From: Philippa Beckman
Sent: Friday, 6 October 2017 8:56 a.m.
To: '[email address]' <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Regional Water Zone Management Committees [#18]
Good morning Matt
I have an apology to make. The application period is still open so I can’t give any further
information on the selection workshop for the Christchurch West Melton Zone committee yet,
but I did give you the wrong date for it. The workshop will be held in the evening of 30 October
not 2 November.
My sincere apology for the error.
Best wishes
From: Philippa Beckman
Sent: Monday, 18 September 2017 2:13 p.m.
To: '[email address]' <[email address]>
Subject: RE: Regional Water Zone Management Committees [#18]
Good afternoon Matt
Thank you for your application to become a community member of the Christchurch West
Melton Zone Committee. Your interest is much appreciated and your application will be
forwarded to the selection panel.
The next stage in the selection process is that shortlisted candidates will be invited to a
workshop in which they will meet with each other and the panel, and have an opportunity
to make a short presentation and discuss water management issues. The final selection
will be made immediately after that workshop. The Christchurch West Melton workshop is
scheduled for the evening of 2 November (tbc).
You will be given further information about this once the selection team have drawn up
their shortlists and details finalised.
Best wishes
From: Environment Canterbury
[mailto:[email address]]
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2017 1:06 PM
To: Philippa Beckman
Subject: Regional Water Zone Management Committees [#18]
Name *
Matthew Percival
Email Address *
[email address]
Contact Number *
Address *
9/48 Chester St West
Central, Canterbury Christchurch
New Zealand
Select the committee you are
Christchurch West Melton
applying for
Please describe why you are
Why is a great question, to be part of governing a
interested in becoming a member of sustainable water and ecosystem, now and in the future
the water committee.
Please list the relevant skills,
I have a mechanical engineering certificate, 20 years in
experience and area of interest that the process engineering industry, a masters in business
you would bring to the committee,
degree and significant project management experience. I
and how that will complement the
am also now working with council for the asset
skills and areas of interest of those
management shared service group. I am also a director of
members whose membership of the my own company and have governance experience and
committee continues.
knowledge from this.
What is the nature of your
I love kayaking and scuba diving, I am a certified scuba
connection to Canterbury or a
diving instructor and know first hand how the water and
particular zone? Describe your
ecosystem has a connection with life over most living
special relationship (if any) with the
Please provide information
As part of my project management experience, I have had
regarding your experience of
to gain buy in from operation staff, residents and project
working within collaborative
staff, at times this can be ambiguous and hard to define
processes involving people with
the main value to all stakeholders
widely different views. Describe the
project and your role. (The projects
do not need to be related to water
Please provide information
As part of a new dairy factory in Otago, numerous
regarding your experience of
meetings and discussion were held to canvas the local
engaging with communities.
community with respect to resource consent. I was
Describe the project, who you
engaged by the project management company and i was
engaged, and your role. (The
the construction site manager
projects do not need to be related to
water management).
Please provide information
Multiple projects (programme) of works for dairy
regarding your experience of
companies both in Australia and NZ
projects or situations that involved
technically-complex information
and/or involved many different
parties. Describe the project and
your role. (The projects do not need
to be related to water management).

Please list any organisations or
I am the national mentoring programme manager for the
groups which you belong to or have project management institute
an association with that are relevant
to your application. List the
organisation/group and your role.
Highlight any
organisations/communities that
have indicated they would provide a
“community of
support” for you as a committee
Please list any potential interests or
Working in council may be a potential COI, but I do not
conflicts of interest you may have
work in the water space as part of my role
either directly or indirectly if you
were to be appointed to the water
Please upload a short Curriculum
Vitae with information of your
experience and background.
matthew_robert_percival_aug_2017.pdf 18.24 KB ·
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