This is an HTML version of an attachment to the Official Information request 'Non-enforcement of disciplinary action'.

Tony Avery
Mike Theelen; Vanessa van Uden
RE: Blair Devlin - Conflict of Interest
Tuesday, 26 July 2016 6:08:00 PM
Dear Annie
I have now been able to get some further background on the Conflict of Interest concern that
you emailed me about.
As I understand it, you have raised this concerns with a  number of different people here at the
council in recent times, including the previous Chief Executive, and the consistent response you
have had is that there is no conflict of interest in this case.
Blair did not have a personal relationship with the applicants.  He knew who they were slightly as
their children went to the same kindergarten.  That does not constitute a situation where a
conflict would arise.
While I realise you are unhappy with the decisions taken by Council previously in respect of the
adjoining property, there is no conflict of interest issue generated by any actions by Blair in his
Kind regards
Tony Avery
General Manager | Planning &
Queenstown Lakes District Council
DDI: +64 3 441 0461  | M:027 498 2473
E: [email address]
From: Tony Avery 
Sent: Friday, 22 July 2016 2:04 PM
Cc: Mike Theelen; Vanessa van Uden
Subject: RE: Blair Devlin - Conflict of Interest
Dear Annie
I did receive your email on Wednesday but was unable to respond to it then and I’ve been off
sick since then, so my apologies for not responding to it.
I will look into this as soon as I can but I cannot give you a timeframe for a response until I know

more about the issues raised.
I will be in touch.
Kind regards
From: ANNIE WESTON [mailto:[email address]] 
Sent: Thursday, 21 July 2016 10:02 AM
To: Tony Avery
Cc: Mike Theelen; Vanessa van Uden
Subject: Re: Blair Devlin - Conflict of Interest
Hi Tony,
I heard QLDC’s server had issues yesterday and wanted to check you received my email.
 Please can you confirm or not.
And when might I expect a reply please?
From: Annie Weston <[email address]>
Date: Wednesday, 20 July 2016 11:46 am
To: <[email address]>
Cc: <[email address]>, Vanessa van Uden
<[email address]>
Subject: Blair Devlin - Conflict of Interest
Dear Tony,
I would like to make an official complaint please and have been directed to you.
I believe that Blair Devlin, then Resource Consenting Manager, did not declare a conflict of
interest with regard to RM130501.  
The applicants of RM130501 have been allowed to get away with the following:
A non-compliant retaining wall
Inaccuracies on their resource consent application
Inaccurate plans attached to their resource consent
A breach of their resource consent
A breach of the District Plan Rules
Offences under the Reserves Act
QLDC have not yet given me a reasonably satisfactory explanation as to why they have been
exempted from abiding by the law at the expense of my affected person rights.
Blair Devlin has a personal relationship with the applicants of RM130501.  I would like this
association officially investigated please and I would like to know why it does not constitute a
conflict of interest as defined under QLDC’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
Kind regards, Annie

Annie Weston | Line Producer
PO Box 2444 | Queenstown 9349 | New Zealand
Cell +64 21 453 037 | Skype anniequeenstown