Corporate Services
31 January 2018
Health Sector Workers Network
Via email:
[FYI request #7000 email]
Dear Sir/Madam
I refer to your request dated 13 December 2017 where you requested from the Hawke’s Bay District
Health Board (HBDHB) all policy documents relating to restraint practices at HBDHB.
You have specifically requested the following information:
Are there instances in the last year (June 2016 to June 2017) of the use of mechanical restraints? (ie.
strapping arms to bed) this is also referred to as physical restraint.
Can you please provide this data for both physical and mental health services and identify the
service associated with this data?
This data should be recorded in a Restraint Register and specify the type of restraint used (ie wrist
strap) and the start and finish times of each individual mechanical/physical restraint. Obviously the
presentation of this data should be anonymised for the protection of privacy.
In response HBDHB provides the following to the three questions posed:
Between June 2016 to June 2017 (12 months), the total restraint events are:
Mental Health = 140
Other Locations = 94
Requested documents and spreadsheet information has been attached to this email as Appendix A.
Requested documents and spreadsheet information has been attached to this email as Appendix B.
Please note that
‘start and finish times’ are not provided to the requestor as this would require a
manual seach.
Please also find attached as Appendix C the following policy relating to restraint practices at HBDHB:
“Restraint – Approval and Management to Enhance Safe Restraint”
I trust this information meets your needs. If you would like any further information or clarification please
phone me. If you are not satisfied with this response you may contact the Office of the Ombudsmen,
phone 0800 802 602.
Yours sincerely
Dr Kevin Snee
Ministry of Health via email: [email address]
C H I E F E X E C U T I V E ’ S O F F I C E
Hawke’s Bay District Health Board
Telephone 06 878 8109 Fax 06 878 1648 Email
: [email address];
Corporate Office, Cnr Omahu Road and McLeod Street, Private Bag 9014, Hastings 4156, New Zealand