes
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
Comment [45]: No submission change aligns
1. The application of agrichemical for biosecurity purposes must be in accordance with the Biosecurity
the rules with controls
Act 1993.
2. In line with s. 7A(1) to (8) of the Biosecurity Act 1993 A copy of the public notice or declaration
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 3:53 PM
given by the responsible minister must be provided to the council at least 48 hours prior to any
Comment [46]: 5431-231 Hort NZ
application occurring, and the council is advised of the following:
a. organism to be eradicated
b. principal actions that are to be taken in the attempt to eradicate the organism
c. geographical area of the intended application
d. duration of the application
e. name of the agrichemical to be used
f. rate and method of application
g. details of all safety precautions that will be taken
h. the name and contact phone number of those carrying out the application.
3. Assessment - Restricted discretionary activities
3.1 Matters of discretion
The council will restrict its discretion to the matters below for restricted discretionary activities:
1. Compliance with Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1.
Mike Harvey 23/4/2015 4:11 PM
2. The location, nature, scale, timing, method and duration of the agrichemical or VTA application.
Comment [47]: Consequential change related
rewording of rules in activity table applied to all
matter of discretion
3. The nature of the areas sensitive to agrichemicals or VTAs that may be affected.
4. Any beneficial effects of the agrichemical or VTAs application.
5. Any effects on species which are not the target of the agrichemical or VTAs application.
6. Any effects on water quality including potable water.
7. Adverse effects or risks to human health or public use of the area.
8. Reference to Extent of compliance with relevant national regulations, nationally accepted
Mike Harvey 25/3/2015 5:06 PM
guidelines or codes of practice including compliance with the New Zealand Standard on
Comment [48]: No submission – the term
Management of Agrichemicals (NZS 8409:2004).
(reference to) does not imply any assessment
3.2 Assessment criteria
The council will consider the relevant assessment criteria below for restricted discretionary activities.
1. Whether the proposed application of agrichemical will adequately avoid or minimise adverse effects
(Refer Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1), including those associated with
handling, storage, transport or disposal of agrichemicals on human health and air, land, water,
flora and fauna.
2. Whether the agrichemical proposed is the least toxic and volatile agrichemicals are those using the
most harmless adjuvant (substance used to improve agrichemical performance) suitable for the
purpose (Refer Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1-2).
3. How the applicant has demonstrated compliance with manufacturers specifications (Refer
Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1).
4. The likely effectiveness of the proposed application in adequately minimises spray drift (Refer
Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1).
5. The likely effectiveness of other plant or animal management measures considered that that are
alternative to agrichemicals (Refer Auckland-wide Agrichemicals and VTA’s Policy 1).
Appendix X
Minimum qualification
Minimum qualification requirements are:
a. The training program and provider of such training should be regularly reviewed and appraised by
an external party to ensure on going quality and relevance of training.
b. The minimum training program should include:
i. Knowing and being able to describe:
The hazard classifications of agrichemicals to be used.
The adverse effects that could be caused by the agrichemicals to be used.
His or her obligations and liabilities under Acts of Parliament relative to the agrichemicals to
be used and their use.
Which regulations apply in respect of those agrichemicals, and where those regulations can
be obtained (including the relevant chapters of the Auckland Unitary Plan).
The content of NZS 8409: 2004 Management of Agrichemicals.
The precautions required to prevent injury to a person or damage to the environment
(including property).
The procedures to adopt in an emergency involving the agrichemicals to be used.
ii. Knowing and being able to demonstrate:
A working knowledge of the operating equipment (including protective equipment and
clothing) necessary to manage the agrichemicals being used.
The GROWSAFE® Introductory Certificate meets these requirements.
Higher qualification
higher qualification requirements are:
a. The training programme includes the minimum qualification requirements and the following:
First aid, health and safety, and emergency response.
HSNO Emergency Management and Preparedness procedures
Risk management
Planning agrichemical applications
Environmental effects, including spray drift minimisation.
Equipment calibration
Product label interpretation
Protective equipment selection and useKnowing and being able to demonstrate:
o Knowledge of agrichemicals, mode of action and use of additives and adjuvants
o Knowledge of spray plans
o Preparation and implementation of a health and safety plan for a workplace using
o Calibration of one type of motorised equipment
c. Attainment of the following qualifications:
NZQA unit standards (15189, 21558, 21560, 21565)
An approved handler’s certificate
d. The renewal of this qualification must include both theory and practical assessments
The Growsafe® Applied Certificate or a Growsafe® Registered Chemical Applicator Certificate meets
these requirements.
Commercial contractor training requirements are:
a. The training programme includes the minimum qualification and higher qualification requirements
and the following:
Preparing, implementing and monitoring spray plans
Supervision of staff and providing direction
Management of agrichemical applications
Managing safety of people and livestock
Nozzle selection and drift reduction
Notification requirements including signage
Transport, storage and disposal of agrichemicals
Selection, calibration and operation of application equipment for specific operations.
b. Attainment of the following:
NZQA certificate in agrichemical application
An approved handler's certificate
A minimum of 200 hours of practical application experience
c. The renewal of this qualification must:
i. include both theory and practical assessments
ii. be subject to an on-site audit by an independent third party auditor
iii. confirm that a review of the commercial contractor operations has been undertaken and
iv. confirm that the commercial contractor has undertaken continuing professional
A Growsafe® Registered Chemical Applicators Certificate meets these requirements.