18 October 2017
Health Sector Workers Network
[FYI request #6681 email]
To whom it may concern,
Official Information Act Request 1982
I write in response to your Official Information Act Request dated 11 October. You requested the
following information:
In the 2015-2016 OPCAT “Monitoring Places of Detention” report, there were a number of
recommendations made to mental health inpatient units in the Auckland region. The Office of the
Ombudsman's report within the OPCAT document states 14 recommendations were made to Tiaho
Mai inpatient unit.
Could you please provide us with the details of those 14 recommendations?
1. Privacy blinds in seclusion rooms should be repaired or replaced.
2. The Seclusion Policy needs to be updated and a quality assurance framework applied to the
completion of seclusion paperwork.
3. All staff should be up-to-date with their Safe Practice Effective Communication (SPEC) training.
4. The Unit needs to develop a locked-door policy.
5. The DHB’s Complaint Policy should be readily available in the Unit, and in the service users’
admission pack.
6. A regular audit of Mental Health & Addiction (MHA) paperwork should be undertaken.
7. Service users should be invited to or receive a copy of the outcome of the Multidisciplinary
Team (MDT) review.
8. Lounges/ day rooms should not be used as bedrooms.
9. Replace worn and damaged soft furnishings, curtains and privacy blinds.
10. Service users should have greater access to programmes/ activities both on and off the unit.
11. The telephone in Kuaka ward should be relocated.
12. Management should address the safety concerns relating to staffing levels.
13. There should be a set, advertised meal times for the Unit.
Counties Manukau District Health Board
19 Lambie Drive, Manukau, Auckland 2104 | Private Bag 94052, Manukau, Auckland 2241
T: 09 276 0000 | cmdhb.org.nz
14. Information on sensory modulation and how to access it should be made available for service
I trust this satisfactorily answers your request.
Yours sincerely
Gloria Johnson
Chief Executive (Acting)
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