Planning and Funding
Telephone: 0064 3 364 4130
P O Box 1600,
Fax: 0064 3 364 4165
[email address]
27 March 2017
Fraser Thompson
Email: [FYI request #5610 email]
Dear Fraser
Re: Official Information Act Request CDHB 9591
We refer to your email dated 24 March 2017 to Canterbury District Health Board, requesting the following
information under the Official Information Act.
Most recent fee data the Canterbury DHB has access to for all primary care practices under them. By this
I mean the standard set of costs for someone enrolled in a practice to see a GP.
As required under the Official Information Act (1982), the Canterbury District Health Board will respond to your
request within 20 working days. Taking the Easter statutory holidays into account, you should receive a
response on or before 26 April 2017.
If a large amount of information has been requested or if the Canterbury District Health Board needs to consult
in order to make a decision, we may need to extend this date (this is provided for in section 15A of the Act).
We will advise you if such an extension is necessary.
Yours sincerely
Wayne Turp
Project Specialist