Student Accommodation – Halls of Residence
All Victoria’s Halls of Residence are rated above 67% New Building Standard and are re-inspected
after a major seismic event. Beca Consulting have undertaken a Level 2 Earthquake Rapid
Assessment for us, although in some instances the Building Owners may have engaged their own
Based on the results of our Level 2 inspections after the earthquake of 14 November 2016, it is their
opinion that the properties have not sustained any visible structural damage that would diminish
their structural capacity. This means that the buildings appear to be in no worse state than before
the earthquake.
Boulcott Hall
100% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Everton Hall
>67% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Helen Lowry Hall
> 67% NBS.
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Joan Stevens Hall
>67% NBS
Building assessment complete with no issues identified
Katharine Jermyn Hall
>67% NBS
Building assessment complete with no issues identified
Te Puni Village
>67% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
UniLodge – Stafford House
172% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Willis Street Hall - Cumberland House
70% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Willis Street Hall - Education House
100% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Victoria House
A number of buildings on site, all >67% NBS
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.
Weir House
William Weir Wing – 67% NBS, James Hutchinson Wing – 75% NBS, Te Whanau Wing -
>100% NBS.
Building assessment completed with no issues identified.