Rebecca Ewert
LLB (Otago), LLM (VUW), MBA (UoA)
Office of the Vice-Chancel or
22 Princes Street, Auckland 1142
Telephone: (64) (09) 3737599 ext 87746
[email address]
The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142, New Zealand
27 February 2017
To: Ti Lamusse
By email: [FYI request #5289 email]
Dear Ti Lamusse
I refer to your email of 27 January 2017, in which you requested information from the University of
Auckland relating to the postgraduate student computer laboratories. The University’s response fol ows.
Please name each postgraduate computer lab at the Auckland City Campus.
• 110 - 318B
• 110 - 334B
• 114 - G04
• 201E - 160
• 201E - 263
• 201E - 647
• 201E - 831
• 260 - 230
• 260 - 240
• 260 - 4105
• 260 - 416
• 260 - 477
• 260 - 5121
• 260 - 6121
• 301 - 407
• 303 - 255
• 404 - 311
• 421W - 401
2) For each lab, please break down by year since 2010 the number of recorded security patrols, ID checks,
and access card checks.
The requested information is not held by the University. This constitutes a refusal of your request under s
18(g) of the Official Information Act. University Security conducts daily patrols of University facilities, which
include computer labs.
3) Please release any security policy particular to the Arts Postgraduate labs in the HSB building.
There is no security policy particular to the Arts Postgraduate computer labs in the HSB building.
4) Is the University or security policy to more regularly patrol arts postgraduate labs over other postgraduate
No such policy exists.
5) Does the University or security believe that there is a greater threat to the safety of staff and students in
the arts postgraduate labs? If so, what is that threat or threats?
No such risk assessment exists. To the extent that this request is asking the University to form a view about
the risks to the safety of staff and students in the Arts Postgraduate computer labs relative to other
postgraduate computer labs, it is not a request for official information.
5) Has the University or security ever had a policy to more regularly patrol arts postgraduate computer labs
over other postgraduate labs?
No such policy exists.
6) Please release the number of security incidents that have been reported in each postgraduate computer
lab, broken down by year since 2010.
The current Security database cannot generate reports by specific room. Compiling the requested
information would require a staff member to manually review the Security database incident by incident.
Accordingly, this information cannot be made available without substantial collation or research. The
University considers that consulting with you would not assist you to make the request in a form that would
not require substantial collation or research. Further, neither fixing a charge for the request nor extending
the time limit would enable your request to be granted. Your request is refused under s 18(f) of the Official
Information Act.
7) Is it the University’s or security’s policy to lock students in rooms without their consent, if security has
deemed them to have behaved inappropriately?
No such policy exists.
8) Does the University or security believe it is within its rights to indefinitely detain those who security has
deemed to have behaved inappropriately?
This is not a request for official information.
9) Does the University condone any physical contact between security guards and students? If so, what
physical contact is acceptable? What physical contact is unacceptable?
This is not a request for official information.
Right to seek investigation and review
Your requests for documents that do not exist are refused under s 18(e) of the Official Information Act. You
have the right to seek an investigation and review of the University’s refusals of your requests by way of a
complaint to an Ombudsman under s 28(3) of the Official information Act.
Yours sincerely
Rebecca Ewert
General Counsel