6 Henderson Valley Road, Henderson, Auckland 0612
Private Bag 92250, Auckland 1142, New Zealand
Ph 09 355 3553
Fax 09 355 3550
28 February 2017
Jason Brown
[FYI request #5279 email]
Dear Mr Brown
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987
Thank you for contacting Auckland Transport (AT) on 26 January 2017 regarding failed MyAT
registrations on the AT website.
Our response to your request for information is as follows:
Auckland Transport upgraded its CRM (Customer Relationship Management) solution which went live
last month (16 January 2017). The issue that has been highlighted is known and is being worked on.
Are Auckland Transport monitoring the website for failed registrations?
If not, why not?
While we don’t have monitoring on the failed registrations, we are currently working with
our partners to identify the cause and look at options to rectify, including what effective
monitoring can be deployed.
If so, how many failed registrations have there been?
A manual review of the transaction logs indicates approximately 600 failed registrations
following the go live of the new version on 16 January. This includes a period of
approximately 24 hours where the Microsoft CRM solution was not interfacing correctly
with the registrations database due to a fault globally with the Microsoft Online solution.
Under the old system (prior to 16 January), it is not possible to review this information.
Who is responsible for handling the online registration elements on the AT website?
The registration process is automated between various elements of the Microsoft Office
365 solution and is supported by Microsoft and a local partner.
What are the costs associated with online registration – is it a private contract or
in-house project, or a bit of both?
We have a number of partners that are involved in the support of the solution, and these
costs have been withheld under section 7(2):
(b) protect information where the making available of the information—
(ii) would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person
who supplied or who is the subject of the information;
The registration process for MyAT comprises of the following solution elements:
• Microsoft CRM Online 2016
• Microsoft Identity Manager
• The Thales HOP card system
We trust the above information has addressed the matters raised however, should you believe that we
have not responded appropriately to your request, you have the right in accordance with section 27(3)
of the LGOIMA to make a complaint to the Office of the Ombudsman to seek an investigation and review
in regard to this matter.
If you have any further queries, please contact me on (09) 355 3553 during business hours, quoting
Local Government Official Information request number CAS-370105-V4N6B8.
Yours sincerely
Roger Jones
Chief Technology Officer