24th November, 2017
Mr Matthew Percival
By email: [FYI request #6789 email]
Dear Mr Percival,
Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (“LGOIMA”):
Request for Information
I refer to your request via fyi.org.nz dated 03/11/2017 for information on applications for the
Christchurch West Melton Water Committee. Your request has been referred to me to reply.
In response to your specific request for
“discussions, notes, emails, number of positions
available and decision-making criteria of the applicants for the Christchurch West Melton Water
Committee and who the prospective appointees are”, attached is all the information
Environment Canterbury holds on this matter.
Attachment 1: Email to you from Philippa Beckman dated 18/09/2017 thanking you for your
application and explaining the next stage. Email to you from Philippa Beckman dated
06/10/2017 apologising for giving you the wrong date for the workshop.
Attachment 2: Invitation to attend the Selection Workshop sent to you on 16/10/2017.
Attachment 3: CWMS Committee Refreshment - Selection Panel briefing for Christchurch
West Melton Zone Committee. This document contains all the information we hold about the
decision-making criteria (pages 2-3) and the number of positions available (page 1).
Attachment 4: Email from Lesley Woudberg advising of the selection panel’s decision not to
recommend you for the Zone Committee.
Names of Prospective Appointees: We cannot provide you with the names of the prospective
appointees because they have not been formally appointed yet. We are relying on section
17(d) of LGOIMA, as the information requested will be made publicly available once the
appointments have been made by Environment Canterbury, Christchurch City Council and the
Selwyn District Council. This matter is on the agenda for Environment Canterbury’s
14 December Council meeting.
You will be aware that if you are not satisfied with this response you are able to refer this matter
to the Office of the Ombudsman under s27 (3) of LGOIMA.
Should you require any further information or clarification, please do not hesitate to contact
Sonya Mitchell in the first instance -
[email address] or 027 836 7557.
Yours sincerely,
Jill Atkinson
Director Strategy and Planning
File Number: GOVE/INQU/OMBU/203642