26 January 2017
Jake Preston
Sent by email:
[FYI request #4971 email] [email address]
Dear Mr Preston
Request for information
I refer to your Official Information Act 1982 (
OIA) requests dated 16 November 2016 where
you requested the following:
Request 1:
“[T]he total number of times that Southern Response and its agents and
sub contractors have used engineered resin to level homes on Port Hills Classified
Request 2: “
[T]he total number of times where Southern Response, its agents or
subcontractors, have recommended and implemented a repair using engineered resin
to relevel a house where the house has failed to relevel and remain level to within the
tolerances of NZS3644for a new house ( 10 mm).”
In response to your requests, we comment as follows:
Request 1
Southern Response does not record the requested information anywhere other than
individual build contracts. A search of each individual contract would be required in order to
determine the requested number. Accordingly, we refuse your request pursuant to section
18(f) of the OIA on the basis that the information requested cannot be made available
without substantial collation or research.
Request 2
We are aware of two such instances.
You are welcome to contact the Ombudsman about this decision. To do so, you can visit
their website -
http://www.ombudsman.parliament.nz/ .
Yours Sincerely
Kate Armstrong
Legal Risk Advisor