19 August 2016
Ms Beryl Beauchamp
Email: [FYI request #4400 email]
Dear Ms Beauchamp
On 9 August you made a request via email and pursuant to section 12 of the Official Information
Act 1982 (the Act), asking for the following information:
Total number of portraits of Reserve Bank governors owned or held by the Bank.
Total spending on the commissioning and/or purchasing of portraits of Reserve Bank
governors incurred over the past five years.
The Reserve Bank owns 10 portraits of former Governors, and spending in the past five years on
such portraits was $12,500 – for a portrait of former Governor Dr. Alan Bollard.
You have the right to seek a review of the Reserve Bank’s decisions in relation to your request,
under section 28 of the Act.
Yours sincerely
Angus Barclay
External Communications Adviser
2 The Terrace, PO Box 2498, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
Telephone 64 4 472 2029 Online at www.rbnz.govt.nz