By email
PO Box 11646
Wellington 6142
142 Wakefield St
New Zealand
28 September 2012
T 04 384 5708
F 04 385 6960
Michael Koziarski
[FYI request #571 email]
Dear Michael Koziarski
I refer to your request for information dated 21 September 2012, which was received by Greater
Wellington Regional Council (Greater Wellington) on 21 September 2012. You have requested the
following information:
“Please provide the following information for all companies in the Creative HQ incubator
The calendar quarter when the company entered the creative HQ incubator
Whether the company is still resident in the incubator, or if not its graduation date
Whether the company is still trading
Whether the company has received any follow on funding, and if so, the resulting value of
Creative HQ’s shareholding
The number of full time equivalent employees the company has.”
Greater Wellington is transferring your request to Grow Wellington pursuant to section 12 of the
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act on the basis that this information is not
held by Greater Wellington but is more likely to be held by Grow Wellington.
Further correspondence will therefore come to you directly from Grow Wellington. In this regard
the 20 working day time limit for providing you with a substantive response to this request will
begin from the day after Grow Wellington receives this transfer.
Yours sincerely
Leigh-Anne Buxton
General Manager
People and Capability