22 September 2017
Tony Randle
[FYI request #6419 email]
Dear Tony
Request made under the Official Information Act 1982
Thank you for your email of 15 August 2017 asking for information in relation to work undertaken by
Let’s Get Wellington Moving. This request was made under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act).
On 13 September 2017 we advised that a decision had been made on your request and that a
response would be provided to you on or before 22 September 2017. In the same letter we advised
that some information in response to Questions 7-10 and 12 of your request was available on the
Let’s Get Wellington Moving website and we provided links to the corresponding parts of the website.
In response to the remaining parts of your request, I am able to advise that this information has since
been made publicly available on the Let’s Get Wellington Moving website.
The majority of your questions concern the process by which the initial long list of possible
interventions was generated, categorised and screened. This process is described in the following
documents, which together answer many of your questions.
Initial list of possible interventions
Please note that while this has been referred to as a list of ‘over 250 interventions’, it actually consists
of 229 possible interventions.
Design Workstream Note 1 – Intervention Longlist Screen
This document explains how potential interventions were initially generated, included in categories
of similar interventions and screened.
Design Workstream Note 2 – Scenario Longlist Development
This document explains how an initial list of investment scenarios was developed.
Long list of scenarios resulting from the above process
I am therefore refusing your requests for the information contained within these documents under
section 18(d) of the Act, as the information is now publicly available online.
While these documents together provide the majority of the information that you have requested,
specific response to your remaining requests are provided below.
Request 1
Can I please have a copy of the possible interventions referred to as the "initial long list of over 250
possible interventions" from "a workshop attended by some 25 officials/officers"?
The initial list of possible interventions has been provided above.
Request 2
Can I please have a copy of the agenda, minutes, attendee list, and also any supporting information
presented to the workshop meeting (or meetings) where the “initial long list of over 250 possible
interventions” were developed?
No formal minutes or agenda for this meeting exist other than Design Workstream Note 1 above, and I
am therefore unable to provide you with the information requested. This decision is made under
section 18(e) of the Act, which allows for the refusal of a request when the document alleged to
contain the information requested does not exist.
The list of attendees is described in Note 1 as “some 25 officials/officers representing the three
alliance partners, together with two members of the [Let’s Get Wellington Moving] team and two
consultants”. I am withholding the names of these individuals under section 9(2)(a) of the Official
Information Act 1982, in order to protect the privacy of natural persons.
With respect to the information that has been withheld, I do not consider there are any other factors
which would render it desirable, in the public interest, to make the information available.
Requests 3- 6
Can I please have a copy of the possible interventions referred to as "A further set of potential
interventions [...] added to the workshop list" from "the LGWM web feedback"?
Can I please have a copy of the possible interventions referred to as "A further set of potential
interventions [...] added to the workshop list" from "the LGWM phone survey"?
Can I please have a copy of the possible interventions referred to as "A further set of potential
interventions [...] added to the workshop list" from "the GWRC/WCC research panel survey"?
Can I please have a copy of the possible interventions referred to as "A further set of potential
interventions [...] added to the workshop list" from "the NZTA record of stakeholder comments
All of the feedback, from all sources, along with the ideas they generated, are available here:
I am therefore refusing your requests for the information contained within these documents under
section 18(d) of the Official Information Act 1982, as the information is publicly available online.
Requests 7- 10
Can I please have a copy of any report or other information that outlines, for each possible
intervention, which category group the intervention was assigned?
Can I please have a copy of the complete "collected list of possible interventions" that "was
subsequently assessed by a transport planning and evaluation group"?
Can I please have a copy of the interventions that were assessed as "candidates to be included in
possible scenarios and programme options"?
Can I please have a copy of the interventions that were assessed as "not be considered further within
this context" and the reason why the transport planning and evaluation group decided the individual
intervention was not to be considered further"?
All of this information is provided in the ‘list of possible interventions’ above.
Request 11
Can I please have a copy of the process used to consolidate and assess the possible interventions long
This process is explained in the Design Workstream Notes above.
Requests 12- 13
Can I please have a copy of the members of the "transport planning and evaluation group" that
assessed the intervention long list and whose purpose was "determine which interventions should be
candidates to be included in possible scenarios and programme options and which, for a range of
reasons, should not be considered further within this context." For the sake of clarity I would like the
name, job title, organisation they represent and organisation who employed each member of the
"transport planning and evaluation group".
Can I please have a copy of the agendas, minutes, attendee lists, and also any supporting information
presented to, for any and all meetings of the "transport planning and evaluation group" where the
interventions that were assessed as either "candidates to be included in possible scenarios and
programme options" or "not be considered further within this context"?
The assessment of the initial intervention long list was carried out by our Design Workstream as part
of their normal business practice, and not at any formal meetings. As such, no agenda, minutes or
attendee lists exist, and I am therefore unable to provide you with the information requested as it does
not exist. This decision is made under section 18(e) of the Act, which allows for the refusal of a
request when the document alleged to contain the information requested does not exist.
The Design Workstream consists of technical experts from the three partner organisations (the NZ
Transport Agency, Wellington City Council and Greater Wellington Regional Council). I am withholding
the names and job titles of individual members of the Design Workstream under section 9(2)(a) of the
Act in order to protect the privacy of natural persons.
With respect to the information that has been withheld, I do not consider there are any other factors
which would render it desirable, in the public interest, to make the information available.
Under section 28(3) of the Official Information Act 1982, you have the right to apply to an
Ombudsman for an investigation and review of the decision to withhold this information. The address
Office of the Ombudsmen
PO Box 10152
If you would like to discuss this response with the Let’s Get Wellington Moving programme, please
email [email address]
Yours sincerely
Barry Mein
Programme Director
Let’s Get Wellington Moving