Level 1,
32 Oxford Terrace
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4160
Christchurch Central
Fax: 0064 3 364 4165
[email address]
23 February 2017
Antony Andrews
Email: [FYI request #5135 email];
Dear Mr Andrews
Re: Official Information Act Request CDHB 9535
We refer to your email dated 24 December 2016 requesting the following information under the Official
Information Act:
Please provide the total number of hospital beds from 2006 to 2016 at Canterbury District Health Board.
Yearly count will be great. Please note that the bed volume is the count of physical bed capacity (i.e. bed
spaces). The count includes beds, roller beds, lazy-boys etc. The data does not include patient occupancy
Please refer to the table below for the formally audited (physical) hospital bed numbers as at the end of the
2015/16 financial year.
Canterbury DHB Hospitals’ physical bed list 2015/16 audit Hospital / Ward
Christchurch Hospital
Total 565
Christchurch Women’s and Children
Total 201
Princess Margaret Hospital
Total 53 (including regional mental health)
Burwood Hospital
Total 264
Hillmorton Hospital
Total 144 (including regional forensics)
Ashburton Hospital
Total 52
Canterbury DHB Rural Health Services
Total 58
Grand total
(N.B. These figures exclude non-hospital beds such as aged residential care in rural settings and day patient
Please note that the Canterbury DHB has not previously conducted a formal annual audit of available (physical)
hospital beds. However, we understand that the Ministry of Health has already provided you with their annual
stocktake of DHB beds for 2013, 2014 and 2015. The bed numbers for the period (2006 to 2013) are not held by
the Canterbury DHB. We are therefore declining under 18(g) of the Official Information Act i.e. that the
information requested is not held by the Canterbury DHB.
Yours sincerely
Carolyn Gullery
General Manager,
Planning, Funding & Decision Support