21 June 2017
David Lawson
[FYI request #5981 email]
Dear Mr Lawson
Official Information Act request
Thank you for your request of 8 June 2017, asking for the following information under
the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act):
I respectfully request confirmation of the name and contact details (email and
contact ACC phone number) of the current ACC Legal Services Manager.
Our response The current ACC Legal Services Manager is Mike Mercier. His contact information is:
[email address]
Telephone: +64 4 816 7518
ACC is happy to answer your questions If you have any questions about the information provided, ACC wil be happy to work
with you to answer these. You can contact us at
[email address] or
in writing to
Government Services, PO Box 242, Wellington 6140.
You have the right to complain to the Office of the Ombudsman about our decision to
withhold some of the information. You can call them on 0800 802 602 between 9am
and 5pm on weekdays, or write to
The Office of the Ombudsman, PO Box 10152,
Wellington 6143.
Yours sincerely
Government Engagement & Support