By email
Shed 39, 2 Fryatt Quay
Pipitea, Wel ington 6011
PO Box 11646
12 April 2017
Manners Street
Wel ington 6142
T 04 384 5708
File Ref: OIAP-7-3334
F 04 385 6960
Iain Palmer
[FYI request #5582 email]
Dear Mr Palmer
Request for information OIA 2017- 035
I refer to your request for information dated 18 March 2017, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (GWRC) on 18 March 2017. You have requested the following
“In your draft annual plan, currently out for consultation, you plan to delay aspects of RS1
What aspects are being delayed?
What effects will this have to the Trentham - Upper Hutt double tracking work?
When is the double tracking expected to be completed and in service?
What work has been carried out on this the double-tracking project to date by either GWRC or
GWRC’s response follows.
The RS1 programme aims to maximise the use of current rolling stock by reorganising the peak rail
services to spread the load, and matching capacity and frequency with peak demand. To achieve
this, a number of KiwiRail owned (rail network infrastructure, including platform formations) and
GWRC owned (station and park and ride facilities) infrastructure changes need to be undertaken.
GWRC has already undertaken the Upper Hutt Station upgrade (out of a different budget), but
further GWRC owned infrastructure upgrades cannot occur until the KiwiRail owned upgrades are
The budget provisions in GWRC’s draft Annual Plan 2017/18 are in relation to the changes required
to the GWRC owned assets, and not in relation to upgrades required to the KiwiRail owned assets.
At this time, funding has not been secured for the upgrades to the KiwiRail owned assets, which is
likely to be obtained from the Crown.
Aspects of the RS1 programme being delayed
As indicated above, completion of the GWRC owned infrastructure improvements depends on
completion of the upgrades to the KiwiRail owned assets. As a result, all aspects of the RS1
programme (except Upper Hutt Station) have been deferred, as no funding is currently secured for
the necessary upgrades to the KiwiRail owned infrastructure.
The budgets for infrastructure improvements that are the responsibility of GWRC, and which have
been deferred include, for example, shelters on the third platform at Porirua, and shelters at
Trentham and Wallaceville.
Effects of the delay on the Trentham – Upper Hutt double tracking project
No funding was budgeted in the draft Annual Plan for the Trentham to Upper Hutt double tracking,
as it is part of the KiwiRail owned infrastructure improvements and requires Crown funding. As the
Crown funding is yet to be secured, this component of the RS1 is delayed.
Expected completion of the double tracking project
At this stage we are aiming for service improvements to be implemented on the Hutt Valley Line,
consistent with the RS1 concepts by 2020/2021, subject to funding being secured.
Progress on the double tracking project to date
GWRC and KiwiRail have included the double tracking project as part of a Crown funding bid for
the planned commencement of works in 2018/19. A decision about this funding is due in May 2017,
but current indications are that the double tracking portion of this application is unlikely to be
approved, and hence we will seek for it to be approved for the following financial year.
If you have any concerns with the decision(s) referred to in this letter, you have the right to request
an investigation and review by the Ombudsman under section 27(3) of the Local Government
Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
Yours sincerely
Wayne Hastie
General Manager
Public Transport Group